JSQMessaging & Group Chat - ios

Does anyone know of any tutorials based using JSQMessage & Parse, but for group chats? I have a project I am currently working on that uses JSQMessage, but on one on one. I am still new to iOS and cannot find any tutorials.

Try this. this is very easy to use you only need to format your sender,receiver messages.you can use image,and video also.

Have a look at this project that uses Parse and JSQMessagesViewController:


Rich link preview in flutter

Is it possible to make a preview from an url, grabbing all the information such as title, relevant texts and images. Is there any plugins I can use readily?
See this Native android plugin
You can do this way :
1)Create a user at https://www.linkpreview.net
2)Generate an Access Key.
3)From your code call
It returns the meta tags in JSON as below :
{"title":"Google","description":"Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for.","image":"http:\/\/www.google.com\/images\/branding\/googlelogo\/1x\/googlelogo_white_background_color_272x92dp.png","url":"https:\/\/www.google.com\/"}
4) Use it in flutter widget to create a preview.
Hope I'm not late to answer this question, There is a plugin for link with previews Rich link preview
Currently, there is not an open source library for flutter providing these meta tags for a website.
There is a temporal solution, using these freemium APIs for getting this information. The main drawback is that the requests are limited before paying.
I know I'm a bit late but I found a solution for that.
The comment of Sudip might work but if you have a lot of preview to generate, you will have to subscribe and pay..
I couldn't use the library rich_link_preview because of some depency issues (it requires http < 1.12.0).
So I had to do it myself. Writting the complete answer in this comment would be too long so I'll tell you how I did it.
I followed this youtube tutorial. If you are too lazy to watch the entire video you can look at his Github Repo. It worked for me and it is not too long (there are only 2 relevant files):

How I can build 'How to use this app' tutorial inside my iOS app?

I built a new iOS app,
After I ended it they asked me to make a self inside app tutorial explaining How to use this app !!
They mean something like the tutorials you view them on some famous apps,
Like: To add new item: press here, and they put an arrow signing to the add button.
So I'm wondering if there is any solution or idea I can start with it to make this tutorial .
Thanks in advance.
Depends on what you want.
You could show a video as #wasted suggests.
Another way of solving this is to use a UIPageViewController which embeds other simple UIViewControllers containing images and text explaining what you app does. An example of how to do that is shown [here] (http://www.appcoda.com/uipageviewcontroller-tutorial-intro/)
You can also find several frameworks made for this purpose, here are some of them:
Hope that gives you something to work with.

How i can use AFHTTPNetworking for downloading and uploading images in ios

I am using AFHTTPNetworking In my tutorial.
I have one OutLet of ImageView
and I want to show some images from server.
I have server url like this link. I have not worked with this and i am new in iPhone. Can anyone suggest me a proper tutorial for this ?
I think you should read the tutorial: http://www.raywenderlich.com/59255/afnetworking-2-0-tutorial.
This is a tutorial is easy to understand about what should you need to solve your problems.
I would like to advice you to use SDWebImage library. It's among the best library I have used for Image caching.
Import UIImageView+Webcache in your project and use sd_setImageWithURL method.

Parse iOS SDK Localizing

I am using Parse SDK as a backend and when application loading data from server i see label "Loading". But my app using another language and i wanna translate it. How can i fix it?
Image here
I am tried to change simulator language and and changing value of Localization native development region key in plist.
Anyone had this problem? I think there is very simple answer, but i cannot find it. :)
Thank you for help!
So after a long search, i discovered that you should create a file named "ParseUI.strings" in order to change UI elements like "Loading.." as you mentioned. You can see the file in the image below. You should use at least ParseUI framework 1.1.6 for this method.
After you create a file and named it as "ParseUI.strings" you can change UI elements which parse provides us. You can see which strings are editable here.
In your example you want to change "Loading..." string, so all you have to do is enter the code in your ParseUI.strings file.
"Loading..." = "Whatever thing you want to say...";
Thats it, it worked for me.

VFR Reader search functionality

Hi just downloaded the VFR-Reader. Its fantastic [exactly what I wanted] except it doesn't have search functionality included...
Does a fork exist that has this implemented? Otherwise what is the best method to include this functionality
You can add search functionality by using another project - PDFKitten. I'm using them both in my own project and they work perfectly fine!
