My app is still showing status Processing after 20 hours - ios

I submitted my iOS app to iTunes Connect and after 20 hours, the status is still showing “Processing” under Prerelease tab. Is this normal or is it a bug or I did something wrong?
What’s my next option?

Everyone's having the same issue, including myself. I uploaded several builds yesterday and they are still stuck in 'Processing'.
Apparently, this has been going on for weeks:

No, this is not normal. The processing step usually takes 5-10 minutes. I uploaded some builds yesterday and they're still in processing 24+ hours later. The problem is definitely on Apple's end.

I had same problem with Xcode 7. My solution was to disable bitcode on Xcode, recompile, create archive and upload again to itunes connect.
You can see this link


iOS build not showing anywhere in iTunes Connect

I have successfully built and uploaded a new version of an app with Xcode 7.3.1 in OS X 10.11.5, but the build is not showing in iTunes Connect.
After the build process (launched through the "product->archive" menu) the Organizer opens.
There, I choose the build and click on "Upload to App Store..."
So far, everything works as expected.
After the upload, when I refresh the iTunes Connect web page (under the "Activity" tab), I briefly see the new build showing in the list.
If I refresh the page again, some seconds later, the build has disappeared. I can no longer find it anywhere in the iTunes Connect site.
When I try to repeat the process, XCode gives the following error message:
ERROR ITMS-4238: "Redundant Binary Upload. There already exists a
binary upload with build version '2.4' for train '1.5'" at
so I have to increase the version number to complete another upload.
I went through this process 3 times, the last one using Application Loader instead of XCode, but the same thing happened all the times.
Does anyone know why this is happening?
What could I do to troubleshoot this problem?
What other informations may be useful to further investigate?
More than 48 hours have passed since the first upload, still no signs of any builds in iTunes Connect.
The only thing I can tell you is that it's probably a matter of time. I faced the same issue weeks ago, and between 24 and 48 hours after submitting, my build was finally showing in iTunes Connect.
It's a shame for Apple to make developers wait without informations... But this kind of issue had been reported a lot.
It turned out to be a wrong icon included in the asset catalog.
After 5 days of troubleshooting and ping pong with the Apple support, I was finally pointed in the right direction. All I had to do was replacing an image that was the wrong size.
Done that, all worked as expected.

iTunes Connect Add an iOS build to test - build grayed-out?

This build HAS finished processing, BUT it is now stuck as a "grayed-out" build. I have never seen anything like this before. Is this a brand new problem on iTunes Connect?
totally bizarre...
A build I uploaded more than 3 hours ago just changed from grayed-out to an option. Yet the build that finished processing about an hour ago is still grayed-out. So looks like it may be working with a much greater than normal lag.
An update from us, due to
(i) adding a new build ("451") which is pointlessly identical other than the build number
(ii) waiting 2.5 hours
seemed to do the trick. Interestingly it just skipped or got confused about 450, so maybe there was some problem there.
Who is using Xcode Cloud can have same experience (not possible to select build).
To fix it you need to select TestFlight and App Store deployment preparation as it shown in the image.

New iTunes Connect can't select my app build in Processing Status

On new iTunes Connect after upgrading Xcode to 7.0 version I can't select my build after uploading it from Xcode.
Hanged on weird (Processing) Status as you may see in the picture below.
And it keeps unselectable.
It's not a problem related with Xcode 7 or the new iTunes Connect I think, it happened before but now I see it happens more often (based on the questions in these days on StackOverflow); some months ago I had my build stuck in processing for over 6 days.
I know this it's terrible but normally this processing state if happens it takes 20 minutes about and after that you can select you build.
If you have problems or the process takes too much time you can contact Apple.
Had the same problem many times, it was a time sensitive app I needed to get online, I re-archived my app in Xcode with a higher version, and uploaded it to the app store, when doing this, my build was no longer processing and I could select it (the new one was processing but the original version that I wanted was then available) it's very annoying to have to re-archive and upload another identical version, but it was the only way I found to get a build out of processing quickly.
I hope this helps!

iOS Testflight "There was an error loading your builds."

