Local Storage icons in IPhone DCIM folder - ios

When I plug my IPhone (6 Plus) to my Windows computer, I see some "Local Storage" (named in Turkish "Yerel Disk") icons in DCIM folder. Any idea what are these, could it be viruses??

There might be a possible answer.

I have the same problem. And I didn't remember my photos were altered (cropped, photo filters applied, etc.) at all.
For the solution of removing those mystery files:
Disconnect IPhone with Windows machine
Settings --> Safari --> Clear History and Website Data
reconnect IPhone with Windows machine, double check DCIM and subfolders.
Then they disappear.
*** The above solution works for me. But the solution makes those files even more mystery. Why deleting Safari related Data (I assume "Clear History and Website Data" does the function as it described) could clean files inside DCIM ? ( Another assumption: files inside DCIM are photos related. Actually not sure)
The only technical details I find is a comment in https://discussions.apple.com/thread/6585223?start=15&tstart=0
Lawrence Finch
Mar 14, 2015 5:39 PM
Re: Windows explorer see's multiple "Local Disk" files in the iphone DCIM folders
in response to CrazyRoadBiker
CrazyRoadBiker wrote:
(PS - I managed to look inside of some of the "local disk" files and they seem to contain a modified XML structure. Why Apple doesn't just put an XML file in the folder that is standard and able to be recognized by Windows, I have no idea. . .)
The metatdata files are a standard image metadata format (.AAE), and Windows understands it. But you have to use the Camera and Scanner wizard to import the images. It understands those files, but Windows Explorer does not.


when using vs2013,Failed to parse manifest; but worked well on vs2010

recently, My company need me to do something on application cache, and I read this article: http://www.codemag.com/Article/1112051, I followed his steps,but it cannot work by using vs2013, it will show you the right page, but when you press f12 in chrome, it will show some error:Application Cache Error event: "Failed to parse manifest localhost:xxxxx/Home/manifest", and actually app cache didn't work. but when I use vs2010 it works just fine! since vs2013 has a lot more files in the mvc project, I cannot figure out what's wrong. Now I need some vs2013 tools which are not included in vs2010, so I really need the vs2013 version of this app cache program. It's quite in a hurry, can anyone help me? thanks a lot!
Please follow these steps to see if it helps.
Step 1: Run Windows System File Checker("sfc /scannow")
It allows you to scan for file corruption and restore Windows system files such as DebuggerProxy.dll. If System File Checker finds a problem with DebuggerProxy.dll or other critical system file, it will attempt to replace the problematic files from DLL Cache (%WinDir%\System32\Dllcache). If the DebuggerProxy.dll file is not in the DLL Cache, or the DLL Cache is corrupted, you will be prompted to insert the Windows installation disc to recover the original files.
To run System File Checker:
1.Click the Start button.
2.Type "cmd" in the search box... DO NOT hit ENTER yet!
3.While holding CTRL-Shift on your keyboard, hit ENTER.
4.You will be prompted with a permission dialog box.
5.Click Yes.
6.A black box will open with a blinking cursor.
7.Type "sfc /scannow" and hit ENTER.
8.System File Checker will begin scanning for DebuggerProxy.dll and other system file problems (be patient - the system scan may take a while).
9.Follow the on-screen commands.
Step 2:Make sure your ISO installation file is correct.
You can download the ISO file from the website below.
Before you install it, I suggest you use this tool http://support.microsoft.com/kb/841290 to verify hash of the ISO. Any discrepancy would indicate that the file was corrupted. Here is a blog about how to use the tool.
The sha1 value of ISO is "E61419E51F42254EE07DECF628B85C9861286250".
Then try reinstall it.

BlackBerry Simulator not reflecting code changes - needs restart for every change

I am using BlackBerry SDK on eclipse
whenever i am doing any changes i need to restart the simulator
i want to run simulator only once and dont wanna restart it again n again for little changes
i refer to this thread in stackoverflow.com -> "View changes without restarting Blackberry simulator?"
i follow the given procedure in above thread but still my simulator not making it
i also tried it in BlackBerry SDK 6.0 and 7.1 . . .but i am still fighting with same problem
As Mister Smith says, this functionality is not highly reliable. Sometimes it works, and sometimes not.
However, one fixable problem that I encounter somewhat often is that permissions on the JDE plugin folders get restricted so that the BlackBerry simulator cannot write out the proper files to perform hot swapping.
I can often fix this in Windows explorer by going to the root folder for Eclipse (you could probably just go to the JDE plugin folder, if you're concerned about opening up permissions too much). In Windows Explorer, right-click and select Properties. I then uncheck the Read-only checkbox. Then, use the Security tab and make sure that your user account has Full control for that directory, and all of its subdirectories.
I will usually also just transfer ownership of the entire Eclipse directory tree to my user account (e.g. HOSTNAME\username). Do that with the Advanced button on the Security tab.
Also, have a look at this question/answer and this BlackBerry support forum thread on the topic of hot swap file permissions

