App Update doesn't show up under 'App Store Updates' [closed] - ios

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Apple just approved my update for my app but it doesn't show under the updates page of the app store. You have to manually go to the app page on the store and there is a cloud icon that appears that will download the update.
I named the first version of my app 6.1 for some reason, don't know why. And my update is version 2.0. Is this the reason? And if so, can i change the version number of the first to 1.0.

Apple never publishes the updates / new apps right after ready for sale. You have to be a bit patient and wait for about a day or something.
Also, it does not matter how you name your app versions. It can be whatever number you want it to be. Apple just recommends using numbers that make sense but they won't do anything about it.
Hope that helps :)


App disappeared from AppStore [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I published my first App a few days ago (actually: two Apps; one Ad-free Version for Pricetier 1 and a free Version with Ads), and after the initial ~24 hours to show up in the AppStore it could be found by searching for "Dotoro" (the name of the App).
That was until yesterday afternoon. Since then, the App is nowhere to be found when searching from an iOS-Device:
I have not made any changes to the App after the initial release and iTunes Connect lists it as "ready for sale".
However, the direct Links on a Mac/PC do still work:
Is there anything i can do about this? What's the reason an App can't be found by the search anymore?
EDIT: The Apple support status website is now showing an issue for the app store, starting at 11 AM. The issue seems to be fixed at 7:30 AM
You can check Apple servers issues on this website.Today seems to be a normal day.
I advise you to open a support ticket. I check your apps on my Ipad and can not get them too. However, the autocomplete form shows me your two app names.
Hope it will help !

Is it alright to enforce users to update an ios application on their devices? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I was just wondering what are the guidlines and policies about updating an app on app store? Are we allowed to enforce the users to upgrade their applications programatically?
I'd like to give you some key-points, that might be useful in yours app-update strategies.
Non forced update: (1.X.X) You can use this strategy when you updated your app slightly and updating to it will provide user more delight product. Then you might use simple UIAlertView with notification about new version update and it's features and OK|Cancel buttons, that lead to appStore. This notification can be shown, for example, every time user launches the app. Every applicationDidBecomeActive call can ask your server for actual information about new version
Forced update (2.x.x) you might find it useful, when you made breaking changes on your server-side or you decided to stop supporting some old versions of the app. Then after server-call and retrieving information about app deprecation a modal viewcontroller can be shown with only button, that leads to AppStore and text, that informs about new version available.
Both of these scenarios are used in my apps, and I've never had any troubles with Apple's policies.

Can I update an iOS app to add advertisements? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Does Apple reject updates to apps that do little other than implementing iAds? Has anybody done this? There's nothing explicitly stated in the guidelines, but I understand how it could be seen as annoying, and Apple has a "we'll know it when we see it" rule about bad App Store submissions.
My update would add a new feature and fix a few issues too. I don't care about losing users because the app in question is my app for testing the waters before I release my serious one.
You can update your app solely to add iAd banners. You also say you are going to fix issues as well, so even more reason why it shouldn't be rejected.

Removing an IOS app from the app store- from an existing user's perspective [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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We are "Removing From Sale" an iOS App currently available on the AppStore. I am curious how this works from the perspective of people who have downloaded the app. I assume the previously downloaded App will keep working but is there a way (e.g., via an Upgrade) that we can let people know that App is no longer support and give them the option to remove it? Are there any best practices when removing an App so you don't piss off people who already use it (given that at some point it will break).
Your best bet is to release one more update to the app, notifying the user of the pending removal from sale. You could do this using a UIAlertView on launch, or in any number of ways. You could also update the App Store description to call users' attention to the pending deletion. If you simply remove the app from sale, existing users will keep their copy but will not be notified that it has been removed from sale.

Add in-app purchase items to next version while current version is under review [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have submitted an App to the AppStore and it's awaiting review. In the meantime I'm working on adding in-app purchases for the next version of the App. To do that I need to add them in iTunes Connect for testing purposes.
I'm unsure if adding the IAP is going to somehow affect the current version (which is currently awaiting review)?
Anyone knows how to handle this situation? Must be quite common?
thank you.
Your app starts with a list of potential IAP items that are passed to the IAP sdk to get the info. As the new items shouldn't be in the list for the old version of your application, I don't see how they would impact it. If you retrieve the list from a server, you need to make sure you return the correct list for each version of the app in any case. If you don't have that logic in place, then things could get confused but it needs to be fixed anyway (imagine users who don't upgrade).
no it wont affect the app review
