Automate configuration of Jenkins & Sonarqube - jenkins

I am trying to find a solution to automate installation and configuration of Jenkins & SonarQube. The idea is to provide an easy to use provisioning utility for setting up CI. Ideally I would love to automate the following
Set up users,Build, Unit testing and Code coverage
Is there an SDK, CLI or similar which can be used from batch script?

You can use the Jenkins docker image for the installation part - even if you're not using Docker you can still copy the installation procedure:
For the setup of jobs I would recommend the Job DSL:
For the rest you can use the Jenkins CLI or you can manually configure it once and then extract the corresponding XML file from the Jenkins home and copy it into other installations.


How to add Sonarqube into Jenkins

I have installed sonar and jenkins. Now I want to add Sonarqube into Jenkins. But in the manage plugins, it doesn't show me the Sonarqube.the display I get
SonarQube is a standalone server. It offers a web user interface to visualize bugs, code smells and vulnerabilities. You cannot include this web-ui SonarQube in Jenkins.
However, you can trigger a scan as part of your Jenkins job. This scan can "send" its findings into a SonarQube installation - either hosted by your own (on-premise), or using the hosting offer at
There are a couple of different ways to include the scanner in your job, but the setup is specific to your programming language and build tools (Maven, VisualStudio, command line, ...). Check the sonarcloud docs for the way, that fit's best to your situation.

How to integrate SonarCloud with GitHub and Jenkins

I just concluded my GitHub integration with Jenkins so that every time I commit code to my GitHub repository, Jenkins automatically builds.
Now I'm trying to integrate SonarCloud too but I haven't been successful.
I'm not looking to integrate with a local SonarQube server, I really need SonarCloud for my team to check it every time Jenkins builds.
I'm not sure if I should analyse the project locally to achieve this or if I can analyse my Jenkins server or GitHub repository and get the result I want because I can't find any documentation.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Thank you!
Sonarcloud is just a sonarqube server.
Just use sonar-scanner(the documentation for jenkins can be found here).
At first, you need to install the jenkins plugin for sonar-scanner.
After that, you open the configuration of sonar-scanner using Manage Jenkins > Configure System.
Insert under Server URL and your sonar token(of sonarclound) under Server authentication token
Under Manage Jenkins > Configure System, you should check Enable injection of SonarQube server configuration as build environment variables and in Build Environment in your job, you should enable Prepare SonarScanner environment.
After you've done that, you can run sonar-scanner with $SONAR_MAVEN_GOAL (if you are using maven), ./gradlew sonarqube (if you are using gradle) or sonar-scanner (if you use none of that).

Integrate jenkins and iib runtime

i want to setup build automation for IIB deployment using jenkins and enterprise github as a code my case, i have jenkins and iib runtime on different servers.
how do jenkins can run the IIB related run time commands and toolkit commands like mqsicreatebar in another server ?
is there any good approach for the above scenario ?
instead of building all IIb applications, i want to build only the project that was pushed to gitlab using post-receive hook script and generate environment specific bar files. ( using gitlab webhooks now)

Implement Jmeter/taurus with Openshift

I am Implementing Jmeter/taurus for performance testing for microservices. We are using Openshift PaaS solution to run all microservices. I am able to deploy jmeter/taurus inside Openshift using jenkins pipeline and generated the taurus report using jmx report in the container. My requirement is to publish the taurus report to Jenkins, rather than storing it to cloud storage or nexus. Can someone advise me what should be best approach to publish performance report for developers on Jenkins or any other optimal way to publish.
I found something by googling where they Jenkins agent was deployed inside Openshift and checkout the test suite Git repo into the agent's workspace just want to make sure if this is the best approach for my scenario. Our Jenkins master is running on Google cloud platform VM's with some dynamic slaves.
Thanks in Advance!
According to Dump Summary for Jenkins Plugins Taurus User Manual Chapter, you just need to add reporting module definition to your YAML configuration file like:
- module: final-stats
dump-xml: stats.xml
And "feed" this stats.xml file to Jenkins Performance Plugin
That's it, you should get Performance Report added to your build dashboard. Check out How to Run Taurus with the Jenkins Performance Plugin article for more information if needed.

How would I install Sonar in my existing Jenkins

I would like to integrate Sonar Qube in my Existing Jenkins Set Up(Build Script in ANT).Please do help me in doing it
The easiest and recommended way would be to use SonarQube Jenkins Plugin. The documentation explains the process quite nicely and there is an option to run Standalone analysis, which is not dependent on your build process...
