opensips BYE issue - going to local IP - opensips

Weired problem here. I can see the BYE is not being sent to the actual IP. i see the BYE goes from opensips (1.11.3 tls) to local ip 192.168.1.x
So call does not hangup. Everything else works fine.
Thats how i manage the NATED devices.
if (nat_uac_test("18")) {
if (is_method("REGISTER")) {
fix_nated_contact(); # Rewrite contact with source IP of signalling
setbflag(6); # Mark as NATed
if (is_method("INVITE")) {
fix_nated_sdp("10"); # Add direction=active to SDP
any idea?

You can try below code for the resolution of the issue that you are facing.
if (is_method("CANCEL|BYE")) {
if (t_check_trans())


Opensips cannot connect to PSTN

I have recently installed Opensips 3.1. I am able to add SIP phones and place local LAN calls. I am trying to setup a inbound gateway connection with SIP provider Skyetel using IP Authentication. Everything is setup on the Skyetel side. From Opensips Control Panel, routing has been setup with all of the Skyetel gateways. Skyetel sends OPTIONS request, but Opensips seems not be able to process the request. Opensips is sending a 403 Relay Forbidden response. I am using the default config file, and I see that the 403 response is processing at the below step -
if ( !(is_method("REGISTER") || is_from_gw() ) ) {
if (is_from_local()) {
# authenticate if from local subscriber
# authenticate all initial non-REGISTER request that pretend to be
# generated by local subscriber (domain from FROM URI is local)
if (!proxy_authorize("", "subscriber")) {
proxy_challenge("", "auth");
if ($au!=$fU) {
send_reply(403,"Forbidden auth ID");
# caller authenticated
} else {
# if caller is not local, then called number must be local
if (!is_uri_host_local()) {
send_reply(403,"Relay Forbidden");
Also, I have added the SKyetel gateways as aliases in the config file and no change.
Any help on this would be appreciated.

Send data from ESP32 to a server via WiFi

I am not new here but this is my first question.
I have searched a lot and quite frankly can't understand how this is supposed to work.
I get data periodically (temperature) to my ESP32 and while having it set as a WiFi client, connect to my router and somehow store this data on my Laptop(or somewhere else, like a local/web site, don't know if that's possible/better).
How is the connection supposed to work? I have installed XAMPP and run the Apache and MySQL servers and I tried to connect to my Laptop with some sketches from Arduino using the ESP32 libraries
// Use WiFiClient class to create TCP connections
WiFiClient client;
const int httpPort = 80;
const char* host = ""; //The local IP of my Laptop
if (!client.connect(host, httpPort)) {
Serial.println("connection failed");
but it doesn't connect.
Can someone please explain to me how this connection is supposed to take form or is this question too vague? I really just wanna know the "how-things-should-work-together" in this situation.
Thank you in advance.
OK, so after a lot of research and trying, I managed to work it out. I can now send an HTTP request (like GET or POST) from my ESP32 to a local server that is running on my laptop using XAMP and get a response. I can also connect to my local IP from my mobile phone (which is also in the same WiFi network).
Just for anyone else who wants to connect to a location in a server hosted on a PC in a local network, the steps are:
Create a local server on your PC, laptop whatever using an application like XAMPP (I have Windows 10 so WAMP would also work), download, install, open and start Apache.
Make sure that the Firewall lets your requests pass through (for me it was open by default, but I had seen elsewhere Firewall being an issue)
Go to your network settings, select the network that your devices(ESP32, phone, etc.)are connected and change its profile to Private, meaning that you trust this network, making your PC discoverable and able to accept requests. (That is really simple but took me hours to find)
Now, in order to connect from your phone to your PC, open a browser and enter the local IP (that is the IP that is given to your PC from the router as a local network name) of your PC to a browser and that's it, you are connected.
If you installed and ran XAMP, when connecting to your local IP(from same PC or other local device), it will forward you to 192.168.x.x/dashboard. If you want to create new workspaces and files, browse the XAMP folder in the installed location and inside the '/htdocs' subfolder do your testing.
For the ESP32 communication in Arduino(basic steps, not full code):
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <HTTPClient.h>
String host = "http://192.168.x.x/testfolder/";
String file_to_access = "test_post.php";
String URL = host + file_to_access;
void setup(){
WiFi.begin(ssid, password); //Connect to WiFi
HTTPClient http;
bool http_begin = http.begin(URL);
String message_name = "message_sent";
String message_value = "This is the value of a message sent by the ESP32 to local server
via HTTP POST request";
String payload_request = message_name + "=" + message_value; //Combine the name and value
http.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
int httpResponseCode = http.sendRequest("POST", payload_request);
String payload_response = http.getString();
In the test_post.php (located in "C:\xampp\htdocs\testfolder\") file I used a simple script to echo a message received using a POST request, so it's only 'readable' from POST requests. Connecting to it from your browser will give you the "Sorry, accepting..." message.
$message_received = "";
$message_received = $_POST["message_sent"];
echo "Welcome ESP32, the message you sent me is: " . $message_received;
else {
echo "Sorry, accepting only POST requests...";
Finally, using Serial prints, the output is:
Response Code: 200
Payload: Welcome ESP32, the message you sent me is: This is the value of a message sent by the ESP32 to local server via HTTP POST request
There it is, hope that this helps someone.

