Flash CS5 iOs documentation - ios

Helo folks. I am really excited about the development for iOs devices on the brand new Adobe Flash CS5. I tried searching a documentation for this, but I cannot found. How can I view the possibilities and documentations for that?

First of all, CS5's been out for a LOOONG time already. :P
Here's a simple tutorial:
I don't think there is any official Flash documentation for iOS, but I can't get to my Windows partition right now, so I can't check. If there is, it should be in the Help (F1).
But here's some official adobe content to get you started:

Adobe is actually consistently pumping out new documentation, tutorials, and examples of Adobe AIR for iOS, Android, and BlackBerry Playbook development.
Also, I think what he meant was Flash CS5.5, not CS5.
Here are some links that might help:
Developing for iOS using Flash Professional
Build iOS Applications using Flex and Flash Builder 4.5 (Video)
Mobile development using Adobe Flex 4.5 SDK and Flash Builder 4.5
Ultimately, you're developing with Adobe AIR and targeting specific, newly-available-for-targetting platforms and devices. There are many things to consider (screen sizes, device orientations, sensors, platforms, and more) and the links above should give you a starting point. The Adobe AIR Developer Center has the above links and many more to help you on your way.


Acoustic Echo Cancellation in AIR Mobile on iOS - using Native Extensions?

We are developing a video chat app for iOS using AIR Mobile and the acoustic echo is a real show stopper. getEnhancedMicrophone() returns null so apparently Adobe can't help us here.
However, unlike Android, it looks like acoustic echo cancellation is a standard feature on iOS. Is there a way to use Native Extensions, for example, to enable AEC in our app using kAudioUnitSubType_VoiceProcessingIO?
This question is iOS-only, we're not interested in Android at this point.
Unfortunately, I am pretty sure you cannot use a native extension (ANE) for this to work with AIR mobile. NetStream can only attach Adobe's Camera and Microphone classes so there is no integration point.
And as you know, as of December 17, 2015, Adobe has still not addressed AEC for AIR on mobile devices, on either Apple or Android platforms.
However, a contact of mine talked with Chris Campbell at Adobe a couple of times early in 2015 regarding AEC for AIR Mobile, and Chris said at one point that they had cleared legal WRT licensing issues related to AEC, and he was pitching AEC for inclusion in AIR 20 for Mobile (December 2015) so it's possible it will be announced soon, though I'm not holding my breath.
I haven't seen any other public indications that Adobe is going to do this. I know it would be a tremendous enabler for developers of video chat-based apps, to include support for mobile devices.

Is Flash CS5.5 required for iOS deploying

I'm looking into an iOS app deploying (need to help a friend with his iOS-designated game made in Flash), and the question is, will Flash Professional CS5 be enough for successful submission to the AppStore? Is there some lack of iOS related functionality, comparing to Flash CS5.5?
I think you need Flash CS5.5 for this. Maybe it is also possible with FlashBuilder 4.5. But I donĀ“t now your project setup.
If the game is developed and compiled with Flash then there is no other choice as to use CS5.5 or CS6.
If you in the beginning of development you could use Flash Builder and create an AS3 project. I prefer the last option but I would use intelliJ IDEA as the development environment.

Game engine/framework with web deployment option

I know Unity can deploy to web besides iOS, Android and other devices. What are alternatives? Requirements are iOS and web. Android would be nice too.
Adobe Air ... but it's very slow for complex apps(games). Adobe is working on making it competitive but right now it's not something you can use. I'm a flash developer myself and I choose Corona SDK for porting some of my games to iOS and Android.
If you want all 3 ... web, iOS, Android then Unity is the way to go.

now i'm confused . .. does Adobe Flash support iOS or not?

i see tons of articles on why apple doesn't support flash in iOS and why flash won't work on ipads and ipods. I see lots of flash sites not work properly when i launch them with mhy ipad but now i see articles about flash supporting iOS so are all of those other articles wrong. Can i now write an application and flash and have it work on the web in ipad and iphones ??
Flash is not supported in the browser, however, you can package up a Flash application and install it on your iOS device. This should clear things up:
No. iOS does not support flash. What's more likely is that Adobe has released a crosscompiler that translates a flash binary into a native iOS application.
As far as I'm reading it, it means you can develop applications in flash and export them for iOS, not that flash is coming to iOS.

Can Appcelerator Titanium be used to develop iPad apps?

I'm trying to find out whether Appcelerator's Titanium is good for iPad app development, or if it can even be used as such?
There seemed to be an announcement in April 2010 of a 'Titanium Tablet' package, although I can find no further mention of this. From the forums (where I've also asked this question, but have yet to receive any responses) it sounds like people are developing iPad apps, but I've yet to receive a definitive answer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Yes, you can use Titanium to develop iPad apps. There are a few iPad only UI elements in the API: here
Yup, Titanium works for iPad apps. Like Dave said above, there are some (two to be exact, as of today) iPad specific API's, other than those you would just use all the other existing APIs and when you create your project in Titanium Developer, you would choose iPad as the project type.
The API documentation (linked to the iPad specific APIs but the list on the left has all available ones for Mobile Dev):
To get an idea of what you can do, take a look at the Kitchen Sink Apps. There are two, one for the iPad, which is basic and really only shows the iPad specific API usage for the most part. The other is for the iPhone which has nearly every available API on display. They are ugly apps but they do the job of showing you what's possible and give some decent reference code. You can find the kitchen sink apps on Git hub (link below) and go here (http://developer.appcelerator.com/doc/kitchensink) to see how to run them in them the simulator (requires xCode which is free from Apple).
Also, you can find some showcased iPad apps built with titanium on the Appcelerator website (link Below), just search the page for the word iPad.
Kitchen Sink Apps : github.com/appcelerator/KitchenSink
Appcelerator Showcase : appcelerator.com/showcase/applications-showcase/
(sorry for the non linked URLs but Github will not let you post more than one link unless you have more than 10 reputation points)
Currently you can build iPod, iPad, Android. BlackBerry is also available if your a paying member.
Source is also on Github if you want to have a look first.
