creating a view that resembles the apple app store - ios

So I'm creating an app at the moment and one of my views has a design that resembles the Apple app store where there are multiple icons in sections that are scrollable horizontally as well as being able to scroll vertically through the sections (Categories). Anyone with an iPhone can simply open the app store application on the device and view the featured tab to understand what I'm trying to achieve.
My question is how to achieve the design in the app store. Im assuming its a combination of multiple components such as a table view/collection view, scroll view and image views.
I don't believe there are any duplicates to this question from my research, but as always I stand corrected. Any insights or direction would be great.


How to create a iOS 13 Contacts App like design using UITableView?

The native iOS Contacts App offers quite nice editing features:
A stretchy header both in view and edit mode.
Different row and header layout in view/edit mode
Animations between the two modes
How to recreate this design in my own app using UITableView?
I know the basics of UITableView designs using its different delegate and data source methods. But there are several features where I do not know how to implement them:
Question 1:
How to toggle between view and edit mode using a completely different layout?
The edit mode uses a completely different layout than the view mode: More / different rows and section. Some controls disappear, others come into view.
Of course I know that a table view can toggle between view/edit mode, but can the transition used by the contacts app really be implemented using UITableView methods only or does this need transition between to completely different views?
Question 2:
How to create the stretchy header with the image/logo which shrinks into the navigation bar?
I found several other topics and tutorials about the contatcs app layout. However, most of them are several years old and since a lot has changed in iOS the offered solution are pretty outdated.

Take screenshots programmatically of entire scrollable area of another app in iOS

Currently it is cumbersome for the user to repeatedly scroll and take a screenshot if they want to capture more than what can fit on the screen at a time.
I would like to implement functionality such that at the request of a user (e.g. via tapping a special button on a custom keyboard), screenshots of the entire scrollable area of the currently opened app are automatically taken and stitched together.
Is this possible? And if so, how?
To clarify, the application containing the scrollable area is a third party application over which I have no control, e.g. iMessage or Facebook.
Edit: I am aware of answers like this one and this one that are about taking screenshots within an app that I control. As far as I can tell, these are not applicable in my situation. Please correct me if I am wrong about this.
This is not possible. Each app is contained in a protected sandbox that no other apps have access to.
You could make a custom keyboard, but you still wouldn't have access to any of the views in the app that you don't control.

Form Filling apps iOS 7+

I have an iOS app with 85% form filling screens. And data to be filled contains on an average 8-10 textfields per screen. I'm using scrollview to achieve it. I have done it but is there any proper/ideal way to make the scroll working smoothly for the textfields in potrait/landscape mode for iPhone & iPad?
So they're not smooth at the moment? You might find that a table view approach would handle it better, though without seeing some more details of the app (screenshots or code) it's hard to say!

A UI control for Ipad to brose a list of images

I have made the decision to use monotouch to develop an application that browses an rss feed and displays a grid of images much like browsing the picture library actually on the device.
My issue is that I have NO idea (even after extensive googling) as to what control I should use.
I want to be able to swish through the list of images which I really wanted in a UITableView BUT all documentation insists that UITableView only has 1 column :(
I dont want to get too complicated with my requirement at this stage for unloading and loading resource as the images go off screen but if anyone has any pointers for me in starting this and what control I should go for I would be grateful.
My initial thoughts are perhaps having n images in every cell and the cells are very wide (would an ipad only display those it can and automatically allow swiping to the others off screen?)
Many thanks
The UItableView is only one column, but you can define the UITableViewCell to your own class and allow any number of elements across it.
As to whether something goes off the screen, that is entirely down to your application.
Have a look at the developer videos on iTunes, especially the beginning table views sections, that should point you in the right way

use multiple views in an application

I am new to Iphone programming. So please don't mind if I ask some basic questions. :mad:
I want to develop an application where the landing screen will be a login screen and after login application should display a new screen with the list of available categories. And on selecting any category a new screen should appear with the information related to the selected category.
Basically I want to display different screens in the applications and my confusion is how can I make different screens with one .xib file? or should I use different .xib files for each screen. If I use different .xib files for each screen then how should I navigate to different screens.
Please help in solving this confusion.
Thanks in advance
You should definitely use different .xib's for each view. You will end up having a standard view, a table view (probably programatically wrapped in a navigation controller) and a standard view, respectively. Each will also have their own class.
You navigate to different screens by programmatically initializing them. The condition on which they are created varies from screen to screen. For example, your login screen will only create and load a table view for the categories after a successful login. The category screen will only create a detail screen when the user touches a category in the table.
I think your best bet is to pick up an iPhone programming book and do the first few chapters until you feel comfortable with the basics of XCode. The Apple documentation usually contains more than you really need to know and by the sounds of it, you just want to jump in and make a few simple apps.
After that, you can look at the Apple sample code here:
