I am using subdiv2d class of opencv for delaunay triangulation. I am particularly facing the problem with vertices at infinity. I do not need any triangle outside the image. So, I inserted the corner points of the image which works nice in many cases. But in certain cases, I still have triangles outside the image. So, I want to remove those vertices at infinity. Any help regarding removing the vertices or any other way, someone can suggest so that the triangles are always within the image?
Here is the code for inserting feature points in subdiv. I have inserted the corner points of the image.
Mat img = imread(...);
Rect rect(0, 0, 600, 600);
Subdiv2D subdiv(rect);
// inserting corners of the image
subdiv.insert( Point2f(0,0));
subdiv.insert( Point2f(img.cols-1, 0));
subdiv.insert( Point2f(img.cols-1, img.rows-1));
subdiv.insert( Point2f(0, img.rows-1));
// inserting N feature points
// ...
// further processing
Here is an example where corner points at infinity are creating problem
5 feature points, one in the middle and 4 corners
5 feature points, one near the bottom and 4 corner points
You can see in the 2nd image that triangle is outside the image
I need find edges of document that in user hands.
1) Original image from camera:
2) Then i convert image to BG:
3) Then i make blur:
3) Finds edges in an image using the Canny:
4) And use dilate :
As you can see on the last image the contour around the map is torn and the contour is not determined. What is my error and how to solve the problem in order to determine the outline of the document completely?
This is code how i to do it:
final Mat mat = new Mat();
//convert the image to black and white
Imgproc.cvtColor(mat, mat, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
//blur to enhance edge detection
Imgproc.GaussianBlur(mat, mat, new Size(5, 5), 0);
if (isClicked) saveImageFromMat(mat, "blur", "blur");
//convert the image to black and white does (8 bit)
int thresh = 128;
Imgproc.Canny(mat, mat, thresh, thresh * 2);
//dilate helps to connect nearby line segments
Imgproc.dilate(mat, mat,
Imgproc.getStructuringElement(Imgproc.MORPH_RECT, new Size(3, 3)),
new Point(-1, -1),
new Scalar(1));
This answer is based on my above comment. If someone is holding the document, you cannot see the edge that is behind the user's hand. So, any method for detecting the outline of the document must be robust to some missing parts of the edge.
I suggest using a variant of the Hough transform to detect the document. The Wikipedia article about the Hough transform makes it sound quite scary (as Wikipedia often does with mathematical subjects), but don't be discouraged, actually they are not too difficult to understand or implement.
The original Hough transform detected straight lines in images. As explained in this OpenCV tutorial, any straight line in an image can be defined by 2 parameters: an angle θ and a distance r of the line from the origin. So you quantize these 2 parameters, and create a 2D array with one cell for every possible line that could be present in your image. (The finer the quantization you use, the larger the array you will need, but the more accurate the position of the found lines will be.) Initialize the array to zeros. Then, for every pixel that is part of an edge detected by Canny, you determine every line (θ,r) that the pixel could be part of, and increment the corresponding bin. After processing all pixels, you will have, for each bin, a count of how many pixels were detected on the line corresponding to that bin. Counts which are high enough probably represent real lines in the image, even if parts of the line are missing. So you just scan through the bins to find bins which exceed the threshold.
OpenCV contains Hough detectors for straight lines and circles, but not for rectangles. You could either use the line detector and check for 4 lines that form the edges of your document; or you could write your own Hough detector for rectangles, perhaps using the paper Jung 2004 for inspiration. Rectangles have at least 5 degrees of freedom (2D position, scale, aspect ratio, and rotation angle), and memory requirement for a 5D array obviously goes up pretty fast. But since the range of each parameter is limited (ie, the document's aspect ratio is known, and you can assume the document will be well centered and not rotated much) it is probably feasible.
I am currently trying to map textures using image labels onto 2 different triangles (because im using right angle wedges so i need 2 to make scalene triangles), but here is the problem, I can only set positional, size, and rotational data so I need to figure out how I can use this information to correctly map the texture onto the triangle
the position is based on the topleft corner and size of triangle (<1,1> corner is at the bottom right and <0,0> corner is at top left) and the size is based on triangle size also (<1,1> is same size as triangle and <0,0> is infinitely tiny) and rotation is central based.
