Integrate jenkins and iib runtime - jenkins

i want to setup build automation for IIB deployment using jenkins and enterprise github as a code my case, i have jenkins and iib runtime on different servers.
how do jenkins can run the IIB related run time commands and toolkit commands like mqsicreatebar in another server ?
is there any good approach for the above scenario ?
instead of building all IIb applications, i want to build only the project that was pushed to gitlab using post-receive hook script and generate environment specific bar files. ( using gitlab webhooks now)


Integrating Jenkins with Gitlab

I need to setup a build configuration in Jenkins so that whenever a build is triggered, I get my latest scripts from Gitlab and copy them to the target systems and run that script on the target.
I couldn't find any relevant info for integrating Gitlab to Jenkins. Are there any specific plugins that I could use?
I am using Jenkins version 2.158
Step by Step procedure for doing what you are looking for:
Add the location of the Script from GitLAB. (E.g.)
Run the script over the target machine.
While Building the job, you will get the code at the root (./) of the job's workspace. Copying and running the script over the target machine can be done by remote script executions. following are the cases we having in running script in the remote machine
Windows (jenkins) to windows - use psexec.exe
Windows (Jenkins) to linux - use plink.exe which is command line putty
Linux (Jenkins) to linux - use SCP and SSH
Linux to Windows - use ansible for windows.
$ scp remote_username#
$ ssh -t remote_username# /remote/directory/
All the best.
Integration between Git Repository Management (github, gitlab,bitbucket, etc) and Jenkins has the following steps :
Developer push some source code (java, php, nodejs, etc) to the Git Repository Management.
The Git Repository Management detects this event and notify to some public http endpoint in your Jenkins. Currently webhook is the most recommended way to implement this notification.
Jenkins receive the http post request(from bitbucket for example) and using some plugin or configurations , Jenkins try to determine or get the basic devops parameters like : branch name, commit author, commit message, technology, etc
Whit the extracted devops parameters, Jenkins launchs a preconfigured job. This job use the previously extracted values to build, compile, zip, install or to do whatever is necessary to startup your application.
If you want to implement this flow, check this post:
Also, if you need. I will gladly to show you a basic integration using some git repository management and jenkins . Just contact me.

Continuous Deployment using Jenkins and Docker

We are building a java based high-availability service for a financial application. I am part of the team for managing continuous integration using Jenkins.
Lately we introduced continuous deployment too in the list and we opted for Docker containers.
Here is the the infrastructure:
The production cluster will have 3 RHEL machines running the following docker containers on each of them:
3 instances of Wildfly
Application IDE is Netbeans and source code is in git.
Currently we are doing manual deployment on this infrastructure.
Please suggest me some tools which I use with Jenkins to complete the continuous deployment process.
You might want jenkins to trigger on each push to your jenkins repository. There are plugins that help you do that with a webhook.Gitlab-plugin is a solution similar solution exist for Github and other git solutions.
Instead of heavily relying on bash and jenkins configuration you might want to setup a jenkins pipeline with the jenkins pipeline plugin or even pipeline: multibranch plugin. With those you can automate your build in groovy code (jenkinsfile) in a repository with the possibility to add functunality with other plugins building on them.
You can then use the docker pipeline plugin to easily build docker containers, push docker images and run code inside docker containers.
I would suggest building your services inside docker so that your jenkins machine does not have all the different dependencies installed (and therefore maybe conflicting versions). Use docker containers with all the dependencies and run your build code in there with the docker pipeline plugin from groovy.
Install a registry solution to push and pull your docker images to.
Use the Pipeline: Shared Groovy Libraries to extract libraries from your jenkinsfiles so that they can be reused. Those library files should have their own repository which your jenkins knows about and keeps up to date. Possibly you can even have an entire pipeline process shared between multiple projects which simply add parameters in their jenkinsfile.
A lot of text and no examples. If you think something is interesting and you want to see some code just ask. I am currently setting all this up.

Automate configuration of Jenkins & Sonarqube

I am trying to find a solution to automate installation and configuration of Jenkins & SonarQube. The idea is to provide an easy to use provisioning utility for setting up CI. Ideally I would love to automate the following
Set up users,Build, Unit testing and Code coverage
Is there an SDK, CLI or similar which can be used from batch script?
You can use the Jenkins docker image for the installation part - even if you're not using Docker you can still copy the installation procedure:
For the setup of jobs I would recommend the Job DSL:
For the rest you can use the Jenkins CLI or you can manually configure it once and then extract the corresponding XML file from the Jenkins home and copy it into other installations.

How do I pass on my build file from Jenkins to Saltstack master

We have a Jenkins system to automate build from Github, now we are implementing a Saltstack system. So I need to integrate my Jenkins with Salt-master so that it passes all the new builds to the master which then sends it across the salt-clients(minions).
The saltstack setup is in AWS cloud and and the Jenkins machine is outside the cloud in a local setup.
You could enable the salt-api and using the following plugin: then all of your jenkins builds can execute states / orchestrations etc. to any minions on a per job basis.
Another way of doing this is to have a minion running on the salt-master and install the jenkins slave on the same box. Then restrict the jenkins jobs to that jenkins slave and execute the commands as if you were at the command line. NOTE: this option requires a bit more configuration.

Jenkins Puppet integration

My development setup is such that for every svn checkin code is built,unit tested, packaged and published in Artifactory. Now I want to automate my deployment process & run integration(Selenium) test as part of this process. I am thinking of using Puppet to managed the deployment
Is puppet the correct tool for this
What is the process I should use to trigger puppet master to initiate a fresh installation on agents, I couldn't find any Jenkins plugin that would actually trigger puppet. One option is to call
puppet apply ...
as a Jenkins post build task
Any suggestions welcome, thank you.
Have a look at this Selenium Jenkins article from Saucelabs, a service that automates cross-browser testing. Though they are a vendor with a service to sell, the article covers how to do Selenium testing yourself with Jenkins. It also exposes common pain points you are likely to run into with this approach.
A Puppet master doesn't serve the function of orchestrating client convergences. Take a look at Mcollective. This is a tool that will allow you to trigger puppet runs on target systems from a Jenkins agent via script commands.
Some Mcollective getting started material:
