CDF V2 Document, No summary info. while using paperclip - ruby-on-rails

Content type not recognizing while uploading files using paperclip + jquery file upload.
Throwing below error "content type discovered from file command: CDF V2 Document, No summary info. See documentation to allow this combination"
fail to upload the same.

We can fix this issue by adding below file in the intializers in rails -
# config/initializers/paperclip.rb
Paperclip.options[:content_type_mappings] = {
:xls => "CDF V2 Document, No summary info"
This solve my problem, hope this will help you as well.
Thank you.


windows installer error when specifying "setupIcon"

I've already packaged the app correctly and am now going through the whole electron-winstaller processs, following the Christian Engvall tutorial exactly.
In createInstaller.js I have the standard
return Promise.resolve({
appDirectory: path.join(outPath, '/MyApp-win32-x64/'),
authors: 'Me',
noMsi: true,
outputDirectory: path.join(outPath, 'windows-installer'),
exe: 'MyApp.exe',
setupExe: 'Setup.exe',
setupIcon: path.join(rootPath, '/path/to/appicon.ico')
If I remove the setupIcon parameter, it builds the installer just fine. However if I keep it there, I get an 'Unable to load file' error from the console. I've verified that the path to the .ico file is in fact correct, and is a valid .ico file.
What could possibly be happening?
To fix the Setup Icon error when creating an installer with electron-wininstaller you can use Resource Hacker.
It is for editing the exe file and you can change the ressource file and icons.
For more information you there is a tutorial here.

Ruby on Rails copy S3 file with special characters (%C5) in path

I have a problem with my attachment system on web page. I store them on amazon S3 using paperclip. I have an option to copy attachment to new file. Everything works fine until there are polish special characters in title, like: ŁĄKA.jpg. Then I get an error:
Saving error: Appendix Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError
/Users/michal/.rbenv/versions/2.1.5/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/activerecord-4.2.5/lib/active_record/validations.rb:79:in `raise_record_invalid'
/Users/michal/.rbenv/versions/2.1.5/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/activerecord-4.2.5/lib/active_record/validations.rb:43:in `save!'
My code: {|a| a.temporary? && !a.appendix.exists?}.each do |a|
a.appendix =
a.process = false
a.appendix_url = nil
puts "CREATING NEW FILE from (temporary?) appendix: #{}, path: #{a.s3path}, is_public: #{a.is_public}, determine_is_public: #{a.determine_is_public}"
a.is_public = a.determine_is_public
logger.debug("CREATING NEW FILE from (temporary?) appendix: #{}, path: #{a.s3path}, is_public: #{a.is_public}, determine_is_public: #{a.determine_is_public}")! # bo delayed_job
I'm getting error on! when path is like: appendixes/appendixes/242/original/%25C5%2581A%25CC%25A8KA.jpg, but works like charm when it is: appendixes/appendixes/243/original/laka.jpg or another file name without polish letters. Anybody had this kind of problem or have suggestions how to fix it?
Ok, I found what was wrong. I had to replace in a.s3path, the last part with original name (łąka.jpg) and everything works fine. So when I have:łąka.jpg) it works good and finds the correct file on s3 server.

Paperclip + RSpec: content_type validation

I am using Paperclip in my Rails application for attaching images.
I declared validation for content_type in my model as
validates_attachment :image,
:content_type => { :content_type => ["image/jpg", "image/gif", "image/png"] }
I have two examples, one with a valid image and other with an invalid image
For an invalid image, i just renamed a .txt file to a .png
it "Image is valid" do
image ="#{Rails.root}/spec/support/right.png")
expect(, image: image)).to be_valid
it "Image is invalid" do
image ="#{Rails.root}/spec/support/wrong.png")
expect(, image: image)).to have(1).errors_on(:image_content_type)
I expected that both my examples should run successfully. BUT, my second example fails.
I don't get any error for content_type of wrong.png.
I thought that Paperclip's content_type validation would actually check file format(binary data encoding) of an uploaded file. BUT it seems that here, its just checking for the file extension. Does this validation only check extension of an uploaded file?
I maybe missing something here(configuration?). Is there any other validation available in Paperclip to achieve this? Or should I opt for a Custom Validator in this case?
This issue is resolved in Paperclip's latest version 4.1.1 released on February 21, 2014.
Both of my following examples pass correctly now.
it "Image is valid" do
image ="#{Rails.root}/spec/support/right.png")
expect(, image: image)).to be_valid
it "Image is invalid" do
image ="#{Rails.root}/spec/support/wrong.png")
expect(, image: image)).to have(1).errors_on(:image_content_type)
After a little bit of research found out that,
When I upload an invalid image,
For example: spoof(renamed) wrong.txt file as wrong.png and upload.
In prior release of Paperclip, wrong.png passes the content_type validation with flying colors without giving any error because Paperclip only used to check the extensions of the uploaded file and not content within.
Whereas, In the current release of Paperclip 4.1.1, same spoofed wrong.png fails the validation and throws the following error in view:
Image has an extension that does not match its contents
Upon investigating server log entries, I found the following:
Command :: file -b --mime-type
[paperclip] Content Type Spoof: Filename wrong.png (["image/png"]),
content type discovered from file command: text/plain. See
documentation to allow this combination.
Here, you can see that Paperclip actually checked the content of the uploaded file stating text/plain and also erred out saying Content Type Spoof.
Hope my findings will help others to understand how Paperclip's content-type validation has improved over the time.

