Can I change screenshots when updating my app? - ios

I am planning to release version 2 of my app. Can I change the screenshots?.There are not much changes in design but some changes in the text, will Apple reject it?

In my case it worked all the time. Just setup your update in iTunes Connect with whatever text and/or screenshots you need. You may want to give the users a hint that you just did some "bugfixes". Apple will check your app and you are fine.


How to disable TestFlight beta testing?

I'm not able to transfer my application to iTunes connect. It is said that I have to disable my Beta testing of the application. Actually, I have stopped testing, deleted all builds from beta testing. App was set up for only internal testers. I have removed all testers as well. But still same issue. Here is the snap.
I spoke with an Apple representative on the phone regarding this issue. They are aware of this bug and working on it. That's all she could answer me.
Try again next week, if the issue is still there (which probably will be), I had to call again...
Pay attention to application localization. If your application has support multi language, then you could leave the information in the TestFlight menu.
You must delete the test information not only from the main language, but from other languages that are supported in your application. Go to TestFlight tab -> Test Information. Then click blue button with your language in right side of webpage. You shall choose other language supported in your application and remove all appeared information about testing. After this, click Save button (see attachment)
And try to transfer app. Next to the text TestFlight Beta Testing should be a green checkmark.
P.S. This solution was suggested by the Apple Support Team. Here is a part of their letter:
After checking your iTunes Connect account, we could see that you have
started to test a build internally, and you still have a feedback
email listed under Test Information in the English (U.S.)
localization. Therefore, I would kindly ask you to expire the build
and remove the feedback email.
After you have followed the information above, you should be able to
proceed further with your transfer.
Remove all testers and all testing information from the application in iTunesConnect on tab TestFlight.
You need to remove all testers, all builds (detail each one and expire it) and remove all information about how to test the app. I did this and worked for me.
I was able to fix this bug going to TestFlight section in Appstoreconnect and in Test Information switch to another language and clear all field also there.
Had the same problem.
If nothing helps, maybe these steps will help you.
You have to go to the TestFlight tab, then Test Information, and in the top right corner press language button. If you have more than one language, delete them from the list.

disabled feature in iPad app

i want to release an iPad application to app store. in my application on dashboard there are six buttons and on tap they open six different screens. but among them one is disabled. User is unable to do anything with it. We just kept it in the app as we are going to implement that feature in the next version. is that fine? is there any chances that my app will get reject by app store guys because of this.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
As per my experience Apple will Reject your application saying that either you have to implement that functionality or you have to remove that disabled button.
it may be rejected based on AppStore Review Guideline:
2.9 Apps that are "demo", "trial", or "test" versions will be rejected. Beta Apps may only be submitted through TestFlight and must follow the TestFlight guidelines
it would be more reasonable to implement the functionality; or not showing such features which are not part of the application at all – none of those cases cause rejection.
Why don't you add like a simple alertView saying « This feature will be available in the next version, stay tuned ! » or something ? Would be a way better UX overall. Either that, or hide the button for now. Either way, don't let a button do nothing with no user feedback, this sounds terrible.
I don't think app store will reject your iPad application. You should use rather web view control(in Android) in which you can show any web page or something like that, if you want to provide the facility that after installation of your app, uses can get the updated details from it. Just give it a thought.

Is it possible to add my app to iTunes Connect and put my app binary on hold if accepted the review?

I'll clear myself, is it possible to add my app to iTunes Connect and add my binary and if all is good then put it on hold (mean, wait with the publishing, but the app will get accepted and publish in 1-2 weeks)?
You can control the your app release,
because in nearest past i have updated my app and in app control version it will ask me for releasing automatic or i will release after approved,
Yes, you can decide the date of publishing on iStore, and change it whenever you want.
Whenever you add a new app or want to upload the new version on the app store. You are asked for the two options
Automatically release - That you want to publish the app as soon as apple reviews the app. (this means app will be immediately become live if apple reviewed your app and don't find any issue)
I will release - that you want to make your app live on a specific date. (this means once apple reviewed your app still app will not be live until the user doesn't want)
Hope this will help you. Happy coding :)

Is there a way to suppress the iOS App Store update indicator for a specific app?

I don't know why somebody would want to do this! In fact it was a customer who claimed this was possible and I wanted to prove him wrong; and your reaction clearly show that it isn't true.
If I submit an update to an existing application on the Apple App Store, at some point, the iOS devices with previous versions will start showing an indicator that an update is available.
This badge that's shown on top of the app store application: can it be influenced? Is there a way to suppress it in case a new version has been submitted?
Some setting in info.plist maybe?
No, it's impossible what you want to do.
And, in my opinion, doesn't make sense.
Why would you want to release a version of your app and not encourage people to install it? But in answer to your question, no.

Editing screenshots in iTunes Connect after iOS app was approved

In the iTunes Connect App Management interface -- how do I edit the screenshots for my localized (approved and live) iPhone app?
Unfortunately, the web upload form had a bug which actually required the screenshots to be provided in reverse order (I provided them in the correct order, which meant that Apple reversed them and now they ended up wrong). Also mentioned here at StackOverflow. I only managed to edit the 4 screenshots in the US version, but not my localized version, and that was in the old interface.
The current standing on this has changed to:
Beginning January 9 [2013], app screenshots will be locked in iTunes Connect once your app has been approved. New screenshots may be uploaded when you submit a binary for an update to an existing app or a new app.
Apple support now got back with the (somehow not too satisfactory) answer:
If your app is currently for sale on
the App Store, you will need to submit
an update in order to change your app
If you have any further questions
regarding this, please let us know.
I was able to change my screenshots after my app was ready for sale, just click on "View Details" in iTunes Connect, delete the old screenshots and replace them, then "Done". The change is not instant so wait a bit. Then you will see your new screenshots on AppStore ;)
As of today, it appears you can't edit screenshots after you submit a new version. I tried everything but couldn't delete the draft screenshots until I finally removed my app from submission.
I usually use the time after submission to edit and improve the screenshots, but now have to be doing it before submission. This is a horrible change. Here is the email from support.
Being unable to now edit screenshots while an app is in "Waiting for
Review" status, is expected behavior.
Developer-facing documentation currently lists "Waiting for Review" as
a state where locked metadata can be edited. Screenshots should be the
only locked metadata that cannot be edited while an app is in the
"Waiting for Review" status.
We are currently updating the developer resources and documentation to
From the updated manual :
If you have new application screenshots for a version of your application, it is best to wait until this new version of your app is approved before updating your screenshots in iTunes Connect. Updating these before a version approval will change the screenshots for the currently-live application version. This best practice also applies to application metadata changes that you wish to coordinate for a specific version.
On the other hand, in the table in Appendix A it is stated that the screenshots are Locked, Version-level (page 153).
Version-level is:
If the item is marked on the Version, then the item information will relate to a specific version and may vary between versions.
Locked is:
If the item is marked as Locked, it can only be edited in an Editable State.
And a list of Editable states is:
Prepare For Upload, Waiting For Upload, Waiting For Review, Waiting For Export Compliance, Upload Received, Rejected, Developer Rejected, Invalid Binary, Missing Screenshot.
None of these states can be reached once the app is Ready For Sale by using any button in the iTunes Connect. The only reasonable thing that I can think of is submitting another minor version binary to Apple and looking for the possibility of changing the screenshots during the submission process.
The problem is (*):
If you have new application screenshots for a version of your application, it is best to wait until this new version of your app is approved before updating your screenshots in iTunes Connect.
So how do I do it correctly????????
I thought the same exact thing a couple of days ago. Then I uploaded it again in reverse order but instead it was random. They need to make a better UI for this. One where we dont even need to re-upload them, but arrows to move it up/down.
The official answer I received from Apple is:
Your app screenshots cannot be edited once your app has been approved. You can edit them in all other editable states.
Please note, when updating your app currently, you will be able to provide new screenshots and the new screenshots will not go live until the update is approved.
If you have any further questions regarding this, please let us know.
There's been some back and forth on the possibility of changing screenshots of an app that is in "Ready for Sale" state, without having to upload new binary.
At one point it was possible, but as of January 9th 2013 it requires a new binary:
Beginning January 9, app screenshots will be locked in iTunes Connect
once your app has been approved. New screenshots may be uploaded when
you submit a binary for an update to an existing app or a new app. For
more information on capturing and using screenshots, read the Xcode
User Guide.
Images CAN be edited after an app is available for sale. This was changed at end of 2010. If you already have 5 images - the upload link will not work until you delete one. No need to worry - if you delete one and have any issues on the DPI or RGB of what you are trying to upload (get an error or it is rejected) you can always click 'cancel' rather than 'save' and your original images will remain.
You dont need to add new version. Just wait about 1hr and your changes at screenshot gallery will appear at AppStore.
Solution for me was to use Safari. The controls would not show in Google Chrome. Using Safari I could modify the metadata.
