ZeroBrane - how to clear debug window? - lua

I wonder if there is a way to clear the "local console" pane in ZeroBrane. Sometimes it gets "clogged" with no way to clean it - for example checking _G produces massive amount of text and everything slows to halt afterwards.
I am using v0.50 that came bundled with Marmalade, if that matters. I tried local menu (right-click) but there is nothing.

You can use clear command (simply type clear and Enter), which will clear the console content (it's described in the introductory text at the top of the console window).
I suggest you upgrade to a newer version as 0.50 is quite old.


How to print a file from VsCode?

I want to send the file I'm currently editing to a printer, like I did in Notepad++ for example.
I havn't found any hint on a print command. Is it not possible ?
It is not yet available, but I found an issue report for that feature.
It's currently in the backlog, so we can expect it soon.
In the meantime:
Now you can install addon for VS Code - search "PrintCode".
Note that the repository for this extension was last updated in February 2018 with numerous issues outstanding.
I found the PrintCode extension inspiring but unfinished and with a number of flaws. In particular it depends on a specific paper size to wrap and as a result does not respond well if you change paper size or orientation in the print dialog.
It's open source so I looked at the code and didn't like that either. No programmer ever likes another's coding style. So I pinched the idea of using a web-browser as platform driver for HTML printing -- my hat is off to the PrintCode author for that cunning insight -- and wrote my own.
In the process I fixed all the known bugs, added everything on my wishlist and a couple of things suggested by others. The biggest thing was figuring out the CSS required to respect print dialog paper size and orientation. This also sorts out the mysterious disappearing line numbers problem, although I'm not sure why. The next biggest thing was learning to probe for an unused port, a problem that also afflicts PrintCode causing the browser to open showing no content.
Major issues
PrintCode depends on a web service. You can't use it offline.
Many people want to be able to open a file, select a portion and print just the selection.
The print dialog supports changing paper size and orientation. This clashes with the way PrintCode works.
Some people like to run multiple VS Code windows.
When you print a markdown file, you probably don't want it printed like a text file when it can be rendered with fonts and proper headings and bullets etc.
Support is required for remote workspaces.
Because each instance of VS Code needs a different port for its embedded webserver, you can't just use a setting. Dynamic port allocation is necessary.
Remote workspaces weren't even a thing until two years after maintenance ceased on PrintCode.
If you want to survey your options, get onto, choose the Visual Studio Code tab and search for printing.
If you just want a link to my version, it's here
If you like what you see but need something I haven't thought of, the marketplace page has a link to the repo on github. Create an issue and tell me what you need -- or write it yourself and submit a PR.
Now there is an extension available for printing from the VS Code Editor.
It's called VS Code Printing Free.
I've tried it for a couple of days and it works fine.
Poor man's answer: Copy code to Notepad2 or Notepad++ and print from there.
The colour coding will be different though
You can use an Extension of VS Code: PrintCode
Install extension PrintCode
On Mac: command + shift + P
choose command> PrintCode
I have modified the If you change the values that I have marked in the picture in the extension settings a browser tab opens with the you can then print this also works on the Ipad. It works also with the code-server Version inside a Docker Container.
I put the file on github
enter image description here

Notepad++ auto indent

I have been using Notepad++ for quite sometime now. I didn't have any of the plugins installed, for all the time I used it. Some days ago, I moved on to another PC and I installed Notepad++ (v6.5.1) in it and for some reason the auto-indent does not seem to be working!! I remember it as working in my old PC without any exclusive setting.
I made sure that the auto-indent option under the MISC tab of Preferences is set. I know that I can use plugins like nppautoindent or indent by fold to achieve the desired result, but I would like to know why it isn't working and how I can set it right. Has anyone come across or heard of such an issue?
P.S. - I was coding in Ruby and I made sure that it was selected under the language menu. To make sure, I also tried Java. It didn't make any difference though!! I felt like I was using the featureless built in windows notepad!!

