Hi just downloaded the VFR-Reader. Its fantastic [exactly what I wanted] except it doesn't have search functionality included...
Does a fork exist that has this implemented? Otherwise what is the best method to include this functionality
You can add search functionality by using another project - PDFKitten. I'm using them both in my own project and they work perfectly fine!
I'm very new to using Umbraco, but I am looking for a way to sort the media files so I can see which files haven't been linked to any content yet? e.g. PDFs that are yet to be put onto any page.
Is there a simple way of doing this? Or can someone talk me through step-by-step what to do?
You can use an extension like https://our.umbraco.org/projects/backoffice-extensions/falm-housekeeping/ to clean out all the unused media.
When working with extensions I would make a copy of your project and test it out on there first as some extensions can be quite temperamental.
I built a new iOS app,
After I ended it they asked me to make a self inside app tutorial explaining How to use this app !!
They mean something like the tutorials you view them on some famous apps,
Like: To add new item: press here, and they put an arrow signing to the add button.
So I'm wondering if there is any solution or idea I can start with it to make this tutorial .
Thanks in advance.
Depends on what you want.
You could show a video as #wasted suggests.
Another way of solving this is to use a UIPageViewController which embeds other simple UIViewControllers containing images and text explaining what you app does. An example of how to do that is shown [here] (http://www.appcoda.com/uipageviewcontroller-tutorial-intro/)
You can also find several frameworks made for this purpose, here are some of them:
Hope that gives you something to work with.
Does anyone know of any tutorials based using JSQMessage & Parse, but for group chats? I have a project I am currently working on that uses JSQMessage, but on one on one. I am still new to iOS and cannot find any tutorials.
Try this. this is very easy to use you only need to format your sender,receiver messages.you can use image,and video also.
Have a look at this project that uses Parse and JSQMessagesViewController:
I develop rails applications with my designer who has minimum knowledge about rails.
She works on Windows through file-sharing from a Linux server.
She always has hard time finding view files to work on.
I usually use 'grep' to find a view file.
But she can't.
If you have a good suggestion, please share with me.
I have an idea which may be overkill.
Is there a way to automatically add comments around view files (including layouts and partials?) in html file?
Like this:
<!--Starting app/views/some_dir/some_file.html.erb-->
HTML here...
<!--Ending app/views/some_dir/some_file.html.erb-->
This way, my designer can find the file very easily.
Of course, this should be automatic and development environment only.
I use the Rails Footnotes gem (https://github.com/josevalim/rails-footnotes) in some of my projects which allows me to click a link in the footer of my app that opens the current view (also shows partials) in TextMate. Not sure if it could be customised to work with a Windows text editor but you could look at the URL to work out the file name.
I.e to open a file in MacVim, it creates the following link:
and for TextMate:
is there a rich text editor that has image hosting with it?
eg with stackoverflow they are using imgur to host images.
or is there another way eg using an api? im using asp.net mvc/c#
They are the brothers :)
Try this SO question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1801458/free-image-hosting-with-open-api
There are a few possible options, but you're looking at writing your own connector for the text editor to interface with the API - but having said that, for the most part you'd probably be writing a connector for the image uploading anyway, or at least searching around looking for one that works since most (free) RTEs don't supply file / image upload functionality built-in.
Not sure if this is entirely what you're after, but it might be worth having a look at using Yahoo's YUI editor + Flickr for hosting the images: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/examples/editor/flickr_editor.html
jquery tinymce is a best option. Since there are many plugins for image upload that can be easily integerate into editor
There would be default image upload. if u need use some third party plugins like this
refer it. http://www.danieloshea.com/products/806-image-selection-and-upload-plugin-for-tinymce
If you are looking for free stuff, use FCKEditors, it contains image uploader already plugged in.
Try this , this works for me: I used tinymce RTE roxyfileman