How to run an iOS application every 1 minute infinitely? - ios

I have made an application which needs to send Location and status update to server every 1 minute.
I tried below ways but none of them helped me out. is there any solution for this?
1 - NSTimer - Many people suggested to do this way. but the problem is going to backgroundMode and it only works for 20 minutes. after that application stops sending data.
2 - BackgroundFetchMode - at beginning looks like the correct solution. But this ability do not guarantee to run application at every 1 minute. it has an algorithm that iOS decide which application should run.
This API is not like a timer task, system will decide when to call the
handler depending on many if you set timeInterval to
2.00f(2secs), handler is called for every 2+(minimum) secs.
3 - LocationUpdate - again this way do not works because it only run your application if you move at least 500 meter.
Apps can expect a notification as soon as the device moves 500 meters
or more from its previous notification. It should not expect
notifications more frequently than once every five minutes. If the
device is able to retrieve data from the network, the location manager
is much more likely to deliver notifications in a timely manner.
4 - Push Notifications - in an article said in this method you can run an application within defined time and it really does !
you can schedule a notification within defined schedule time. but the problem is showing notification to user. which I need something silent in Background.
Also , you can not run some code every 1 minute. it just show a notification to user. and user should tap on your notification and then didReceiveLocalNotification
can be available and you can run the code.

As Apple states in their documentation:
In iOS, only specific app types are allowed to run in the background:
Apps that play audible content to the user while in the background, such as a music player app
Apps that record audio content while in the background
Apps that keep users informed of their location at all times, such as a navigation app
Apps that support Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
Apps that need to download and process new content regularly
Apps that receive regular updates from external accessories
Apps that implement these services must declare the services they
support and use system frameworks to implement the relevant aspects of
those services. Declaring the services lets the system know which
services you use, but in some cases it is the system frameworks that
actually prevent your application from being suspended.
You can read all about implementing and declaring those background tasks in the link. However, if yours is another type of App, or you cannot use the system frameworks, there is no way for your App to run in the background indefinitely. And even if it is, you should always expect that the system stops your task for some reason (f.e. restarting the phone).


Execute a Task after specific time, even if app is in background on iOS using Swift

I have a VPN-Client app that asks the user to pause the connection for 5, 30, and 120 Minutes. The user probably leaves the application to do some work outside of my app in this period, therefore I need to Reconnect the app even if is in the background.
I tested these ways:
UIApplication.shared.beginBackgroundTask: It only leaves the app unsuspended for 30 seconds. .background).asyncAfter: It waits to app enter the foreground to toggle.
Thread.sleep in Background Thread: This waits to launch as DispatchQueue
Local Notification: Unfortunately it does not support silent mode as APNS.
My problem with possible ways:
Using APNS and Scheduled Push Notification` to send a silent message: This way probably works, but I prefer to handle it without a server.
Using Background Fetch from Capabilities in Background Modes: I searched a lot about this, and I think it was used for background app refresh and cycling tasks that should be run every day, hour, etc. Therefore, my case can't be used, or it's not efficient at all.
Using Background processing from Capabilities in Background Modes: I searched a lot about this too, I didn't quite catch that it can be used once, or this should be used in a cyclic way as Background Fetch. and my task to reconnect is not that heavy and long to use this strict feature that many times apple mentioned using alternative ways if possible.
Apple only allows a very limited set of app types to run in the background:
Music streaming apps, turn-by-turn navigation apps, VoIP apps, and maybe one or 2 more. (I haven't looked at this in detail for a couple of years so my info is a little stale.)
They do support various tasks like background downloading that the system performs on your app's behalf, but you want your app to re-launch after the designated period and start running again. (Even if the user just locks their phone while your app is paused, the app won't get any CPU time and may be terminated without warning.)
In short, I suspect you are out of luck.
It seems like a VPN app is another class of app that should get "always running in the background" status.
If you are a licensed Apple developer I suggest using one of your pre-paid support tickets to ask about OS support for what you are trying to do, but I have a feeling the answer is going to be "no dice."

Handling server being aware if iPhone app is running (heartbeat)

I am not sure how to best implement keeping our server informed that our iPhone application is currently running (even when in the background). There are a few different options but there is some concern as to what is allowed by the Apple approval process as well as what is the most reliable. The application does have the ability to play music in the background, if that factors into what is approved by Apple.
The first option, is to continually send some sort of heartbeat to the server at a set interval through a simple GET/POST; however, the concern is whether or not this is allowed as a background task. In a very roundabout way it can be argued that it is necessary for the playback but I'm not so sure whether or not that is acceptable. If the server does not hear from them in a set amount of time it will assume the app is no longer running.
The second option involves using a presence channel socket connection and have the server just handle when users enter and leave that channel. With this option the main concern is how reliable is a socket connection like this while an app is in the background. Similarly, whether or not this is allowed by Apple. In this case when the app dies, connection closes and server knows app is not running.
Third option can be used in tandem with either of the other options but to use some sort of APNS push to query the phone as to whether or not it has died and have it respond with some data to let us know; however, this seems somewhat counterintuitive as the push itself wakes the app up.
Any other suggestions or input are also welcome.
Not sure if this should be a comment or answer, but let me put my 2 cents here.
Firstly, Can you please elaborate your needs further, because in case you are playing an Audio in background with AVPlayer/AVPlayerItem you would hand over your content URL to iOS and it will make the calls as and when necessary to keep the playback running, you dont need to know about apps' state.
Let me assume, for whatever reasons you want to achieve what the question asks:
There are 3 states your app can be in when it is "Not Running"
i. Suspended State: your app is not killed but its not receiving any CPU time to execute your code.
ii. Killed by OS: Your app can be terminated by iOS to free up the memory or any other resources.
iii. Force Killed by User: If user swipes up your app from app switcher it gets force killed.
Now when your app is Not Running, you CAN NOT query it, but you can move it to Running State. You can achieve this transition by using following methods (Not exhaustive list, but mentions common ways)
i. Background Fetch : You can configure your app to be invoked periodically, so that it can synchronise with the server and updates its state.
ii. Push Notifications (APNS) : You can ping the app from server so that iOS invokes it for some short period of time (few seconds) to update its state.
iii. VOIP Pushes: If your App is VOIP app you can use PushKit to send Silent Pushes which will launch even the Force-Killed Apps, the above two methods does not transition the app to Running state if it was force killed by user
The above point can be helpful in devising overall strategy but does not answer the question, "How to keep syncing the RUNNING state"
i. When your app is Running(Forground/Background), you can do almost anything that is publicly documented, you can keep calling a URL every minute or every 5 seconds, you need to worry about UX on the device rather than approval process, (People will delete app if they see your app in top battery drainers in the settings section)
ii. For making an HTTP call while your app is in background, you can look at Background URL Session, which off loads the HTTP calls to another process so that the call completes even if app gets killed.
iii. For the socket based approach please refer this technical note. The main issue is that you do not/can not know when your app moves from Running to Not Running State.
iv. As you mentioned that your app uses background audio, it will be always be in Running state if the user plays an audio and puts app in background, in such case you can use Periodic Observer to do some Heartbeat call periodically when the content is being played out.

iOS Enterprise app - How can I make sure my app runs in the background?

First of all it's important to note that I'm developing an Enterprise App, so there is no need for App Store guidelines \ approvals considerations.
My goal is the following:
1) An iPhone app which the user should open only one time only. During this one time he will go through some sign up process.
2) Once step (1) has finished (either by app suspension or app close), the app should "wake up" every hour (more or less) and send the server some data regarding the user from the background (all is done with the user agreement of course).
Optional Solutions I tried:
I read very thoroughly Apple guidelines for running in background in
I decided to go with 2 UIBackgroundModes:
1) For location I use:
In order to make sure my app will run after "app close" or even "device reboot" I had to use both options. See Apple guidelines:
If you leave the significant-change location service running and your
iOS app is subsequently suspended or terminated, the service
automatically wakes up your app when new location data arrives.
2) For background fetch I use
For some reason the app doesn't run in background after 24 hours. Meaning the app never "wakes up" again even though according to Apple guidelines whenever significant location update occurs - it suppose to wake up.
What can I do in order to guarantee as much as possible that my app will run regularly in the background?
In your project properties you have to allow background mode for your application to Update location and for background fetch.
Fetch in background is not so easy as it seems.
iOS will define by itself how often it will fetch data in background modeeven you set option for each 15 minutes :(
As my practice shows time interval for fetching new data is less if user open application from time to time so iOS makes some calculations about normal app use. As a result app calls background fetch data according to app ussage.
But you can make one trick:
you can call fetch procedure from you location procedure. For data exchange it was usefull in my projects :)
The solution worked with Silent PN.
My goal as noted in the bounty was: ".. to have an iOS app that runs regularly in the background for 30+ days when not opened at all. Should also run after the app closes."
I found that when sending PN with "content-available" : 1 did the trick for me.
I set up a server which sends every 15 min a "silent PN" to all registered devices. I was able to confirm from the same server that those clients receive the PN and act on it.
Thanks #andlin for the advice.

iOS app to run continuously in background

I want my iOS apps to run continuously in background 24/7
I tried many options like background location updated with background task expiration handler, but later after some times it seems that the application gets suspended in background and user is brought back to the root view controller.
Any help will be appreciated.
For tasks that require more execution time to implement, you must request specific permissions to run them in the background without their being suspended. In iOS, only specific app types are allowed to run in the background:
Apps that play audible content to the user while in the background, such as a music player app
Apps that record audio content while in the background
Ap ps that keep users informed of their location at all times, such as a navigation app
Apps that support Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
Apps that need to download and process new content regularly
Apps that receive regular updates from external accessories
Apps that implement these services must declare the services they support and use system frameworks to implement the relevant aspects of those services.
Declaring the services lets the system know which services you use, but in some cases it is the system frameworks that actually prevent your application from being suspended.
You should read this page of Apple Programming Guide : Background Execution
It is not allowed to run background tasks 24/7. But you can use many different ways.
You simply can't. Apple don't give any mean for an app to ensure background execution. iOS will give you processing time whenever it feel like it, and you cannot control that.

Call web service even if ios app is in background

In my application I need to log user status every 15 minutes. Is it possible if the app is in background (not killed)??
Currently I enables the Background location update. But how to call in each and every 15 minutes
While other answers are correct about background fetch, there is also another background option called VoIP, which apps like Skype use. In this case OS will wake up your application more frequently (even every 10 minutes if I remember correctly) and you can keep pinging your server in background. The obvious down side is that your app must have Voice over IP functionality, otherwise it would get rejected on the App Store.
All you need to do is add call setKeepAliveTimeout:handler: method and have voip enabled in background capabilities.
Just adding this for the sake of completion.
You may want to look at the Background Fetch capabilities added in iOS7 and beyond: (Search for background fetch)
You won't be able to control the interval to exactly 15 minutes but you will find that this mechanism is the closest Apple will allow.
It is not possible to perform network calls at clearly specified intervals when your app is in background mode. You can tell your app to use background fetches
This article gives a great overview on the capabilities that you can do with this API. Basically it allows you to tell iOS that your app wants to perform networking calls in the background, however you can't exactly control when and how often iOS the network calls are going to be performed. iOS will schedule your network calls for you, and depending on how your app is used it will adopt the frequency with which it performs the requests. Documentation can be found here.
