Sidebar menu with uitableview in swift for ios - ios

I'm new into ios development. I'm trying to implement a small contact manager application. I'm following a tutorial from this link and I followed many, but which didn't satisfy my requirements. What I'm trying to achieve is having a sidebar menu, and have a table view as my main view. Most of the examples showed how to use them with a normal view controller. A clear example is how BBM works on iphone, when you tap more or the sidebar button. From the provided link, is there anywhere to change the initial view to table view? I've tried but it wasn't successful. I'll appreciate any help, My application as to be submitted soon. Thanks.

You can use this link for side bar menu using UITablView


how to make view controller similar like fragment in android for ios

I am very new in iOS development and wanna make design similar to my Android app.
below is the Image of Android App that I wanna replicate in iOS.
any help, source or reference would be appreciated.
Screen 1 : Screen one is main page with filter list on top (blue patch)
Screen 2 : By tapping change filter whole screen slides down and behind screen get visible (which holds filter)
Screen 3 : Highlighted part changes with other page on basis of menu selection.
sorry for bad English, but i hope you guys understand.
Thank you in advance
You can have two view controller screen(One Main Screen and another for Filter). There is no concept of fragments. What I prefer I used to have xib for reusable view and storyboard for creating activity like your Android. Code for the same will be done in ViewController.

How does the Air BnB achieve the user menu?

Using the air bnb app, if you click on the far right icon on the tab menu, it opens a user menu which slides in from the right over the top but only takes up half of the screen. The rest of the screen below is dimmed.
How can this be implemented? Does it require a custom segue or view controller container?
I have seen a similar feature to what your describing done before using a modal segue that instantiates a new view with a partially transparent background. You have given a vague question so I can't really provide a specific answer. Comment if you need more info.
Here is the app I saw it in, from a tutorial.

How to get page dots on an Apple Watch project

For my Apple Watch project, I'd like to be able to swipe between different page views, and have page dots at the bottom of the screen. How do I do this in Xcode? I've tried everything and I can't seem to figure it out.
use next-page segue to implement the page based navigation.
refer to this tutorial
also tho this apple developer forum page

On an iPad, how to create a left side menu to let the contents displayed at the centre according to the item tapped on the menu

I am very new to iOS development. Currently, I am trying to develop an iPad app, which is used for taking orders in a restaurant. When I am trying to create the UI on an iPad, I want to create a left side menu to let the contents displayed at the centre according to the item tapped on the menu. Which is similar to this:
As I am very new to the iOS development, can anybody tell me where I can learn iOS development step by step. And are they any samples of this kind of app that I can refer to?
Thanks very much!
there are many tutorials for creating split view application as links provided by #PratyushaTerli and otherwise you can use direect way as recommended by #antonio MG and there is another two good links for creating them which are : (good demos in it using story board or using xib's ) and you can look on project on github named - mmdrawercontroller.
annother good project is this
As Antonio MG said, the easiest way to do this is with Master/Detail project in Xcode. It uses the UISplitViewController logic of one 'Master' controller which controls the appearance of detail content in the 'Slave' or 'Detail' controller aside.
The sample Xcode project should be enough to make you understand how UISplitViewController and its UISplitViewControllerDelegate work together. Or also checkout this tutorial:
Just create a Master/Detail project and you will have the basic structure of that kind of behaviour. The rest is just customising the table and the cells.

Integrating Navigation of iPhone app and Xpages App

I am finishing an iPhone app for my company.
I am using Xcode and Xpages, as we are a Lotus Notes shop.
In Xcode I am using a UINavigation Controller with a Table View for selections. One selection is the Company Directory, which is an Xpage using the Xpages Mobile Controls (Single Page Application and then Application pages, etc.). This works fine EXCEPT for the navigation hand off between the Xcode parts of the app and Xpages. I end up with two sets of navigation controls, which is not good.
Any ideas how I can get around this?
OK, I think I figured this out.
It really isn't anything to do with Xpages, but with using UIWebViews within iOS.
The problem was that on the first webView, I wanted to show the iOS Navigation, but in any subsequent ones I didn't want to - would just prefer to use the web navigation.
There is a delegation method in iOS Web views that allows you to show or hide the navigation bar. I added this delegate and just check to see which page I am on. If on the first one, I show the iOS Navigation, else I suppress.
This works great!
