Parse Client Push Notifications Not Working - ios

I am trying to set up push notifications for my new app. I am getting the following error from Parse. Is everyone having the same issue? Is there a work around it?
Push notification is working for my other apps.

Ok - This is weird I was able to fix it by changing the name of my app. Not sure why this worked, but it worked.


Notifications not working on Whitelabel iOS app

So I am whitelabeling the app for iOS. I have already done this for Android and it is working very well. The issue I'm having is that the app works on the simulator, but it does not receive any notifications. I have followed these instructions to no avail. It seems as if the app is not able to communicate with Firebase. Additionally, when I first launch the app after installing, it asks if I want to enable notifications, so the app itself is working. I'm really not sure what to try next. Thank you for your help. If you need any additional information, just let me know.
So the simulator cannot receive push notifications. Seems strange, but that was the problem.

Using push notifications on Heroku

I am looking for the simplest way to use push notifications to users from a Parse-Server app on Heroku. Just in case, this is for an iOS app.
Any tip or suggestion would be appreciated.
I used have code working on But it does not seem to be working any more.
Have a look on this hope it works Traversy media PUSH Notification
He shows on pc i think this might work on mobile also ,if not the library he is using must have your solution

OneSignal iOS Settings keeps disappearing

I'm currently working on implementing push notification for my app using React Native and OneSignal. I've managed to set the settings for Android and iOS, but I noticed the iOS side keeps disappearing from time to time and appearing again. Same thing with the dashboard, the iOS logo sometimes appear and disappear.
When trying to send notification while only targeting my iOS device, sometimes the system would show Total Number of Recipient to be 0 as well. The device itself only received the notifications from time to time while the android side always received them.
Anyone ever have this issue as well? And did you managed to solve it?
I cannot seem to find a way to fix this so I decided to do a workaround instead by creating another project inside OneSignal and disable the old one. The push notification is working fine now.
OneSignal fixed this issue today with the dashboard not saving/persisting data. You should be able to save your settings now. Best to contact OneSignal directly with issues like this.

Receiving multiple Duplicate Push notifications from Firebase

I am facing a serious issue, I am receiving multiple push notifications from the server? Even the server is sending once.
I read on stackoverflow different posts that its due to calling
I checked and debugged the app, this method is calling only once in the AppDelegate.
Any suggestion will be helpful for me?
-There are certain reasons behind this issue, most of the solutions are "call once in the app "registerForRemoteNotifications".
First, check if you are not calling this method more than once in AppDelegate
-In my case, I debugged and checked my code, I am calling only once the above method.
from this link I realized, during development, I am again and again pulling "ipa" to the phone, let's check this solution if it works
First Uninstall your app from the phone
Install the app again, and check by sending push again
Now, in my case everything is just fine now, Xcode has this bug started in iOS 9 and till iOS 11, developers facing this issue. I hope if these above two solutions help you in understanding the problem.

Can't get rid of scheduled push notifications - iOS

I have a very silly problem, which I unfortunately don't really understand how to solve.
I'm trying to implement push notification to my iOS app (Swift). I did succeed to create scheduled push notifications, where I send a notification every minute, for test purposes. Now I don't seem to be able to remove this, even though I have removed the code related to it, and reinstalled the app on the device. The only thing working is to disable push notifications in Xcode, which I do not want to do. It seems like I have missed something fundamental about the concept.
I did use an APN Tester at first to send messages to the device, but I don't think that has to do with anything.
Silly question, but I hope someone could help me.
Use this to remove all local notification:
Updating Lumialxk to be current as of Swift 4.0 using UNUserNotificationCenter
