Error publishing application for iOS with Delphi XE8 - ios

I'm trying to publish an application for iOS. I made all the necessary settings and it returns the .ipa.
Well, when I try to install the ipa on the device charges that the profile was not found. When I send debug the application typically runs on the iPhone.
When run on the command Delphi XE8 is giving the following error:
e8008015: The target iOS device has not been provisioned with the provisioning profile that you configured in RAD Studio.
You can either provision the target device with the configured provisioning profile, or change the RAD Studio project configuration to a different provisioning profile. See Completing the Provisioning Page.
Ensure that your provisioning data in RAD Studio matches your iOS developer account, and not your Mac developer account. Be specially careful when you specify your iOS developer certificate name.
My setup screen in Delhi XE8
I followed this tutorial and it still fails
Screen when I try to install the ipa iphone
Another detail is that the application loader does not accuse any error and allowed to rise to iTunes Connect.
Could someone help me with this problem?


Not getting untrusted developer prompt with Apple Enterprise with MAUI

I'm signing an app using an Apple Enterprise certificate and an in-house provisioning profile. I've added the IPA, along with the manifest.plist, to an HTTPS page and I can install the icon at least, with the itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url= link. If I view the device with the Apple Configurator app I can verify the provisioning profile was installed on the device.
BUT: when I try to open the app I don't get the expected message Untrusted Enterprise Developer and I don't see the option to trust the profile in Settings > General > Device Management. Instead I get a message This app cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified. I see the same message in console logs as well as "A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found".
This is a MAUI app but I'm getting the same problem if I create an app in Xamarin with the same app id. HOWEVER: if I create an app with the same app id in Xcode it works fine. All three are using the same manifest.plist, app id, version, build number, etc.
It's got to be a certificate issue, right? But I've checked a million times to make sure dotnet publish is using the correct cert. I've un-zipped the IPA after it's built and verified the correct provisioning profile was added. I've re-signed with Xcode and tried using that IPA. I'm not sure what else to try and I don't know why it works with an Xcode project but not Xamarin / MAUI.
Anyone have any ideas?
After much trial and error I was able to solve this by building using the command line only and not putting any of the Codesign information in a PropertyGroup in the .csproj. According to the documentation this shouldn't be necessary but it's working for me now.
My full build command is:
dotnet publish -f:net7.0-ios -c:Release /p:RuntimeIdentifier=ios-arm64 /p:ArchiveOnBuild=true /p:CodeSignProvision="your provisioning profile name" /p:CodesignKey="Your distribution certificate name”

Visual studio unable to locate provisioning profiles for Xamarin.iOS

I am trying to setup my environment to deploy my app to a real IPhone for testing because I dont want to work with simulators and etc. It apparently requires provisioning profiles. I dont have a paid apple developer account and I learned that it is not required. These are the steps I have done so far:
Open xcode on my mac go to Preferences> Accounts> Add new Apple ID. I added one of my apple IDs.
I then added a new project select a team and selected necessary options to create the project
I went to project propertiesi setup the iOS version.
I went to signing and enabled automaticly manage signing. It did something and created a certificate for me.
I deployed the app once to my phone which worked fine.
I later opened visual studio on my windows machine.
Paired my mac with my visual studio.
Went to info.plist and copied my bundle identifier from xcode to visual studio.
Enabled Manual provisioning but no developer profiles. Restarted VS but no luck
I basically followed this site
I tried without selecting a specific provisioning profile (it was in developer (automatic))
It seemed to be going well until it gave this error
error MT1007: Failed to launch the application '/Users/xxxxxxx/Library/Caches/Xamarin/mtbs/builds/App8/4ae6e8b79af6f5c06054809bff907c4f900782cdb32378817eb5bbdd1fa2e996/bin/iPhone/Debug/device-builds/iphone11.8-14.2/' on the device 'iPhone': Failed to launch the application 'com.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.App8' on the device 'iPhone': Invalid Service Error (error: 0xe8000022) 0
I found the solution to my problem. The site showed illustrations of choosing specific provisional profiles
However I didn't get this kind of choosing
Mine had
Developer (automatic)
No profiles found (or something in english: my VS is not in english)
but apparently it is not required to choose the exact profile from VS. I was able to deploy the app by just compiling the app as usual (after following the steps of course). However there is a problem with launching the app which requires me to go to settings and trust my apple id or something which is not important.

Xamarin fails to deploy iOS app to iOS Device

I am trying to deploy my Xamarin iOS app to iPhone. But it fails to deploy into iPhone devices where as it works fine in Simulators. I verified that Bundle Identifier and Provisioning Profiles are matching. Also I deployed another test app into iPhone devices using XCode using the same provisioning profiles. It is getting deployed successfully. Also approved the Developer as trusted in iPhone.
The Exception I see Visual Studio as below
error MT1006: Could not install the application
on the device 'Raja’s iPhone': AMDeviceSecureInstallApplicationBundle
returned: 0xe8000067 (kAMDAPIInternalError).
I see this is coming from my Mac Agent. Visual Studio says the App is terminated.
As mentioned here by Tim Wheeler, it is an indication that your device is not in your provisioning profile, or your provisioning profile is invalid.
Basically, iOS will not let you build the app on to the device for security purposes, unless you have registered the device to THAT particular app in the Apple Developer Portal. They have no issues with you installing it on a simulator, so that you can't distribute apps without using the App Store.
In order to fix this, you need to have Access to the Apple Developer Portal of the company under which the app is registered and then go to the Certificates, Identifiers and Profiles.
Go to the "Devices" tab and make sure your device is in the list. Then go to "Profiles" tab, and you might see an "Invalid" status under the Expiration column of the Provisioning Profile. Fix it, tap on your app's profile, ensure it includes your iPhone, downloaded the new one to the mac and install it.
Not fixed yet?
If that was not the issue, it could be because you have multiple provisioning profiles installed. Visual Studio is usually set to Automatically determine the appropriate provisioning profile, and it could be using the wrong one if you have a few installed. You could delete the unneeded ones, or you can go to your iOS project settings, set the bundle signing to "Manual", then choose the valid profile.
Try to change Linker Behavior to Link SDK assemblies only
Go to the iOS properties => iOS Build and set "Linker Behavior" to "Link Framework SDKs Only" and "Supported Architectures" to "ARMv7 + ARM64"
Create blank project on your build mac host, or mac, xcode. Set bundle id to xamarin bundle id. Build and deploy from xcode, close and try again with xamarin.

Is it possible to build xamarin.ios applications on mac host for vs2015 with free license?

I installed OS X Yosemite ("Hackintosh" ) inside of Virtual Box on Windows, set the Network adapter to "Bridged Adapter" and get the Xamarin build host installed and running (as well as Xcode from the App Store), paired it up on VS2015, got it to the point of building and then it got stuck on the error message:
1>C:\Program Files
(x86)\MSBuild\Xamarin\iOS\Xamarin.iOS.Common.targets(524,3): error :
No installed provisioning profiles match the installed iOS code
signing keys.
Started investigating into this, followed some articles where it should come to Xcode Account. I entered my Apple Id, then checked created certificates, but it never gets into download of provisioning profiles.
I dont intend to publish I only want to check Xamarin on the apple Iphone simulator, so can I get around to being able to do this without enrolling for paid apple developer program?
You'll have to create a app ID before you can create a provisioning profile.
You can do that on

Appium - Developer Certificate issues

my client is in onshore and he has given me an .IPA file provision profiled(with my device UDID) with developer certificate not with distribution(As mentioned in the appium docs).The problem is when I try to run the Appium code I'm getting "Target failed to run.Permisson to debug [app name] was denied.The app must be signed with a development identity (i.e. iOS Developer)" error. Any suggestions what might be the problem? And also please let me know.
1)Do i still need a developer account if i have a signed .ipa file?
2)While automation with appium, do I need any additional certificates from developers?
This error is not from Appium, it is actually from Xcode. If you try the following steps, you will possibly see the same error message:
Install the app on the iPhone using the .ipa file.
Open the Xcode which is compatible with iOS version on the iPhone.
Right click on Xcode and open developer tools->Instruments.
Click on Automation and connect your device.Search for the Target app to be tested and click on record.
If the xcode is able to launch the app that means the app is properly signed and it can be used on xcode.Else it means it is not signed correctly.
If you can reproduce the above error with the steps, just show dev and let them know that their signature is not good.
1).You do not need a developer account if you already have a signed ipa
2).You also do not need any additional certificates from developers.
