How to test reading of files in Blackberry Ripple Emulator - blackberry

I am attempting to build an app that needs to read .epub files on a Blackberry using WebWorks. However, using the Ripple Emulator I'm able to access the directory structure in but I wanted to make a file available to be read so I can test the loading of a file.
I assume the folders like file:///SDCard are not physical folders but is there anyway I can copy a file from my local machine to this folder so I can begin testing.
I tried using local:/// but this is not returning anything.

It depends on what OS you're on but this answer talks about Mac OS: Where does PERSISTENT file system storage store with chrome?


How to include a gigantic 14GB+ folder in the NSIS installer of an Electron app?

I have an app made using Electron. I am creating the NSIS installer for the app using Electron Builder. The Electron app has a dependency to something similar to a videogame (lets call it a videogame but it's not a videogame) that is 14GB+ folder and contains large binaries (.dlls, .exes, etc.).
I need to create the NSIS installer for my app so the user installing the app gets both the app and the videogame dependency completely offline, without internet.
I am aware the NSIS installer cannot be larger than 2GB.
A solution I am thinking of:
Create a that contains NSIS installer and
In the .nsh script, extract the via relative path to wherever I need the contents
I wasn't able to solve this problem. I just used an alternative: I used a .zip file instead of NSIS.
I included both the dependency and the Electron app together.

Local Storage icons in IPhone DCIM folder

When I plug my IPhone (6 Plus) to my Windows computer, I see some "Local Storage" (named in Turkish "Yerel Disk") icons in DCIM folder. Any idea what are these, could it be viruses??
There might be a possible answer.
I have the same problem. And I didn't remember my photos were altered (cropped, photo filters applied, etc.) at all.
For the solution of removing those mystery files:
Disconnect IPhone with Windows machine
Settings --> Safari --> Clear History and Website Data
reconnect IPhone with Windows machine, double check DCIM and subfolders.
Then they disappear.
*** The above solution works for me. But the solution makes those files even more mystery. Why deleting Safari related Data (I assume "Clear History and Website Data" does the function as it described) could clean files inside DCIM ? ( Another assumption: files inside DCIM are photos related. Actually not sure)
The only technical details I find is a comment in
Lawrence Finch
Mar 14, 2015 5:39 PM
Re: Windows explorer see's multiple "Local Disk" files in the iphone DCIM folders
in response to CrazyRoadBiker
CrazyRoadBiker wrote:
(PS - I managed to look inside of some of the "local disk" files and they seem to contain a modified XML structure. Why Apple doesn't just put an XML file in the folder that is standard and able to be recognized by Windows, I have no idea. . .)
The metatdata files are a standard image metadata format (.AAE), and Windows understands it. But you have to use the Camera and Scanner wizard to import the images. It understands those files, but Windows Explorer does not.

VirtualStore for delphi application

I use opendialog to load file to application path . is there any way to load the file to %userprofile% > AppData > Local > VirtualStore > Program Files > MyApplication Folder, it is because users should not see the the loaded file
Windows will automatically show applications the "VirtualStore" files for old applications. This is done to try and make sure that old applications build before UAC continue to run correctly. To turn off this behavior you need to add a application manifest to your program. This will make windows turn off the VirtualStore behavior both for files and registry entries.
Here is a good page that describes what is happening in detail:
The manifest is an XML resource file that can be embedded into the application. In terms of UAC, this serves 2 purposes. Firstly it tells the operating system that the application has been designed with UAC in mind, and that it therefore should not attempt to virtualize any folders or registry settings. If the application still attempts to access protected resources after making its declaration, then these requests will simply fail rather than virtualize. The other thing it does is allow the application to state the privilege level at which it needs to run, and whether it requires elevation.
There are several questions already on StackOverflow that deal with creating and adding an application manifest to Delphi 7 projects. Here is one link to get you started:
Delphi 7 vista / windows 7 manifest
Once you tell windows that you know about the new version of Windows via the manifest you will need to make sure that you are playing by the new rules and don't write data back to any of the protected locations.

How to edit Windows Phone Emulator Image hosts file?

I am developing a Windows Phone App and i wanted to test In-app Purchases functionality in my app.
Microsoft Provides a webservice to test IAP but since the os automatically connects to Windows Phone Store, there's no way to test if the application is handling the IAP properly
How can this be done?
I Found this while preparing my environment for this purpose:
There is a folder in the computer where you can find the .vhd files of the Virtual Machines used to emulate Windows Phone.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v8.0\Emulation\Images
Here you can find all the Emulator Images:
Remove Read Only Attribute from the VHD file you want to edit:
Mount VHD file (Windows 8 or above is done by simply double clicking the file or opening it with explorer)
After doing so you should see 5 extra partitions
2 of those partitions are system partitions
you can identify them because they have between 15% and 40% free space
From those 2 partitions the one we care about is the partition witch contains Users Folder.
Now we must go to the following path:
in this file we must set the mapping
Save the file and eject the first partition
Now you're done with configuring the Mapping
this of course is useless if you haven't configured your machine to use the WebService provided by Microsoft to test IAP

How can I port a Flash application to the BlackBerry PlayBook

I have a Flash application written in ActionScript 2 that I would like to port to the BlackBerry Playbook. The application is composed of an .swf file and a directory containing a large number of vector images. The path to these images (e.g. imagefolder/icons/icon1.swf) is hard-coded into an application and requires the image directory and the .swf file to be in the same directory.
I've installed the PlayBook SDK and have tried packaging the application with FlashBuilder 4, but I have no experience with this programme and have so far been unsuccessful. I tried placing the application in an SWFLoader component, but I then realised after reading this pdf document that MXML components are not supported. Since the app is written in AS2, I believe it cannot be compiled by Flash Builder. I don't need any any of the AIR features so I was wondering how could I embed the .swf and image directory in a Flash Builder ActionScript project so that it would run on the BlackBerry PlayBook.
The playbook uses AIR to play, so you need to be able to run it in AIR, which means that you need to have it working in as3. You could try "tricking it" by loading the AVM1 into AVM2.
