How to add Sonarqube into Jenkins - jenkins

I have installed sonar and jenkins. Now I want to add Sonarqube into Jenkins. But in the manage plugins, it doesn't show me the Sonarqube.the display I get

SonarQube is a standalone server. It offers a web user interface to visualize bugs, code smells and vulnerabilities. You cannot include this web-ui SonarQube in Jenkins.
However, you can trigger a scan as part of your Jenkins job. This scan can "send" its findings into a SonarQube installation - either hosted by your own (on-premise), or using the hosting offer at
There are a couple of different ways to include the scanner in your job, but the setup is specific to your programming language and build tools (Maven, VisualStudio, command line, ...). Check the sonarcloud docs for the way, that fit's best to your situation.


Implement Jmeter/taurus with Openshift

I am Implementing Jmeter/taurus for performance testing for microservices. We are using Openshift PaaS solution to run all microservices. I am able to deploy jmeter/taurus inside Openshift using jenkins pipeline and generated the taurus report using jmx report in the container. My requirement is to publish the taurus report to Jenkins, rather than storing it to cloud storage or nexus. Can someone advise me what should be best approach to publish performance report for developers on Jenkins or any other optimal way to publish.
I found something by googling where they Jenkins agent was deployed inside Openshift and checkout the test suite Git repo into the agent's workspace just want to make sure if this is the best approach for my scenario. Our Jenkins master is running on Google cloud platform VM's with some dynamic slaves.
Thanks in Advance!
According to Dump Summary for Jenkins Plugins Taurus User Manual Chapter, you just need to add reporting module definition to your YAML configuration file like:
- module: final-stats
dump-xml: stats.xml
And "feed" this stats.xml file to Jenkins Performance Plugin
That's it, you should get Performance Report added to your build dashboard. Check out How to Run Taurus with the Jenkins Performance Plugin article for more information if needed.

how to publish klocwork results on sonarqube

We are running both: Klocwork for C++ and SonarQube for Java and C# projects as a CI process using Jenkins. Since the SonarQube dashboard is much better, I would like to publish Klocwork results on the SonarQube.
Is it possible using some kind of Jenkins plugin? Any other option?
There is a SonarQube plugin for Klocwork available on this updated page:
You will need to complete the request form on the web page in order to obtain the resource.
To publish Klockwork results in SonarQube you need not a Jenkins plugin but a SonarQube plugin. There appears to be one but I have no experience with it, and the screenshots on the site are quite old.
If you don't have any luck with it, another option would be to develop your own plugin. If you decide to go that route, you can post specific plugin development questions to the SonarQube Google Group.

CICD with jenkins and sonarqube

from the last week i am working with jenkins, and its going good but at the end of R&D I have lost of confusion, these are questions which confusingto me.
How to do Continuous Integration with jenkins of Website?
hoe to view Testing analysis reports produced by sonarqube server to my local system?
what happens where all my developers will do commit and push at the same time on repository?
How to deploy my web application on targeted server using jenkins?
How to I use sonarqube to test my website ?
If you are building a .net website, install msbuild plugin in jenkins. Create a jenkins job, add a step checkout your website (git/svn - install required repo plugin). Schedule to run nightly or hourly depending on your needs.
Type in url for your sonarqube server and then you can view the reports.
This is not an issue if your developers are comitting simultaneously. Usually a CI tool such as Jenkins will take care of that.
This is called continuous deployment or continuous delivery. Something like Octopus Deploy can help you if you are deploying .net applications. You can use the tool octo.exe and pass the API key as parameter to deploy to a specific environment.
SonarQube is used as a quality gate for code analysis. It is not a test framework. Try to investigate on how to use selenium framework for automation testing.
I hope that I have answered your questions.

Automate configuration of Jenkins & Sonarqube

I am trying to find a solution to automate installation and configuration of Jenkins & SonarQube. The idea is to provide an easy to use provisioning utility for setting up CI. Ideally I would love to automate the following
Set up users,Build, Unit testing and Code coverage
Is there an SDK, CLI or similar which can be used from batch script?
You can use the Jenkins docker image for the installation part - even if you're not using Docker you can still copy the installation procedure:
For the setup of jobs I would recommend the Job DSL:
For the rest you can use the Jenkins CLI or you can manually configure it once and then extract the corresponding XML file from the Jenkins home and copy it into other installations.

Jenkins Puppet integration

My development setup is such that for every svn checkin code is built,unit tested, packaged and published in Artifactory. Now I want to automate my deployment process & run integration(Selenium) test as part of this process. I am thinking of using Puppet to managed the deployment
Is puppet the correct tool for this
What is the process I should use to trigger puppet master to initiate a fresh installation on agents, I couldn't find any Jenkins plugin that would actually trigger puppet. One option is to call
puppet apply ...
as a Jenkins post build task
Any suggestions welcome, thank you.
Have a look at this Selenium Jenkins article from Saucelabs, a service that automates cross-browser testing. Though they are a vendor with a service to sell, the article covers how to do Selenium testing yourself with Jenkins. It also exposes common pain points you are likely to run into with this approach.
A Puppet master doesn't serve the function of orchestrating client convergences. Take a look at Mcollective. This is a tool that will allow you to trigger puppet runs on target systems from a Jenkins agent via script commands.
Some Mcollective getting started material:
