I am able to run the below code:
fit1 <- ses(books[,1], alpha=0.99, initial="simple", h=4) #provide alpha manually
sse = sum((books[,1] - fitted(fit1))) # the one-step-ahead within-sample forecast errors
On the back of the above code, I wanted to create 100 objects and tried using for loop (below code).
for(i in seq(0,1,by=0.01))
paste("fit", i, sep = "_") <- ses(books[,1], alpha=i, initial="simple", h=4) #provide alpha manually
paste("sse", i, sep = "_") = sum((books[,1] - fitted(paste("fit", i, sep = "_")))) # the one-step-ahead within-sample forecast errors
I am getting the following error,
**Error in paste("fit", i, sep = "_") <- ses(books[, 1], alpha = i, initial = "simple", :
target of assignment expands to non-language object**
The above code is to create multiple objects fit_0.01,fit_0.02....
Can this loop work ?
You can get the loop to perform the way you asked with the assign operator:
for(i in seq(0, 1, by=0.1)) {
assign(paste("fit", i, sep = "_"), ses(books[,1], alpha=i, initial="simple", h=4))
Hi I am having issues regarding a foreach loop where in every iteration I estimate a regression on a subset of the data with a different list of controls on several outcomes. The problem is that for some outcomes in some countries I only have missing values and therefore the regression function returns an error message. I would like to be able to run the loop, get the output with NAs or a string saying "Error" for example instead of the coefficient table. I tried several things but they don't quite work with the .combine = rbind option and if I use .combine = c I get a very messy output. Thanks in advance for any help.
reg <- function(y, d, c){
if (missing(c))
feols(as.formula(paste0(y, "~ 0 + treatment")), data = d)
else {
feols(as.formula(paste0(y, "~ 0 + treatment + ", c)), data = d)
# Here we set up the parallelization to run the code on the server
n.cores <- 9 #parallel::detectCores() - 1
#create the cluster
my.cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(
type = "PSOCK"
# print(my.cluster)
#register it to be used by %dopar%
doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl = my.cluster)
# #check if it is registered (optional)
# foreach::getDoParRegistered()
# #how many workers are available? (optional)
# foreach::getDoParWorkers()
# Here is the cycle to parallel regress each outcome on the global treatment
# variable for each RCT with strata control
tables <- foreach(
n = 1:9, .combine = rbind, .packages = c('data.table', 'fixest'),
.errorhandling = "pass"
) %dopar% {
dt_target <- dt[country == n]
c <- controls[n]
est <- lapply(outcomes, function(x) reg(y = x, d = dt_target, c))
table <- etable(est, drop = "!treatment", cluster = "uid", fitstat = "n")
I've made a table like this
TableAlpha = {
Alpha = 3648,
Beta = 6593,
Charlie = 2358,
Delta = 6483,
Echo = 4736
Im wondering how can i pull out 3 keys with lowest values inside the table?
local TableAlpha = {
Alpha = 3648,
Beta = 6593,
Charlie = 2358,
Delta = 6483,
Echo = 4736
--- Returns the keys of tab sorted numerically by their values
local function ascending(tab)
local list = {}
for key, integer in pairs(tab) do
table.insert(list, {integer, key})
table.sort(list, function(left, right) return left[1] < right[1] end)
for i, tuple in ipairs(list) do
list[i] = tuple[2]
return list
local unpack = unpack or table.unpack or error("Could not find an unpack function!")
print(unpack(ascending(TableAlpha), 1, 3))
I want to split an input parameter inputDetails to unit level. I'm using tokenize for doing this. Here is my code:
Groovy Code:
def inputDetails = "1234-a0-12;1111-b0-34";
def cDesc = inputDetails.tokenize(";");
for (int i=0; i<cDesc.size(); ++i)
def cVer = cDesc.get(i);
def cNum = cVer.tokenize("-");
def a = cNum.get(0);
def b = cNum.get(1);
def c = cNum.get(2);
println (" DEBUG : Input details are, ${a} : ${b} : ${c} \n");
DEBUG : Input details are, 1234 : a0 : 12
DEBUG : Input details are, 1111 : b0 : 34
This output is correct and expected. But if I change the first line of Groovy code to following:
def inputDetails = "1234-a0-12;1111-b0";
I get following error message:
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 2, Size: 2
at java_util_List$get$6.call(Unknown Source)
at Script1.run(Script1.groovy:9)
How can I fix it to prevent getting IndexOutOfBoundsException while supporting both, 1234-a0-12;1111-b0-34 and 1234-a0-12;1111-b0 inputs?
