Authorization in rails4+ - ruby-on-rails

I have a User table where i store user information and i have a Role table where i store the roles. The associations of the tables is : User can have just one role, and roles can have more than one User.
I have my controller where i have actions like "create, new, update, delete". I want to use authorization for these actions. For example admin can do everything, a simple user can just read etc. Im very new in RoR, can somebody tell me how to permit/restrict access to specific pages/actions based in roles.
Thanks in advance

The CanCanCan gem is designed for this task.
I would also recommend considering the gem Devise for user authentication, rather than rolling your own solution.


Restful management of Devise model records | Rails 5.2

I'm working on a project that involves two Devise models (User and Admin). What I'd like to do is allow for Admin members to be able to view and manage Users in a RESTful way (i.e: index, show, create, update, destroy).
Would the best way be to create a users_controller and treat it like an average RESTful model (modifying each controller action to work with Devise where applicable)?
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
It seems I wasn't clear about the question above. Answers below are about the authorisation of actions affecting the User model. This isn't what I'm asking about. I'm asking about the best way to facilitate the transaction itself, not the authorisation and restriction of the transaction. What would be the best way to have Admin members creating Users and updating User records without using the standard Devise self-signup. My intention is to disable self-signup so as to only allow new User registration by an Admin member creating the User account. Hopefully, this is more clear. Thanks.
I advise you take a look at the following gems Rolify and CanCan, there were integrated with devise here.
Here's a link

How to create users with different dashboard layouts and privileges using RailsAdmin in Ruby on Rails

We are trying to create different groups of users with restricted database
functionality using the railsAdmin plugin in Rails. Specifically, there is a
table in the database that indexes all personnel. We want to create two
levels of user accounts. "Admins" have access to all personnel. "Moderators"
have access to a subset of personnel only. Further, moderators should be
able to add personnel to the database, but they should be visible only to
that moderator and the admins. As an example, if user A is a moderator and
adds a person named "Dave,", we don't want Dave to be visible in the
dashboard for other moderators (e.g., B, C, etc). Similarly, if moderator B
adds a person, s/he should be visible only to moderator B. We are having
difficulty determining where in the code this type of functionality should
be added. Any pointers would be appreciated. Thank you.
Have you considered using CanCan with rails_admin?
There is a pretty good guide on authorisation using CanCan with rails_admin on their wiki:
p.s. you might prefer to use CanCanCan which is more actively maintained

Declarative Authorization: restrict model actions on specific attributes

I'm quite new to rails and I'm trying to setup an authorization system that allows me to control which attributes of a model can be modified by a user.
I use declarative_authorization for a role based authorization. This already provides me quite a lot of functionality: restrict what the user can see in the view depending on his roles, which actions he can perform in the controllers and basically also which actions he is allowed to do on the model.
However, I just can't find an answer on how to restrict the actions on specific attributes of a model depending on the role.
A user that has a :guest role is allowed to update certain attributes of a user-account: When he tries to log in with a wrong password, I want to update a specific field of a user-account that will make this account inactive. The :guest role should however never be able to change the nickname of this user account.
I therefore use the "using_access_control" method in my user-model, but this either gives "update" privileges on an account for all attributes or no "update" privilege at all depending on the role.
I understand that "strong_parameters" is a gem that would basically make such functionality available but I have no clue on how to fit both "declarative_authorization" and "strong_parameters" together or how to do it simply with "declarative_authorization".
Can somebody point me to the solution?
Many thanks!
Authorization::Maintenance::without_access_control do
# do something
I hope this was helpful.

How Do I Create a User Profile With Devise?

I really like how devise offers an easy to use registration system out of the box but I'm having trouble extending it to do what I need. I need to create a public user profile for each user that shows their information like name, email, bio, and more info. I've done this in the past before with a users/show function but since devise doesn't provide any easily editable controllers, I'm having trouble figuring out how to do this. I've already run rails generate devise:views to copy the devise views to my app but I don't know where to go from here. Any help would be much appreciated.
Sounds like you want users to update their profile at the same time they create their account? If so, you can setup an associated Profile model with the User model. Using accepts_nested_attributes_for you can then create a record for the nested model on devise user registration submit/creation.
Here's a great screencast covering nested models and I also suggest you search other devise relate SO posts as this question has been discussed before.
There is an alternative approach, that is simpler to implement — only allow registered users edit/update their profile. This way you don't have to alter the Devise views and you can setup the various CRUD actions via a separate non-devise controller.
Throw in an Access Control List (ACL) solution such as CanCan (there are other alternatives too!) and you can even allow other users view profiles but deny access to edit/destroy etc.

Rails 3.0 authorization per user not roles

A lot of the rails authorization gems in rails is based on the idea of roles. We have a website that does not have "roles" but rather many users. Each user needs access to changed/update information on a single page rather than on lots of pages in a role of author. The page that they are editing is public accessible (view) but only editable by that user or the admin. No other user can edit that page.
Creating a role per user for this is silly.
Are there any rails gems already available that will allow this sort of mapping to users that do not have a particular grouping in a role?
Am I looking at the problem incorrectly?
You can use CanCan, and limit the queries / actions per user. Check it here . And there's an example of how to do this in Railscast 192.
I have the idea that I've seen an example in which CanCan added a mixin active record to provide some out of the box authorization, but I can't find an example of that. It the code looked like (it the app would be a blog with comments) Comment.authorize.find(1) and that command validated that the user had created the comment.
Role based permission systems are old hat,
Mysql changed from a roles based system to
a permissions based system a long time ago.
I have a plugin that is very similar to cancan
but it differs in a few small ways.Fat Model Auth