Retrieve IP Address of the Default Printer Driver in UWP

We have a requirement to get the printer IP Address configured in the default printer driver in Control Panel in our UWP app.
I was able to retrieve the "System.DeviceInterface.PrinterPortName" by fetching interface class GUID and passing this above property for retrieval.
But I couldn't get "System.Devices.IpAddress" similarly.
Code pasted below for PortName.
I badly need the IP address as the port name is user's choice and could be modified to any name removing the IP address.
Kindly help sharing working code to retrieve the IP Address using above property or any other way in UWP app.
Below is Working Code for Port Name, Kindly help to fetch IP Address of the same port similarly.
string aqsFilter = "System.Devices.InterfaceClassGuid:=\"{0ecef634-6ef0-472a-8085-5ad023ecbccd}\"";
string[] propertiesToRetrieve = new string[] { "System.DeviceInterface.PrinterPortName"};
DeviceInformationCollection deviceInfoCollection = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(aqsFilter, propertiesToRetrieve);
foreach (DeviceInformation deviceInfo in deviceInfoCollection)
if (deviceInfo.IsDefault == true)
string strPortName = (string)deviceInfo.Properties["System.DeviceInterface.PrinterPortName"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strPortName))
strPortName = await ParsePortName(strPortName);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strPortName))
_strIPAddress = strPortName;
This is not endorsed because the IP address can change and so it is unreliable.
That being said, if your printer is installed using wsd, it is technically supported
But there is no way to reliably use this without a lot of various scenario checks since the IP address may change.
Furthermore, looking at this example, you are not hitting the DAF providers but looking for devices. You are using 0ecef634-6ef0-472a-8085-5ad023ecbccd which is the printer class guid. It also does not look like IP address is propagated in the PnP Explorer property bag so the IP address is not accessible.

ESP8266, NodeMCU, soft AP - UDP server-like soft AP, independent access point

I am using NodeMCU (with ESP8266-E) with an upgraded firmware. All basic commands work perfectly but there is one problem.
I wanted to create an independent access point, which could have a behaviour like a UDP server. That means without direct connection to any other access points. A simple UDP server like soft AP.
I followed these steps:
I have uploaded a new firmware to NodeMCU.
I have downloaded ESPlorer for better work with NodeMCU.
I have uploaded the source code below.
I have connected to the NodeMCU access point on my desktop.
I have sent some strings to the NodeMCU using a Java UDP client program.
I have looked at the messages on ESPlorer.
NodeMCU has not received any such strings.
print("ESP8266 Server")
print("Server IP Address:",wifi.ap.getip())
-- 30s timeout for an inactive client
srv = net.createServer(net.UDP, 30)
-- server listens on 5000, if data received, print data to console
srv:listen(5000, function(sk)
sk:on("receive", function(sck, data)
print("received: " .. data)
sk:on("connection", function(s)
print("connection established")
When I tried to send a message using a Java application, there was no change in ESPlorer. Not even when I tried to send a message using the Hercules program (great program for TCP, UDP communication).
I guess that maybe it will be the wrong IP address. I am using the IP address of the AP and not the IP address of the station.
In other words I am using this address: wifi.ap.getip() and not this address wifi.sta.getip() for connections to the UDP server. But sta.getip() returns a nil object. Really I don't know.
I will be glad for any advice.
Thank you very much.
Ok, let's restart this since you updated the question. I should have switched on my brain before I gave you the first hints, sorry about this.
UDP is connectionless and, therefore, there's of course no s:on("connection"). As a consequence you can't register your callbacks on a socket but on the server itself. It is in the documentation but it's easy to miss.
This should get you going:
wifi.ap.config({ ssid = "test", pwd = "12345678" })
print("Server IP Address:", wifi.ap.getip())
srv = net.createServer(net.UDP)
srv:on("receive", function(s, data)
print("received: " .. data)
s:send("echo: " .. data)
I ran this against a firmware from the dev branch and tested from the command line like so
$ echo "foo" | nc -w1 -u 5000
echo: foo
ESPlorer then also correctly printed "received: foo".
This line is invalid Lua code. connected is in the wrong place here. you can't just put a single word after a function call.
print(wifi.ap.getip()) connected
I guess you intended to do something like
print(wifi.ap.getip() .. " connected")
Although I think you should add som error handling here in case wifi.ap.getip() does not return an IP.
Here you do not finish the function definition. Neither did you complete the srv:on call
srv:on("receive", function(srv, pl)
print("Strings received")
I assume you just did not copy/paste the complete code. get clients from namespace

I work with 1.0 and maybe I'm wrong with my conception.
Actually, I open a namespace server side with
var nsp = io.of('/myNamespace');
And clients connect with
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost/myNamespace');
I can start communication without problems.
Server side I catch signals with
nsp.on('connection', function(socket){
socket.on('disconnect', function(){
//problem here
In the disconnect I would like to disconnect all sockets connected to my namespace, so i tried to do
for(var myParticipantID in io.sockets.adapter.nsp.connected)
but it doesn't work ... I don't have error but clients still connecting
I tried with
but I have error since 1.0
I don't want to create room, but maybe it's my mistake?
Thanks for your help,
If it would help somebody,
I work with node js so I created a value:
and push socket when I have a new connection
You should use the io.of(namespace) function to get connected clients.
for (var id in io.of('/namespace').connected) {
var s = io.of('/namespace').connected[id];
If you don't know the namespace and you are in a socket.on statement, you can use socket.nsp.connected instead of io.of('/namespace').connected