I have the UV coordinates (given 0-1) and face vertices, all from an obj file. The triangles in 3D are made up of 2 wedges which are split at a right angle from the longest surface and from the opposite angle.
I don't quite understand this however it may be help to change the canvas properties on the Surface GUI
I've been working off a variant of the opencv squares sample to detect rectangles. It's working fine for closed rectangles, but I was wondering what approaches I could take to detect rectangles that have openings ie missing corners, lines that are too short.
I perform some dilation, which closes small gaps but not these larger ones.
I considered using a convex hull or bounding rect to generate a contour for comparison but since the edges of the rectangle are disconnected, each would read as a separate contour.
I think the first step is to detect which lines are candidates for forming a complete rectangle, and then perform some sort of line extrapolation. This seems promising, but my rectangle edges won't lie perfectly horizontally or vertically.
I'm trying to detect the three leftmost rectangles in this image:
Perhaps this paper is of interest? Rectangle Detection based on a Windowed Hough Transform
Basically, take the hough line transform of the image. You will get maximums at the locations in (theta, rho) space which relate to the places where there are lines. The larger the value, the longer/straighter the line. Maybe do a threshold to only get the best lines. Then, we are trying to look for pairs of lines which are
1) parallel: the maximums occur at similar theta values
2) similar length: the values of the maximums are similar
3) orthogonal to another pair of lines: theta values are 90 degrees away from other pairs' theta values
There are some more details in the paper, such as doing the transform in a sliding window, and then using an error metric to consolidate multiple matches.
In the below picture, I have the 2D locations of the green points and I want to calculate the locations of the red points, or, as an intermediate step, I want to calculate the locations of the blue points. All in 2D.
Of course, I do not only want to find those locations for the picture above. In the end, I want an automated algorithm which takes a set of checkerboard corner points to calculate the outer corners.
I need the resulting coordinates to be as accurate as possible, so I think that I need a solution which does not only take the outer green points into account, but which also uses all the other green points' locations to calculate a best fit for the outer corners (red or blue).
If OpenCV can do this, please point me into that direction.
In general, if all you have is the detection of some, but not all, the inner corners, the problem cannot be solved. This is because the configuration is invariant to translation - shifting the physical checkerboard by whole squares would produce the same detected corner position on the image, but due to different physical corners.
Further, the configuration is also invariant to rotations by 180 deg in the checkerboard plane and, unless you are careful to distinguish between the colors of the squares adjacent each corner, to rotations by 90 deg and reflections with respect the center and the midlines.
This means that, in addition to detecting the corners, you need to extract from the image some features of the physical checkerboard that can be used to break the above invariance. The simplest break is to detect all 9 corners of one row and one column, or at least their end-corners. They can be used directly to rectify the image by imposing the condition that their lines be at 90 deg angle. However, this may turn out to be impossible due to occlusions or detector failure, and more sophisticated methods may be necessary.
For example, you can try to directly detect the chessboard edges, i.e. the fat black lines at the boundary. One way to do that, for example, would be to detect the letters and numbers nearby, and use those locations to constrain a line detector to nearby areas.
By the way, if the photo you posted is just a red herring, and you are interested in detecting general checkerboard-like patterns, and can control the kind of pattern, there are way more robust methods of doing it. My personal favorite is the "known 2D crossratios" pattern of Matsunaga and Kanatani.
I solved it robustly, but not accurately, with the following solution:
Find lines with at least 3 green points closely matching the line. (thin red lines in pic)
Keep bounding lines: From these lines, keep those with points only to one side of the line or very close to the line.
Filter bounding lines: From the bounding lines, take the 4 best ones/those with most points on them. (bold white lines in pic)
Calculate the intersections of the 4 remaining bounding lines (none of the lines are perfectly parallel, so this results in 6 intersections, of which we want only 4).
From the intersections, remove the one farthest from the average position of the intersections until only 4 of them are left.
