Where do I add App Icon for iPad Pro? - ipad

From iOS Developer Library updated 2015-11-05:
"With the exception of the App Store icon—which must be named iTunesArtwork—you can name your icons anything you want. Use image asset entries in your Xcode project for your app’s icon files. To add icons, assign the corresponding image files to the image assets of your project. At build time, Xcode adds the appropriate keys to your app’s Info.plist file and places the images in your app bundle. iOS chooses an icon based on whether its size is appropriate for the intended usage. To learn more about asset catalogs, see Asset Catalog Help."
I'm using Xcode 7.1 and there are NO spaces for App Icons for iPad Pro. Someone said they were using the Xcode 7.2 beta and still NO iPad Pro information in asset catalog.
I read on this site to add CFBundleIconFiles~ipad in info.plist but that didn't work.
How do I add the 167x167 app icon for iPad PRO?

Xcode 7.2 release now contains iPad Pro app icon with size of 83.5 x 83.5 points, #2x, which results in icon of size 167*167.


Livecode iOS ERROR ITMS-90022 Bundle does not contain App Icon

I made an iPhone app in Livecode 9.6.1 and I saved it as a standalone app with all .png Icons and Splash screens uploaded in the respective sizes in the Standalone Application Settings.
I made the .ipa file and submitted it via Application Loader (also tried Transporter) and I got this error.
ERROR ITMS-90022: "Missing required icon file. The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '120x120' pixels, in .png format for iOS versions >= 7,0. To support older versions of iOS, the icon may be required in the bundle outside of an asset catalog. Make sure the Info,plist file includes appropriate entries referencing the file. See
Same error for 76x76 and 152x152 pixels
I'm not sure if the following is of help, but I noticed
- this is only the resolutions for the iOS 7 device icons?
- when I put the app onto a simulator or my personal iPhone device the app works fine and the splash screens work. But the app icon still displays as the default white one.
- if I right click on the .app file and show package contents I can see all the splash images but not any of the icon images files
- I can't open the .app file in Xcode to add these icon images to Info.plist
Mac Catalina Version 10,15,3
iPhone X IOS 13,3,1
LiveCode 9,6,0 (dp3)
Xcode 10,1 & 11,3 placed in the iOS SDKs
it seems like you forgot to include the app icon or it isn't in the correct resolution. Check your icon settings and make sure you include the icon for iOS 7 Hi-Res iPhone. It could also help to name your app icons correctly by adding the suffixes #2x and #3x to indicate high-res versions.
This means you have to make sure the following icons are present:
iPhone: "MyAppIcon.png" (60x60)
iOS 7 Hi-Res iPhone: "MyAppIcon#2x.png" (120x120)
iPhone 6 Plys: "MyAppIcon#3x.png" (180x180)

XCode 6.3.1 Launch Images Source not working with asset catalog

XCode 6.3.1
iOS 8.3
iPhone 5S
I created a new Game Application ( SpriteKit ) in XCode and specified Swift as the language.
Added launch image using asset catalog
Deleted LaunchScreen.xib from info.plist
Changed Launch Images Source in target->general to point to asset catalog
When I launch the app on my phone I get a black screen for a few seconds and then the app shows up.
How do I specify a launch screen in XCode that supports iOS 7 & 8?
1) Check if you have select your App Icon inside your target
2) Verify you have ALL images in your app icon set. (I'm exclude Watch Icons and Car Play, but if you need it you must add it inside your icon set)

Launch Image Error - Cannot upload ios app created using adobe AIR into ios app store

i have created a simple ios app using adobe flash CC and AIR SDK 16. The app is tested well and working fine in my iphone 5C. And i have successfully filled all the informations in the iTunes Connect. And uploaded all the necessory images like icons and screenshots for 4.7, 5.5, 4, 3.5 inch displays and iPad . But when i try to upload the '.ipa' using the application loader it gives me the error
ERROR ITMS-90096: "Your binary is not optimized for iPhone 5 - New iPhone apps and app updates submitted must support the 4-inch display on iPhone 5 and must include a launch image with the -568h size modifier immediately following the portion of the launch image's filename. Launch images must be PNG files and located at the top-level of your bundle, or provided within each .lproj folder if you localize your launch images. Learn more about iPhone 5 support and app launch images by reviewing the 'iOS Human Interface Guidelines' at 'https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/MobileHIG/IconsImages/IconsImages.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40006556-CH14-SW5' and the 'iOS App Programming Guide' at 'https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/iPhone/Conceptual/iPhoneOSProgrammingGuide/App-RelatedResources/App-RelatedResources.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007072-CH6-SW12'."
i do not know what does it means. Can some one please help me
thanks in advance.
Specifically using Flash Pro CC...
Click the Publish Settings button in the Publish panel.
Then click the wrench button next to the Target dropdown menu.
Click the General Tab, then the + button for Included files:
Browse to and select your iPhone 5 Default image (which must be named correctly) Here's a handy list of image names:

Launch Image Xcode 6 iOS 7 warning

In my iOS project i have put iOS 7.1 as Deployment Target, but know i have this warning:
Applications using Launch Screen Files and targeting iOS 7.1 and earlier need
to also include a Launch Image in an Asset Catalog.
i have add in the images.xcassets the LaunchImage Folder, and i have add the Launch Image for the 4-inch screen, but i still have the warning, how i can do to solve it?
EDIT: this is the target setting:
You have not set the launch Images Source so iOS 7 has now idea where to get the images from.
Set this to asset catalog where you have added the launch screens, iOS 8 will use the Launch Screen File if both are set.

iPad iOS 7 Icon for a "iPhone only" app

So here is my situation:
I have an iPhone app that is "iPhone only" I have separate icons for iOS 6 and iOS 7. When the app is downloaded on iPad with iOS 7, the iOS 6 is showing. Which icon size do I need to change in order for the iOS 7 icon to be shown on an iPad? I don't have iPad icon sizes showing because it is a "iPhone only" app and I would not like to use the "Asset catalog" because I am not familiar with it.
You need not really worry about how to pass exact size icons for app (be it any iOS-Device combination). The Asset catalog is your right answer & it takes care of everything you are here confused with. You just need to come out of your comfort zone of passing images manually. Once you use the Asset catalog, you will never look back.
Read my answer of understanding Asset catalog here.
Now take deep breathe & open asset catalog.