nicEdit Uploading Locally - Issues with nicUpload

If anyone has managed to get locally uploading images I'd be mightily appreciative of some help.
I've downloaded the latest version of nicEdit along with the nicUpload plug in (from - Version 0.9 r24 released June 7th, 2012).
I've also downloaded nicUpload.php from
NicUpload.php - I've set NICUPLOAD_PATH and NICUPLOAD_URI both to 'images' which is the subfolder of where nicupload.php and nicEdit.js are located.
NicEdit.js - I've added the following to line 271:-
uploadURI : 'nicUpload.php?id=123',
I've given it an ID otherwise it was failing with an invalid ID code. But the ?id=123 isn't meant to be there. I've also set the iconsPath accordingly.
Line 1370 I've switched this:-
nicURI : '',
for this:-
nicURI : '',
But I'm still getting "Failed to upload image". I've searched and searched and searched for answers to this and I'm getting close to having spent two days tinkering with it.
With a few debugging displays I can see that it's failing on line 46 of nicUpload.php where it says:-
$file = $_FILES['nicImage'];
$image = $file['tmp_name'];
$max_upload_size = ini_max_upload_size();
if(!$file) {...
That last IF is true and that's where it exits with the error.
Appreciate anyone being able to help.
The nicUpload.php script file laying around sucks and I don't even understand how it could work.
NicEditor uses imgur as the default image upload service. The source code follows the API format described here:
My suggestion would be to implement the API request and response defined there.
I did not use the niceedit upload function to do what you want. I managed to add a button to the link and img dropdown menu. The button opens a file manager window where you also can upload. I managed to put then de url of the image or document into the nicedit drop down img or url window. That is how I solved the problem.

ruby reading files from S3 with open-URI

I'm having some problems reading a file from S3. I want to be able to load the ID3 tags remotely, but using open-URI doesn't work, it gives me the following error:
ruby-1.8.7-p302 >"")))
TypeError: can't convert Tempfile into String
from (irb):8:in `initialize'
from (irb):8:in `new'
from (irb):8
However, if i download the same file and put it on my desktop (ie no need for open-URI), it works just fine."/Users/momofwombie/Desktop/blah.mp3")
is there something else I should be doing to read a remote file?
UPDATE: I just found this link, which may explain a little bit, but surely there must be some way to do this...
Read header data from files on remote server
Might want to check out AWS::S3, a Ruby Library for Amazon's Simple Storage Service
Do an AWS::S3:S3Object.find for the file and then an use about to retrieve the metadata
This solution assumes you have the AWS credentials and permission to access the S3 bucket that contains the files in question. doesn't take a file handle, which is what you are passing to it when you use open without a read.
Add on read and you'll get the contents of the URL, but TagLib2::File doesn't know what to do with that either, so you are forced to read the contents of the URL, and save it.
I also noticed you are unnecessarily complicating your use of OpenURI. You don't have to parse the URL using URI before passing it to open. Just pass the URL string.
require 'open-uri'
fname = File.basename($0) << '.' << $$.to_s, 'wb') do |fo|
fo.print open("").read
c =
# do more processing...
I don't have TagLib2 installed but I ran the rest of the code and the mp3 file downloaded to my disk and is playable. The File.delete would clean up afterwards, which should put you in the state you want to be in.
This solution isn't going to work much longer. Paperclip > 3.0.0 has removed to_file. I'm using S3 & Heroku. What I ended up doing was copying the file to a temporary location and parsing it from there. Here is my code:
dest =
upload.spreadsheet.copy_to_local_file(:default_style, dest.path)
file_loc = dest.path
CSV.foreach(file_loc, :headers => true, :skip_blanks => true) do |row|}
This seems to work instead of open-URI: do |mp3info|
puts mp3info.tag.artist
Paperclip has a to_file method that downloads the file from S3.