That's the 4 blue points.
You can then feed these 4 points into OpenCV's findPerspectiveTransform function to find a perspective transform (aka a homography):
Point2f* srcPoints = (Point2f*) malloc(4 * sizeof(Point2f));
std::vector<Point2f> detectedCorners = CheckDet::getOuterCheckerboardCorners(srcImg);
for (int i = 0; i < MIN(4, detectedCorners.size()); i++) {
srcPoints[i] = detectedCorners[i];
Point2f* dstPoints = (Point2f*) malloc(4 * sizeof(Point2f));
int dstImgSize = 400;
dstPoints[0] = Point2f(dstImgSize * 1/8, dstImgSize * 1/8);
dstPoints[1] = Point2f(dstImgSize * 7/8, dstImgSize * 1/8);
dstPoints[2] = Point2f(dstImgSize * 7/8, dstImgSize * 7/8);
dstPoints[3] = Point2f(dstImgSize * 1/8, dstImgSize * 7/8);
Mat m = getPerspectiveTransform(srcPoints, dstPoints);
For our example image, the input and output of findPerspectiveTranform looks like this:
(349.1, 383.9) -> ( 50.0, 50.0)
(588.9, 243.3) -> (350.0, 50.0)
(787.9, 404.4) -> (350.0, 350.0)
(506.0, 593.1) -> ( 50.0, 350.0)
( 1.6 -1.1 -43.8 )
( 1.4 2.4 -1323.8 )
( 0.0 0.0 1.0 )
You can then transform the image's perspective to board coordinates:
Mat plainBoardImg;
warpPerspective(srcImg, plainBoardImg, m, Size(dstImgSize, dstImgSize));
Results in the following image:
For my project, the red points that you can see on the board in the question are not needed anymore, but I'm sure they can be calculated easily from the homography by inverting it and then using the inverse for back-tranforming the points (0, 0), (0, dstImgSize), (dstImgSize, dstImgSize), and (dstImgSize, 0).
The algorithm works surprisingly reliable, however, it does not use all the available information, because it uses only the outer points (those which are connected with the white lines). It does not use any data of the inner points for additional accuracy. I would still like to find an even better solution, which uses the data of the inner points.
The cvLine() function can draw a straight line given two points P1(x1,y1) and P2(x2,y2). What I'm stuck at is getting the points on this line instead of drawing it straight away.
Suppose I draw a line (in green) AB and another line AC. If I follow all the pixels on line AB there will be a point where I encounter black pixels (the border of the circle that encloses A) before I reach B.
Again when traveling along the pixels on line AC black pixels will be encountered twice.
Basically I'm trying to get the points on the (green) lines, but cvLine() doesn't seem to return any point sequence structure. Is there any way to get these points using OpenCV?
A rather dumb approach would be to draw the line using cvLine() on a separate image, then find contours on it, then traverse that contour's CvSeq* (the line drawn) for the points. Both the scratch image and the original image being of same size we'd be getting the points' positions. Like I said, kinda dumb. Any enlightened approach would be great!
I think a CvLinIterator does what you want.
Another dirty but efficient way to find the number of points of intersection between circles and line without iterating over all pixels of the line is as follows:
# First, create a single channel image having circles drawn on it.
CircleImage = np.zeros((Height, Width), dtype=np.uint8)
CircleImage = cv2.circle(CircleImage, Center, Radius, 255, 1) # 255-color, 1-thickness
# Then create an image of the same size with only the line drawn on it
LineImage = np.zeros((Height, Width), dtype=np.uint8)
LineImage = cv2.line(LineImage, PointA, PointB, 255, 1) # 255-color, 1-thickness
# Perform bitwise AND operation
IntersectionImage = cv2.bitwise_and(CircleImage, LineImage)
# Count number of white pixels now for the number of points of intersection.
Num = np.sum(IntersectionImage == 255)
This method is also fast as instead of iterating over pixels, it is using OpenCV and numpy libraries.
On adding another circle in the image "CircleImage", you can find the number of interaction points of both the circles and the line AC.