Tools for developing iOS apps with Adobe AIR? - ios

I already have some apps created with Adobe AIR on Android market and I'm planning to use Adobe AIR to create apps for iOS.
It will be very helpfully for me and others like me to share some resources that you use to create AIR apps for iOS. By resources I mean: Softwares to emulate iOS devices or maybe other softwares that are needed, and so on...
Do you need extra expenses beside market's fee ?
What tools do you use to develop or test iOS apps on Windows, except Flash AIR ?
Any other informations will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

If you want to simulate iOS devices, you need a Mac with XCode on it.

I used the build in emulator and real devices (most often). Although not totally related but use Adobe Scout for debugging (all kinds of info like network calls, gpu rendering etc.) on real devices very helpful since you don't have Xcode's Instruments at you disposal.


Adobe AIR and iOS

Is it possible to create an app using Flash and Adobe AIR that runs on iOS? I thought Apple had eliminated the possibility of using Flash- does AIR have a solution? What kind of problems are there?
Yes. You can create AIR applications for iOS. (What Apple doesn't allow is running Flash in a browser/web view.)
You can use Adobe Air cross platform for iOS and Android and also you can upload final product on app store.
With adobe air you can compile and debug ios and android applications faster than other tools like xamarin,appcelerator etc.
Another benefit is that you are using same codes for both platforms
with Flashdevelop free ide you are just choosing platform when compiling apk or ipa.
Also you can develop ios applications on windows machine without xcode sdk.
You just need mac when uploading to applestore.
To install ipa to devices via usb you don't need mac or xcode.

Run JQuery Mobile App in iPhone

I have a JQuery Mobile app. I'm curious how it looks/runs within an iPhone. I do not have an iPhone. I also, do not have a MAC. Are there any downloadable tools that I can use on a Windows 7 machine to see how the app looks within iPhone?
Thank you!
If you just need to see how your JQM app looks on iPhone you can try
You can also might be interested in much more advanced web based tool BrowserStack.
And finally if you need more than that (for example attach to iOS Safari instance to debug your mobile app code) than you need real or virtualized OSX and xCode iOS Simulator.
You can't do that in the Windows environment.
But you can use your computer to create a hackinntosh. A hackintosh is simply any non-Apple hardware that has been made—or "hacked"—to run Mac OS X. This could apply to any hardware, whether it's a manufacturer-made or personally-built computer.
Than you can use it to test an iPhone jQM app in the XCode iPhone emulator. Only downside of this method is that you can not use it to deploy final all into Apple app store.
Here's a short tutorial on what is a hackintosh and how you can deploy it on your computer:
And here's an youtube "how to" video:

Can I start building iOS apps using only iPad 2 and iPhone?

I do not have a Mac so I was wondering if I can start building iOS apps using my iPad 2 and iPhone only?
Very short answer: No.
Xcode doesn't run on iOS.
if u want short answer, it's "No"
long answers:
there are some intresting apps on ipad2 for creating another app.... but only for play, totally not practical.
if u have a PC(windows or linux), u can run VMvare, install OSX. then u can install Xcode, and develop ios app. Remember, Xcode is the key for apple platform developing.
Buy a Mac, if u want develop app more than a try.
read this for more info: Starting iPhone app development in Linux?
you can use third-party software, but in the end you always need to compile a XCode. Except if you use web solutions. Consider that still does not have the same user's native programming expirence.
Link to watch:
Short answer: NO
If remove your ONLY word in question, you can remote connect to Mac thru your iPad or iPhone
You can, actually create installable web apps in iOS, using an html editing app like Koder, however do not expect to utilize hardware features like the camera or vibrator, since you are still a webpage running on a chrome less browser. Anyways good luck building web apps!

Which BlackBerry OS to target for enterprise web applications?

I am deciding between which library to use for development: jQuery Mobile or Sencha Touch. The application I am building will specifically target enterprise (Fortune 500) BlackBerries. The application will not require any hardware features, but the user experience/UI rendering should be as good as possible.
I am not familiar with BlackBerry OS adoption/upgrade statistics so I don't know what platform is my lowest common denominator. Are most enterprise users on BlackBerry 6+ or 5+ or 4+? I just don't know and I don't know where to find those statistics. What is your recommendation?
In my opinion the first step should be studying the audience of your future application.
What model do they use, do they use the most recent models, or they tend to keep working with old models.
The main point is that RIM stops releasing device software for old BlackBerry models.
For instance for BlackBerry 8800 the most recent available device OS version is 4.5
But your customer may have a lot of empolyees who use this device.
Devices with device OS version 4+, but before 5.0, do not work properly with complex html/javascript pages.
In version 5.0 there was implemented better support for complex html/javascript functionality in your applications.
Conclusion: If your potential customers are not using old devices, then start supporting device OS versions 5+, otherwise use SDK version 4.x according to the target devices.
As best practice, I would jump into learning and developing for the latest Operating System, which would be 6. I know all of our customers are working on Bolds a Torches, which means they'd be using 6.
Additionally, I would look into creating Adobe AIR applications. They work for Application 6 and Playbooks as well.
You will likely found RIM's own "Choosing a target OS" page helpful. It has stats on current active devices as well as narrowing down to those devices that use the AppWorld.

Flash CS5 iOs documentation

Helo folks. I am really excited about the development for iOs devices on the brand new Adobe Flash CS5. I tried searching a documentation for this, but I cannot found. How can I view the possibilities and documentations for that?
First of all, CS5's been out for a LOOONG time already. :P
Here's a simple tutorial:
I don't think there is any official Flash documentation for iOS, but I can't get to my Windows partition right now, so I can't check. If there is, it should be in the Help (F1).
But here's some official adobe content to get you started:
Adobe is actually consistently pumping out new documentation, tutorials, and examples of Adobe AIR for iOS, Android, and BlackBerry Playbook development.
Also, I think what he meant was Flash CS5.5, not CS5.
Here are some links that might help:
Developing for iOS using Flash Professional
Build iOS Applications using Flex and Flash Builder 4.5 (Video)
Mobile development using Adobe Flex 4.5 SDK and Flash Builder 4.5
Ultimately, you're developing with Adobe AIR and targeting specific, newly-available-for-targetting platforms and devices. There are many things to consider (screen sizes, device orientations, sensors, platforms, and more) and the links above should give you a starting point. The Adobe AIR Developer Center has the above links and many more to help you on your way.
