YouTube link not opening App (iOS/Chrome) - ios

I have created a basic web page that links to a few YouTube accounts. Each account has a custom URL as allocated by Google via Google+:*channelName
The links work fine in iOS Safari and offers to open the YouTube app, which is the behaviour that I want, but when I click the links in iOS Chrome it simply sends me to the mobile YouTube website.
Anyone know why Chrome doesn't launch the YouTube app? Normally if you click a YouTube link in Chrome it does it by default, but I can't get it to work with this particular URL format.

Try this:
Open settings in iOS Chrome
Google Apps
Turn on YouTube
YouTube was off by default on my iPhone.


youtube live chat show only on desktop - on mobile see nothing

I used the following iframe to embed youtube live chat:
If you try to see the embeded chat you see regurarly on desktop version:
If you try to see it on mobile I only see a blank space.
My question is: is it possible to show youtube live chat on mobile ?
Are there any limit? I have seen on internet that youtube don't allow live chat on mobile if you don't have an ADSense account. We have a Google ADS account on the web site.
Any suggestion is very appreciated!
Many thanks in advance
I tried to put the iframe directly into the page and not into widget but nothing changed.
I followed all suggestion find out on stack overflow without success.
It says YouTube Chat embed is not possible on Mobile, only on Desktop browsers:
Note: embedding live chat isn't available on mobile web.
During a live stream, you can embed live chat on your own site by
using an iframe.
Get the video ID for the live stream. You can get the video ID from the watch page URL ( In this case, the video ID is ‘12345’. If you chose "Stream now," right-click on the player and select Copy video URL to get the video URL.
Get the domain URL for the site you want to embed chat on. If you're embedding chat on, your embedding domain is ""
Combine the embedded URL in the following way:
This is the URL for your iframe. Note the embed_domain must match the URL of the page you’re embedding the chat on. If they are different, the embedded chat will not load.

Embedding YouTube Video in for iOS

Our html app occasionally embeds YouTube videos in the UI. We use a simple iframe to embed them.
When we put the app on our phones (iOS / iOS Simulator) the video opens in mobile Safari.
What's the right way to get the embedded YouTube videos to play within the app, and not launch Safari?
Since YouTube redirects you to its https:// protocol site, you need to whitelist -- just whitelisting is not enough.

Open Youtube App and go back to my App

For my project, I would like to watch some Youtube video. However, when I embed Youtube's Player in a UIWebView, the quality is really low. So, I decide to play the videos on the Youtube App if she's on the phone.
My problem is that my user can't go back to my app once the video is finish.
I know there's a URL Scheme for Google Maps App that add a button to go back to your app, but I didn't find anythings for the Youtube App.
Any idea ?
There isn't any public URL Scheme for the YouTube iOS App like Google Maps has for callbacks.
You can use this SDK for embedding Youtube videos into your app:
Check out the Youtube Developer Site:, if they will enable an URL Scheme with callbacks, it will be available here.

ios 6 opening app directly from mail as youtube links

Even though the YouTube app is now not a built-in app by Apple, it looks like when tapping a youtube link (in mail, for example), which starts with, opens the YouTube app right away.
Is there a way to this for custom apps in iOS 6? I only know of custom schemes as the way to launch an app via URL.
The best solution i came across is in this post = >
Is it possible to register a http+domain-based URL Scheme for iPhone apps, like YouTube and Maps?
But this is not as good as youtube integration. Requires user interaction via a confirm dialog etc. I wonder if IOS treats youtube links special and custom apps won't be able to use it?
Since you are talking about iOS6, then I think this answers your question:
Promoting Apps with Smart App Banners

do pre-roll ads appear on embedded youtube videos on iOS?

We are contemplating using youtube to store and encode our videos for our iOS app. If we do so, will the pre-roll ads that appear on youtube via the web also appear on mobile?
As far as I know, no form of ad appears on the mobile or HTML5 versions of YouTube. Embedded ads only appear in the Flash Player driven version of the page, available in desktop browsers.