You can use Groovy's multiple assignment feature to safely grab 3 values from the second tokenization. Consider following example:
def inputDetails = "1234-a0-12;1111-b0-34"
def cDesc = inputDetails.tokenize(";")
cDesc.each { part ->
def (p1, p2, p3) = part.tokenize('-')
println "DEBUG: Input details are, ${p1} : ${p2} : ${p3}"
DEBUG: Input details are, 1234 : a0 : 12
DEBUG: Input details are, 1111 : b0 : 34
The good thing is that this approach prevents IndexOutOfBoundsException or NullPointerException. If we change the first line to
def inputDetails = "1234-a0-12;1111-b0"
the result is:
DEBUG: Input details are, 1234 : a0 : 12
DEBUG: Input details are, 1111 : b0 : null
You can split the string into a 2D list by further splitting on '-':
def inputDetails = "1234-a0-12;1111-b0-34"
def elements = inputDetails.split(';').collect{it.split('-')}
elements is of type List<List<String>>. When printed, it yields:
[[1234, a0, 12], [1111, b0, 34]]
With this, you can afford more flexibility instead of hard-coding array indexes.
And with "1234-a0-12;1111-b0", it's split into [[1234, a0, 12], [1111, b0]]
Hi my english is bad I have a problem
SYSERR: Apr 11 14:16:12 :: RunState: LUA_ERROR: [string "devils_catacomb"]:1: attempt to call field `get_devil_base' (a nil value)
SYSERR: Apr 11 14:16:12 :: WriteRunningStateToSyserr: LUA_ERROR: quest >devils_catacomb.start click
SYSERR: Apr 11 14:12:32 :: RunState: LUA_ERROR: >locale/turkey/quest/object/state/deviltower_zone:1: attempt to indexglobal`positions' (a nil value)
SYSERR: Apr 11 14:12:32 :: WriteRunningStateToSyserr: LUA_ERROR: quest >deviltower_zone.start click
my deviltower_zone.lua
////////Error formed location/////////
function get_4floor_stone_pos()
local positions,j,t = {{368, 629}, {419, 630}, {428, 653}, {422, 679},
{395, 689}, {369, 679}, {361, 658},},number(i,7), positions[i];
for i = 1, 6 do
if (i != j) then
local t = positions[i];
positions[i] = positions[j];
positions[j] = t;
return positions
when 8016.kill with pc.get_map_index() >= 660000 and pc.get_map_index() <
670000 begin
d.setf("level", 4)
local positions,vid = deviltower_zone.get_4floor_stone_pos()
,d.spawn_mob(8017, positions[7][1], positions[7][2])
for i = 1, 6 do d.set_unique("fake" .. i , d.spawn_mob(8017,
positions[i][1], positions[i][2])) end
d.set_unique("real", vid)
server_loop_timer('devil_stone4_update', 10, pc.get_map_index())
server_timer('devil_stone4_fail1', 5*60, pc.get_map_index())
There are a couple of places where you use the positions table in the right hand side of an attribution to local positions. Lua always evaluates the right hand side fully before the left hand side, so in this context, positions refers to a global variable.
First occurrence: in the line:
local positions,j,t = {{368, 629}, {419, 630}, {428, 653}, {422, 679}, {395, 689}, {369, 679}, {361, 658},},number(i,7), positions[i];
you probably meant:
local positions = {{368, 629}, {419, 630}, {428, 653}, {422, 679}, {395, 689}, {369, 679}, {361, 658},}
local j, t = number(i,7), positions[i]
(although this won't work 100% because i does not exist yet -- it's probably better to just not use the t variable.)
And in this line:
local positions,vid = deviltower_zone.get_4floor_stone_pos(), d.spawn_mob(8017, positions[7][1], positions[7][2])
You probably meant to do something like:
local positions = deviltower_zone.get_4floor_stone_pos()
local vid = d.spawn_mob(8017, positions[7][1], positions[7][2])
I am trying to set the seeds inside the caret's gafsControl(), but I am getting this error:
Error in { : task 1 failed - "supplied seed is not a valid integer"
I understand that seeds for trainControl() is a vector equal to the number of resamples plus one, with the number of combinations of models's tuning parameters (in my case 36, SVM with 6 Sigma and 6 Cost values) in each (resamples) entries. However, I couldn't figure out what I should use for gafsControl(). I've tried iters*popSize (100*10), iters (100), popSize (10), but none has worked.
Thanks in advance.
here is my code (with simulated data):
train.set <- twoClassSim(300, noiseVars = 100, corrVar = 100, corrValue = 0.75)
mylogGA <- caretGA
mylogGA$fitness_extern <- mnLogLoss
#Index for gafsControl
ga_index <- createFolds(train.set$Class, k=3)
#Seed for the gafsControl()
ga_seeds <- vector(mode = "list", length = 4)
for(i in 1:3) ga_seeds[[i]] <- sample.int(1500, 1000)
## For the last model:
ga_seeds[[4]] <- sample.int(1000, 1)
#Index for the trainControl()
tr_index <- createFolds(train.set$Class, k=5)
#Seeds for the trainControl()
tr_seeds <- vector(mode = "list", length = 6)
for(i in 1:5) tr_seeds[[i]] <- sample.int(1000, 36)#
## For the last model:
tr_seeds[[6]] <- sample.int(1000, 1)
gaCtrl <- gafsControl(functions = mylogGA,
method = "cv",
number = 3,
metric = c(internal = "logLoss",
external = "logLoss"),
verbose = TRUE,
maximize = c(internal = FALSE,
external = FALSE),
index = ga_index,
seeds = ga_seeds,
allowParallel = TRUE)
tCtrl = trainControl(method = "cv",
number = 5,
classProbs = TRUE,
summaryFunction = mnLogLoss,
index = tr_index,
seeds = tr_seeds,
allowParallel = FALSE)
svmGrid <- expand.grid(sigma= 2^c(-25, -20, -15,-10, -5, 0), C= 2^c(0:5))
t1 <- Sys.time()
svmFuser.gafs <- gafs(x = train.set[, names(train.set) != "Class"],
y = train.set$Class,
gafsControl = gaCtrl,
trControl = tCtrl,
popSize = 10,
iters = 100,
method = "svmRadial",
preProc = c("center", "scale"),
tuneGrid = svmGrid,
maximize = FALSE)
t2<- Sys.time()
save(svmFuser.gafs, file ="svmFuser.gafs.rda")
save(svmFuser.gafs.time, file ="svmFuser.gafs.time.rda")
Session Info:
> sessionInfo()
R version 3.2.2 (2015-08-14)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] kernlab_0.9-22 doMC_1.3.3 iterators_1.0.7 foreach_1.4.2 caret_6.0-52 ggplot2_1.0.1 lattice_0.20-33
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] Rcpp_0.12.0 magrittr_1.5 splines_3.2.2 MASS_7.3-43 munsell_0.4.2
[6] colorspace_1.2-6 foreach_1.4.2 minqa_1.2.4 car_2.0-26 stringr_1.0.0
[11] plyr_1.8.3 tools_3.2.2 parallel_3.2.2 pbkrtest_0.4-2 nnet_7.3-10
[16] grid_3.2.2 gtable_0.1.2 nlme_3.1-122 mgcv_1.8-7 quantreg_5.18
[21] MatrixModels_0.4-1 iterators_1.0.7 gtools_3.5.0 lme4_1.1-9 digest_0.6.8
[26] Matrix_1.2-2 nloptr_1.0.4 reshape2_1.4.1 codetools_0.2-11 stringi_0.5-5
[31] compiler_3.2.2 BradleyTerry2_1.0-6 scales_0.3.0 stats4_3.2.2 SparseM_1.7
[36] brglm_0.5-9 proto_0.3-10
I am not so familiar with the gafsControl() function that you mention, but I encountered a very similar issue when setting parallel seeds using trainControl(). In the instructions, it describes how to create a list (length = number of resamples + 1), where each item is a list (length = number of parameter combinations to test). I find that doing that does not work (see topepo/caret issue #248 for info). However, if you then turn each item into a vector, e.g.
seeds <- lapply(seeds, as.vector)
then the seeds seem to work (i.e. models and predictions are entirely reproducible). I should clarify that this is using doMC as the backend. It may be different for other parallel backends.
Hope this helps
I was able to figure out my mistake by inspecting gafs.default. The seeds inside gafsControl() takes a vector with length (n_repeats*nresampling)+1 and not a list (as in trainControl$seeds). It is actually stated in the documentation of ?gafsControl that seeds is a vector or integers that can be used to set the seed during each search. The number of seeds must be equal to the number of resamples plus one. I figured it out the hard way, this is a reminder to carefully read the documentation :D.
if (!is.null(gafsControl$seeds)) {
if (length(gafsControl$seeds) < length(gafsControl$index) +
stop(paste("There must be at least", length(gafsControl$index) +
1, "random number seeds passed to gafsControl"))
else {
gafsControl$seeds <- sample.int(1e+05, length(gafsControl$index) +
So, the proper way to set my ga_seeds is:
#Index for gafsControl
ga_index <- createFolds(train.set$Class, k=3)
#Seed for the gafsControl()
ga_seeds <- sample.int(1500, 4)
If that way settings seeds you can ensure each run the same feature subset is selected ? I ams asking due randominess of GA