Unable to reproduce the issue reported by apple app store review team - ios

I have a live app in app store that was published before iOS 9.0 was released. Then we submitted an update after iOS 9 was released. App got rejected with following reason "The app hangs on a load screen unless the user closes the app and relaunches"

We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPad
running iOS 9.1 and iPhone running iOS 9.1 on both Wi-Fi and cellular
The app hangs on a load screen unless the user closes the app and
The steps to reproduce are:
Launch app
A screen with the apps logo will appear indefinitely
Close app
Launch app again and a login screen will appear
I can't reproduce the issue from my side. I tried to reproduce this using following 2 ways.
1. From itunes
Copied ipa to itunes Apps in my mac.
Connected iPhone running iOS 9.1 on both Wi-Fi and cellular networks.
Installed ipa to above mentioned device.
After completing the install, Launch app
A screen with the app logo will appear after that login screen will appear.
2. Tried as an internal tester from itunesconnect (TestFlight)
Connected iPhone running iOS 9.1 on both Wi-Fi and cellular networks.
Installed ipa from Testflight app.
After completing the install, Launch app
A screen with the app logo will appear after that login screen will appear.
Now we replied to appstore that we can't reproduce the issue. But it seems they will take time to reply for us. So am trying to get suggestions from all.

Did you delete the app from the iOS device (and perhaps reset the device and all Privacy warnings) before installing and testing the app? Did you try testing the app with the device in Airplane mode (bad or no connectivity during launch)?


Bypass iPad check in App Store review [iPhone only]?

I released an update for my app in App Store.It got rejected.Following was the reason:
Binary Rejected Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness Your
app crashed on iPad running iOS 14.1 on WiFi when we tapped on any
My app is meant for iPhone only & doesn't require iPad support.Is there any way to bypass this iPad check in review?Any way to build only for iPhone?
Apple team installs app on iPad and test it so no matter your app supports iPad or not the app will be installed on iPad and the UI will be bigger(zoomed) if iPad support is not given to your app.
So the issue the apple review team gave you is that your app is crashing on the notification tap. So its better to test this on iPad simulator to re-product this issue and fixed it, then upload again to store.
Note: There is no way to by pass the Apple review process. If you try to manipulate it (as the user privacy is the Apple's primary concern) your apple developer account get suspended/banned for life long.

AppStore is testing my App on Ipad devices

We're submitting to review our app. AppStore is rejecting the build because the application is crashing on Ipad device running iOS 14. But, on our Xcode settings, we just have checked the iPhone field on Build Settings ( see image ). Is there a workaround to restrict our application just for iPhone devices?

iOS app rejected IPv6 (without any http request)

I've an iOS app that was rejected due the IPv6 incompatibility.
I've tested with a shared IPv6 network from my MacBook Pro, and works fine.
I don't have any http request or connection in my app, the only 2 present url's are placed in the app description and they are 2 labels (without any click event).
I'm developing using Appcelerator Studio (SDK v5.1.1) with xcode 8 and testing on iPhone 5S (v10.1.1).
There were my steps:
Build in Appcelerator Studio 4.8.0 with 6.0.0.GA SDK
Removed the tiapp.xml ACS properties and removed ti.cloud also
Run the app on iPhone 5S Simulator with 10.1.1 (without liveview)
Open the generated project in xcode (myApp/build/iphone/myApp.xcodeproj)
Select Build Only Device: iOS Generic Device
Product > Archive
Validate... -> OK
Upload to App Store... -> OK
I've also compiled to iTunes Sync (ipa file only to registered devices) in order to install on my iPhone 4 and iPhone 5S and it works fine
I'm using 2 Titanium modules:
None of this modules have an http request.
Message from iTunes Connect:
Performance - 2.1
Thank you for your resubmission. However, we still discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on an iPad and iPhone running iOS 10.1.1 on Wi-Fi connected to an IPv6 network.
Specifically, an error was encountered upon application launch.
We've attached screenshot(s) for your reference.
Your problem isn't IPv6 but your app is not packaged correctly. To solve the problem you must have an active license (Indie, Pro, Team or Enterprise) and in "Appcelerator Studio" you must select "package" -> "iOS iTunes Store" for a correctly distribution.
Otherwise you'll have the app.js error because the app is not packaged for final distribution.
Just a note, but my app was rejected for IPv6 network issue on a iPad with iOS 10.3.2, turns out the Apple Reviewer had not set a record time on my Video/Audio Record app (#PCAMWBUMS) and if you don't set a record time, my app does nothing!
So read the note Apple Review sends you and be sure they haven't made a mistake before you do all the research and waste time, when it turns out they just read your App Guide and clearly marked notes on the boot up screen! (Which they didn't.)
So I've replied to ask them to set a record time and try again, which I have tested on my iPad Air and iPhone 6S Plus both running iOS 10.3.2... I'm sure they'll pass my app and release it to the app store (which all of you should download, to catch those celebs, or anitifa, or thieves using your iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch (or the unfaithful partner?), visit JOHNAVATAR.com to see all my apps)!
For some reason they sent me the following rejections notice:
We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPhone
and iPad running iOS 10.3.2 on Wi-Fi connected to an IPv6 network.
Specifically, there is no action produced when tapping the buttons on
the main page.

whats wrong in iPad running iOS 9.2.1 and an iPhone running iOS 9.2.1 on both Wi-Fi and cellular networks.?

My app rejected due to this problem .
we discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on an iPad running iOS 9.2.1 and an iPhone running iOS 9.2.1 on both Wi-Fi and cellular networks.
Unable to login through Facebook, an error occurs
Please run your app on a device to identify the issue(s), then revise
and resubmit your app for review.
If we misunderstood the intended behavior of your app, please reply to
this message in the Resolution Center to provide information on how
these features were intended to work.
This is My info.plist
I am using fb login because of this any problem , i need some one help now give me a best solution.

Facebook application Review failed - "Your app downloads successfully, but crashes upon opening"

I submitted my iPhone application for Facebook login Review submission. Facebook responded by saying
Your app downloads successfully, but crashes upon opening. Please resolve any technical issues that prevent us from testing your app.
I sent them simulator build after testing.
I used simlaunch to test simulator build by my side.
I can see the app runs on my iPad simulator. What could be the reasons that crashed the reviewer's simulator?
Facebook using ios-sim to test your applocation.
Try with ios-sim. If your app works with ios-sim then you are able to submit simulator build for review your app.
The iOS Simulator is a tool for testing applications. It is NOT a substitute for testing your application on real hardware. Your application has been rejected because it crashes when run on an actual iPad — you need to reproduce this issue (again: on real hardware, not the simulator) and correct it.