How to test reading of files in Blackberry Ripple Emulator

I am attempting to build an app that needs to read .epub files on a Blackberry using WebWorks. However, using the Ripple Emulator I'm able to access the directory structure in blackberry.io.dir but I wanted to make a file available to be read so I can test the loading of a file.
I assume the folders like file:///SDCard are not physical folders but is there anyway I can copy a file from my local machine to this folder so I can begin testing.
I tried using local:/// but this is not returning anything.
It depends on what OS you're on but this answer talks about Mac OS: Where does PERSISTENT file system storage store with chrome?

IDAPI , BdeAdmin and Windows 7

After many months of postponing it, this week, I finally started using a new Windows 7 Professional PC for actual development (which is 90% still done in Delphi 7 with some of these programs still using the Borland IDAPI to access Paradox files). The previous development pc was still an XP-one.
Every thing works except for one thing: somehow the settings of the IDAPI and BdeAdmin configuration files are messed up or they are read/written in different locations. To be more precise, it looks like two configuration files are active.
It must have something to do with rights or settings being read/written in the wrong folder or registry setting, but after searching for it for a couple of hours, I give up.
Anyone had any problems with this, before ? And if so, hopefully, has any one solved this problem ?
Thx for any thoughts/solutions ...
My guess is it has something to do with the fact that Vista and Windows 7 don't allow programs to change files under the C:\Program Files folder. They create a copy of those changed files in a virtual store, the process is known as virtualization. The copies end up in the hidden appdata folder of the user account and can be found in the Local\VirtualStore\Program Files folder. The structure in that folder reflects the one in the actual Program Files folder.
Programs that access their files in the Program Files folder using a "hardcoded" path, will always get the original - unchanged - file contents.
Solution: running the apps in a virtual XP system or upgrading the apps is probably your best bet.
You could try to run the apps elevated. That is: right click them and choose Run as Administrator. Please note that it isn't enough to be logged in as an administrator. Even administrators run all processes unelevated by default. Instead of right-clicking, you can also create a shortcut and set the Run as administrator for the shortcut - the checkbox for this is on the compatibility tab of the properties dialog. No guarantees though that this will alleviate the problem.
Since IIRC D7 setup allows you to configure paths in multiple ways, maybe simply do a reinstall outside "program files"?
Afaik this solves several vista/w7 problems.

Internet explorer 8 opens file in browser instead of the client

Our company is working with a great Business Intelligence tool CorVu 4.2 to analyse the operational and strategic data. Since several years we are successfully working with Sharepoint 2007 to collaborate and share information with colleagues. Most of my colleagues are working with Internet Explorer 7, but step by step Internet Explorer 8 is implemented in the company.
We share a lot of CorVu files thought Sharepoint, but since we are using Internet Explorer 8, we have a problem that is new for us. If we click on a CorVu file in Internet Explorer 8 (not necessarily in Sharepoint) a pop-up shows how to open the file, if we save the file, there is no problem. But if we open the file, the file is shown in the browser and not in the CorVu client! See the screenshot below:
(I removed some unnecessary information)
So far my colleagues accept this 'feature' in Internet Explorer 8. But I we open and closes more CorVu files, multiple errors (more than 10) show up starting with:
(unable to place more hyperlinks)
By pressing Enter the errors disappear, but it's not professional! I contacted the creators of CorVu, but they don't have a solution for in their client. There may be a solution in Internet Explorer 8?
The extensions of a CorVu file can be a .sqy, .tab or .qrp. But is it possible to force the files to open in the standard client instead of the browser?
Check your Add-Ons and see if you can disable the one that is displaying that content.
Tools -> Internet Options -> Programs -> Manage Add-ons
Your screenshot appears to be Excel. You should be able to tweak Excel to remove the in-browser viewer.
Microsoft discusses how to configure the Office-in-browser viewers. There are methods for older computers as well.
If the browser is actually showing the CorVu program, then the CorVu program must have a plugin into IE when it was installed. Try uninstalling IE and reinstalling it without touching CorVu. That should purge all the custom stuff that CorVu did.