not enough space for environment appears when executing ".exe" file

I am trying to use an application called CLUT.exe which is an old application for MS-DOS that can be used to reindex NTX files for DBF databases.
(This is not the main topic, but I am just writing this if someone wants to test the app and don't trust at all about the content).
The problem starts when trying to run the command line version through console (cmd.exe) and this error appears:
C:\>CLUT.exe [arg1] [arg2] [arg3]
run-time error R6009
- not enough space for environment
So, according to what I've searched, this could be a possible solution:;en-us;230205
but it doesn't work and every alternative that I found to solve this over the internet is the same.
Another alternative could be to make right-click in the .exe file, go to Properties then Memory tab and increase the Initial environment memory from Auto to the max value but it doesn't work too.
Well, I am stuck and no "possible" solution is working for me. If someone is interested, knows more about this issue and want to test, you can download the application from here (click "Free Download" green button):
or directly from my DropBox:
Just to know, I am using Windows 7 and the CLUT.exe application is a Clipper based app (old programming language) that may run under windows console (cmd.exe).
Wikipedia does mention other dos emulators but, oddly, doesn't mention BOCHS.
Reindexing NTX files is not a difficult thing to do, and can be done with tools other than CLUT. For example, many of the utilities listed on this part of Download32 could be used. Otherwise, you could write your own using Harbour Project or xHarbour. Or contact me off list and I'll cook up something in Clipper 5.3.
If I read the README correctly for CLUT, it's a replacement for the DBU utility that comes with Clipper 5.x. I can supply you with a build of that if you're unsuccessful with other approaches.

Using Vim instead of (or with) Xcode for iOS development

Xcode comes with a lot of things that are essential to building to the iPhone and/or iPad. In fact a lot of it I am not even aware of because it is so 'behind the scenes'.
On the other hand, I have recently been exposed to the advantages of using Vim as an editor. Is there any setup which would make using Vim an efficient option when developing for the iOS platforms? Or would it be so complicated to combine the two as to make this question moot?
In other words, if you have any tips, advice or warnings when using Vim and Xcode together, I am all ears!
Developing for iOS or Mac with Vim can be really powerful and fast, especially if you use TDD or want quick feedback.
But it takes a bit of finagling to get it working. The few important things you need to know are:
Use the xcodebuild command-line tool to run your build and units from some vimscript.
Use the clang_complete plugin to give you full code completion from within vim.
Use the ios.vim and cocoa.vim plugins for navigation.
This is my preferred method of working. In fact, I wrote the ios.vim plugin to make this easier for more people.
I've been there already...
I love vim and regularly use it in my day-by-day C++ development on *nix platforms, but I also like all of Xcode's features which, specially with latest Xcode >= 4.3 and clang backend, give a real plus in terms of auto-completion and symbol referencing.
I think I've found the optimal solution with the great (although not officially supported by Apple) XVim plugin.
Hoping that future Xcode upgrades won't break it (it's still working fine with latest developers' previews of 4.5), this really allows you to keep your fingers moving as you've learned doing in Vim while working with Xcode, which as I said, is for me the optimal solution.
Vim and XCode will co-exist quite well together provided that you aren't trying to edit the same files in Vim and the XCode editor at the same time. If you do then each will give you a warning about the file being modified externally. The terminal version of Vim is a little easier to live with in this particular respect: it will only warn you when you try to save the file, asking are you sure, whereas MacVim, and the XCode editor, will warn you each time you return to the file.
XCode does allow you to select an external application when you open files, by file type. In XCode Preferences, go to the File Types tab, and then file->text->sourcecode. Preferred Editor can be set to an external program such as MacVim; note that Emacs should be already listed as a selection: when Emacs is selected XCode launches with Emacs in a terminal. This Preferred Editor setting has the problem that you'll get a new window with each opened file, which may not match your workflow.
Vim's remote feature might prove useful here, see :help remote. With a little work, and the above Preferred Editor preference, one should be able to send the file to be edited to any instance of Vim, including an existing Vim running within an xterm. I seem to recall that Emacs provides something similar.
But none of this precludes you from using Vim without setting Preferred Editor: just open and edit your project files in Vim as you would normally.
Your workflow might be to use Vim for editing code, and switch to XCode for building the project, but Vim can also run the same build tools that XCode uses, and with a little more work you'll even be able to jump to the lines with errors. XCode relies on gdb for debugging, which can also be used quite well with Vim, via plugin.
Of course Vim can't be expected to replace something like Interface Builder, but just about every other aspect of iOS dev can be achieved with a Vim-only solution.
Or just use Vim to edit your code faster, and continue to use XCode for the rest.
Starting with Xcode 13.0 Beta you can use Vim keybindings in Xcode. It is enabled in settings:
Preferences → Text Editing → Editing → Enable Vim key bindings
Edit (per #fangxing):
The way to toggle what is now called Vim Mode changed:
Menubar → Editor → Vim Mode
Even thought MacVim with YouCompleteMe is my main environment for development on OSX, there are tasks I prefer to do in XCode, like debugging and profiling. For these scenarios I use XVim which adds VIM editing capabilities to XCode.
On XCode 5.1 XVim crashed quite a lot. But it progressed and it now works quite well with XCode 6 so far. But you only get a subset of VIM this way, e.g. you can't split the editor to view two files at the same time. You can enable/disable it quite easy with Shift-Command-X.
(Sorry to post this as answer and not as a comment, but the reputation-system of stackoverflow did not made it possible for me)
I can't recommend YouCompleteMe enough! Beside its code-completion it also shows you syntactic errors on the fly on the affected line without the need of manually triggering your compiler (i.e. very similar to the features of the XCode editor). The description of the YCM creator is quite informative:
YouCompleteMe is a fast, as-you-type, fuzzy-search code completion
engine for Vim. It has several completion engines: an identifier-based
engine that works with every programming language, a semantic,
Clang-based engine that provides native semantic code completion for
C/C++/Objective-C/Objective-C++ (from now on referred to as "the
C-family languages")...
To get it running:
Follow the section 'Mac OS X super-quick installation'
Don't forget to add a file to the root of your project folder
Without a plugin like YouCompleteMe, VIM can only do rudimentary word completion (Ctrl-N) which is neither aware of the programming language you're using nor of all the other files belonging to your project. You also don't get a list of the members of an object after you type '.' or '->'. So you miss on a lot of help (and therefore speed) XCode is giving you while typing. Also VIM doesn't warn you like XCode when you make typos or other errors in your code. YouCompleteMe adds exactly those missing features to VIM and makes iOS development in VIM a joy.
You could use xcodebuild to build and run your project, but personally I prefer to work with VIM and XCode at the same time. Both reload documents automatically after they have been modified by the other. Keep XCode for debugging, profiling and deployment.
Using AppCode in parallel with Xcode is just amazing. Code changes sync right away! I am so happy with this setup because I can finally use vim (as an AppCode plugin) when writing iOS apps. AppCode has additional advantages so I really recommend that you check it out. The refactoring tools are also way better IMHO. E.g. it can extract methods that Xcode can't for some reason and if it can not extract a method it will at least tell you why.
There are definitely some advantages using external editors ( however emacs is ten million times better than vim:}).
Stick with Xcode for most stuff, but when you need the power of emacs, or possibly vim ( bulk repetitive editor macros is my main reason), just edit the file using show in finder and open with, or just by switching to your editor navigating to the file from there.
XCode will realise when you switch back that the file has changed.
For plain code, I'd stick with Xcode, it's code completion is based on more knowledge of the code, so beat's emacs or vim's hands down. Continuous code checking is invaluable, and as already mentioned, the direct access to the documentation is awesome ( option click if you haven't already found it).
I like XVim for XCode. Unfortunately, it breaks for XCode 5.1 (some people got Development branch working, but I couldn't).
I ended up switching to AppCode after a trial, I really liked the tab management, refactoring, and code analysis. Code is automatically synced with XCode, so I run both (XCode for build settings, managing asset catalog. AppCode for everything else).
First day I downloaded it, I installed IdeaVim so I could still use some of the Vim keyboard shortcuts.
Though you won't get to full Vi/Vim functionality with the plugin. I find mix usage with native IDE commands is enough to compensate.
According to my opinion Xcode is better solution. It has so many features that you can not find/add in Vim. Some of them are:
Interface Builder (to create good lookin interfaces in less time)
ARC (Automatic Reference Counting—memory management)
Automated process for managing code signing and app store submission
The list is very long and Apple always encourages you to use Xcode, not any other IDE.

