Enabling 'App Groups' in Xcode 6.3.2 shows error in steps - ios

I am trying to enable 'App Groups' in my Xcode 6.3.2, but I am getting errors as in the image below
I have done everything as per the steps mentioned different tutorials. When I had the issue earlier, I tried with some other Apple id and that also didn't work. But when I switched back to the previous account, it worked! Not sure what really happened. And it was working till yesterday. Yesterday, due to some other issue I cleared my machine Keychain and after that it is not working again.
I have seen some other posts mentioned about this issue, but for me the situation is different. If someone gets any idea, why its happening so, please share your thoughts.
As I am using my Company's Developer account, I am not allowed to click 'Fix Issue' button to let the Xcode to fix the issue itself! :(


The encryption information is unavailable. Try again. TestFlight

The app is uploaded without errors, but when I press the install button I get this message:
I'm using macOS Sierra 10.12 and Xcode 8.
This has never happened to me in old versions of Xcode. What could be wrong?
TestFlight is currently unavailable, i can't either install from TestFlight or see any of my builds in Itunes Connect. Also my app was in processing for 4 hours, then this happened.
Please check here https://developer.apple.com/system-status/
or this screenshot
Update: Confirmed by Apple
I had the same issue. I never had an issue with setting or not setting the encryption flag. So I thought maybe they made a change today. So I added the key in and it still didn't work. I decided to remove the last build from testing then re-added it. That worked for me. I was immediately able to download and install the app. Hope that helps.
Build another version and upload to Itunes Connect.
Maybe your time uploading have some problem from Apple Server.
I have just checked.
Seems to be working for me this morning now. Incidentally Brad my app had GPUImage embedded in it so just for giggles I also added the "App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption." switch to the embedded GPUImage plist. Not sure if that was relevant.

unable to verify mobile app on IOS9 using Xcode 7

I have been trying to take advantage of Xcode now allowing developers to test on devices without being enrolled on the developer program.
This was working just a few weeks ago, no problems at all
however, for no apparent reason, I am getting this error message whenever i try to run my app on the iPhone:
after some googling a website led me to this page in the settings app:
From what i can gather on google, The problem is that the app isn't verified. However when i click verify nothing changes. The text at the top of the screen changes very briefly (i assume it's saying loading)
I have tried deleting the provisioning profile, that Xcode had created, and clicking fix when Xcode tells me it can't find the profile. Nothing changed
so my question is: does anybody know what the problem is here and how to fix it?
I've never seen a problem with that before but with x-code there are usually 3 really annoying but normally foolproof steps to solving a problem such as this.
1) Update your IOS and make sure you are on the most recent version
2) Reinstall X-code
3) Recreate the app
Like I said those 3 steps can normally solve any non code related problem.
Hope that helps!

Appstore Add Build Warning

I am getting a warning icon while trying to submit the app to App Store. I am using XCode 6.4 to submit the app directly to the app store from Organizer itself, I usually do like that only.
On clicking the warning icon, I am unable to see any reasons described. I tried with all the browsers for this.
I saw the below links also where they talk about beta-reports-active = 1 entitlement and I have made sure that it is present and also I am not using watch kit. Below is the snapshot of entitlements
Build warning
Build upload warning
So not sure what is the issue, the only thing that I did recently is that, since our certificate was expiring soon, I did a reset of the certificate using Xcode 7 (since it was easy to do it with Xcode 7). This ended up in having a profile automatically created by Xcode, now when I archive and try to submit, Xcode is picking this XC: profile.
Just wanted to know, if it is okay to submit even with this warning. Need to push a patch fix soon. Thanks in advance for the help.
After a couple of refresh of the screen the Warning went off, then in the next refresh, warning came back.Also I started seeing radio button names eg:"Manually release this version" as ITC.Manuall...... just crazy!!
Looked like something weird with the iTunes Connect site. In the next refresh where I got with no warning, I went ahead and submitted uh!!!...I couldn't run around with no clue :)