Over the last few days I've tried to set up test flight for my iOS application through iTunes connect, however, whenever, I try to switch on TestFlight, I get an error saying "There was an error loading your builds." and I'm not quite sure what to do, does anyone have any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
For me, I had to also go to the Build Description add some text to the "Description" field and "What to Test" field.
For me it simply required waiting for the "Processing" step to complete on Apple's side.
after following a hint at the Apple developer forums, I was able to solve the issue on my side.
It seems you have to use version numbers with max one dot: X.XX
Having multiple dots will result in the above error. So don't use X.XX.XX
Another thing you should check is that you have the beta test entitlements in your distribution profile. This essentially means you should create a new distribution profile, it will have the new entitlements automatically.
I've had the same issue, what it was for me is that I had like 1.09 and 1.08 in my build numbers. Used the exact same process and changed it to 2.0 and it worked. I guess they don't allow multiple numbers after the decimal anymore or something, very odd. Thanks to DrMembrane for providing that link
This just happened to me. I submitted several builds to App Store/Test Flight without issue. Then I submitted a build with bitcode turned off. It took much longer than usual to process the build (six hours, whereas it usually takes around ten minutes), and then it was marked as failed. I tried again and the same thing happened.
Submitting the app again with bitcode turned on worked.
It seems like bitcode isn't "optional", after all, as Apple would have us believe.

Your app information could not be saved.Try again.New iTunes Connect

I regenerate all of the certificates, update the version number of the application, but the problem persists.
Follow the below steps.
Go to My Apps Page.
Remove the Build. Then Save It.
Re Add your Build. then Save It.
Now try to Submit It must work.
I do not know what the reasons are, how to do?Thanks!
In Prerelease section the status of your build should not be "Processing". Just wait some time (10-20 min) after build upload, and it will be ready to use.
I got this problem in Chrome browser. Switching to Safari worked like a charm for me.
I had the same issue. To solve it, the unique thing I had to do was "Clear History and Website Data..." within Safari (version 8.0.3 in my case).
Please, keep in mind that I speak from my experience and that worked for me. I cannot guarantee this as a general rule to fix the problem. Nevertheless I can assure that I tried several alternatives explained here and the one I just described was the solution for me.
It seems to happen if you are too quick between the build finishing "processing" and it being attached to a version and the version being submitted. I just published two apps in quick succession and the second submission had this problem while the first was fine. The only difference - speed of clicking the submit button.
Logging out and back in made no difference - the "problem" is with the submission.
I removed the just uploaded build from the version and then re-attached it, proceeding as normal to submit the release to Apple with exactly the same build and submission artifacts as before, except this one "saved" and went into the review queue.
I got the strange but working solution.
I had tried submitting the app using Safari browser but it didn't work and showed same error. Submitting the App using Chrome worked for me in the first go...
I'm stuck on this too; and have had to work around several other iTunes Connect bugs just to get to this point. What were Apple thinking by releasing this iTunes Connect version? It's completely ridden with bugs!
Sorry, I've tried everything I can: Filing a support case with Apple appears to be the only 'solution' at this point.
Make sure the Version you have on iTunes Connect and the version you gave in the Info settings in xCode are exactly the same.
I had 1.0.0 in iTunes Connect and 1.0 in xCode and it kept giving me this error message. I changed it to 1.0.0 in xCode and it worked perfectly.
I had the same problem. just sign out and sign in again. it should work.
I had the following issue when submitting a build which was uploaded couple of days ago for test flight testing. Then figured out that the provisioning profile of the application has expired so I renewed the prov profile and downloaded and re-archived the application (by increasing only the build number ) and uploaded and submitted it. And it worked like a charm.
I guess apple need to be specific of these error scenarios
In my case we contacted apple and they said the issue is that it seems that we don’t have a correct certificate generated on We use Xcode automatic signing management. I refreshed correct profiles, rebuilt and I could submit successfully.
I had the same problem. Tried from different system and it got saved