Delphi7 - How can i find where my project is hanging the compiler?

I have a project in Delphi7. Its is rather large consisting of 40 odd forms and frames.
Recently, the compiler only allows me to compile the project once so i can run it, then every re-compile the IDE hangs and i have to end the Delphi process. Before this occurs, my CPU goes to 50% (on dual core machine) so my deduction is the compilation process has gone into an infinite loop. The Executable it produces is not runnable and usually at a fixed size after it hangs.
I was wondering how i can go about finding where this inconsistency in my project is. Other projects do not suffer from this same issue.
You can use Process Explorer to discover what compiler is doing (reading a file, or ...).
Check the QC 3807 issue.
Check the system resources - free disk space, memory. Clean the temp folder. Check the disk for errors. Do you have antivirus running ? If yes, then try to turn it off.
Use "process of elimination", to see if it's something in your code.
First, make a backup of where you are, or save to your CVS (you ARE using version control, right? RIGHT? good.) Revert your branch to an earlier version where it worked. See if that works. If so, merge half of the changes from the present-day version. If that works, try the other half. Keep cutting things in half, and you'll find the code that causes the problem, by process of elimination.
Or, it may turn out to be something in the configuration. Carbonite may be your friend here.
You can either:
Enable "Compilation progress display" in the "Environment Options" window, in the "Preferences" tab.
Use the command line compiler bcc32.exe to have a detailed console output.
Both will let you know which file is hanging the compiler.
Take a look at the great Delphi Speed Up tool, which allows e.g. to abort CodeCompletion and HelpInsight by ESC/mouse move.