Your app information could not be saved.Try again.New iTunes Connect

I regenerate all of the certificates, update the version number of the application, but the problem persists.
Follow the below steps.
Go to My Apps Page.
Remove the Build. Then Save It.
Re Add your Build. then Save It.
Now try to Submit It must work.
I do not know what the reasons are, how to do?Thanks!
In Prerelease section the status of your build should not be "Processing". Just wait some time (10-20 min) after build upload, and it will be ready to use.
I got this problem in Chrome browser. Switching to Safari worked like a charm for me.
I had the same issue. To solve it, the unique thing I had to do was "Clear History and Website Data..." within Safari (version 8.0.3 in my case).
Please, keep in mind that I speak from my experience and that worked for me. I cannot guarantee this as a general rule to fix the problem. Nevertheless I can assure that I tried several alternatives explained here and the one I just described was the solution for me.
It seems to happen if you are too quick between the build finishing "processing" and it being attached to a version and the version being submitted. I just published two apps in quick succession and the second submission had this problem while the first was fine. The only difference - speed of clicking the submit button.
Logging out and back in made no difference - the "problem" is with the submission.
I removed the just uploaded build from the version and then re-attached it, proceeding as normal to submit the release to Apple with exactly the same build and submission artifacts as before, except this one "saved" and went into the review queue.
I got the strange but working solution.
I had tried submitting the app using Safari browser but it didn't work and showed same error. Submitting the App using Chrome worked for me in the first go...
I'm stuck on this too; and have had to work around several other iTunes Connect bugs just to get to this point. What were Apple thinking by releasing this iTunes Connect version? It's completely ridden with bugs!
Sorry, I've tried everything I can: Filing a support case with Apple appears to be the only 'solution' at this point.
Make sure the Version you have on iTunes Connect and the version you gave in the Info settings in xCode are exactly the same.
I had 1.0.0 in iTunes Connect and 1.0 in xCode and it kept giving me this error message. I changed it to 1.0.0 in xCode and it worked perfectly.
I had the same problem. just sign out and sign in again. it should work.
I had the following issue when submitting a build which was uploaded couple of days ago for test flight testing. Then figured out that the provisioning profile of the application has expired so I renewed the prov profile and downloaded and re-archived the application (by increasing only the build number ) and uploaded and submitted it. And it worked like a charm.
I guess apple need to be specific of these error scenarios
In my case we contacted apple and they said the issue is that it seems that we don’t have a correct certificate generated on developer.apple.com. We use Xcode automatic signing management. I refreshed correct profiles, rebuilt and I could submit successfully.
I had the same problem. Tried from different system and it got saved

Testflight unable to install an app

I have several tester who have registered to testflight and connected their devices... they have different ios models... iOS 6 and above... but all of them share the same problem.
When they click the install button of an app from "safari" or the "testflight" app itself...
the app starts to download... reaches about 90% and an error message appears...."UNABLE TO DOWNLOAD APPLICATION. the "app" could not be installed at this time.
Now i have about 30 testers... 7 of them have the same issue... the others have succesfuly installed the app with no problem what so ever...
It seems completely random bug to me as there are no correlations between the phone models or ios versions... which are by the way all 6 and above....
So... what do i do. please help
there could be many reasons of it Below are some of those mentioned
You are using Developer profile instead of Adhoc Distribution profile
You are using app identifier that is different from the one that belongs to your profile
There could be issue with iCloud/Gamecenter enabled/disabled
In any case ask the testers to connect the device to PC/Mac open iPhone Configuration Utility and see the logs after you press install from the build in testflight.This will give them a deep insight of whats going wrong there.Hope this helps
For me Setting Build Active Architecture to NO... works and installed successfully
For my case, uninstalling/reinstalling the TestFlight app from testers' phones seemed to help, as though the installs had got into an irretreivably bad state.
For anyone else going through this, worth noting that iTunes Connect support couldn't help, and Apple Developer Support wouldn't help.
I just had the same problem, it seems testflight is down. It was not showing in the system status from the beginning but they updated it to reflect the period I experienced the problem.
I had around 70 testers, only one was able to download, that tester just kept on retrying.
It seems that the original problem was solved by using the proper provisioning profile.
But, for future googlers' record, I was getting the profile installation error (seen in the console log) 0xe800800b which seemed to be an uncommon error code as I couldn't find anything.
Finally, found something mentioning a "bad UDID" would cause a range of possible error codes and I had 19 old ones in mine (damn Select All).
Selecting only the few I really cared (and knew) solved the issue (never bothered to try to find which was the bad one).
i delete my adhoc provisioning profile after adhoc provisioning profile generated by xcode. it's working fine
