directory not found for option FacebookSDK - ios

I am getting the following error when I run my app:
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-F/Users/qlxmac01/Desktop/iPhone Apps from Google Docs/NinjaBites/../../Documents/FacebookSDK'
It uses an older version of the FacebookSDK from around 2012-2013 but I am not sure why the app will not compile. I'm assuming that the problem has to do with the FacebookSDK.framework
Could someone please point me in the right direction of how to fix this error or what I should even be looking for to fix this problem?
Here is a snapshot of what I am getting:

This happen when your project not able to find the your facebookSDK framework because of shifting the project from one directory to other try to delete facebook sdk from project file and add the facebook sdk again.

Facebook usually recommends putting their facebookSDK into the ~/Documents folder, check to see if this or anything involved with facebookSDK is on your iCloud only. This was the issue for me when I ran into this.


'Branch.h' file not found Xcode error for Ionic 3 app

When I am trying to build my Ionic 3 app in ios device from Xcode, I am getting the following error.
'Branch.h' file not found
The error appears in file BranchSDK.h inside the Plugins folder of IOS.
There are old threads on Github regarding this error but I am unable to solve it.
Please try following solution:
Please make sure that you are opening xcworkspace instead of xcodeproj.
Please remove the existing SDK integration, start a fresh and make sure to use the latest version. You can follow this link for more details:
Delete derived data from Xcode as suggested in this link.
Config.xml is an important part of your project configuration, please make sure to cross confirm it from the Branch Dashboard. Please follow our troubleshooting guidelines to make sure you are not missing anything.
In case following solution does not works for you please write to

Duplicate symbols for architecture x86_64 using Google Sign-In SDK 4.0.1

I was stuck with this error from the past 2 days. Please Ignore if this question already exists as I don't found any solution I am posting this.
In my project I have integrated google maps sdk that is working fine. Presently i am using o-Auth request for gmail sign in, Now I want to implement Google Sign-In SDK 4.0.1.
My project was building with out errors before copying it. I followed the steps that are given in this link to copy sdk to my app. I was getting this error
ld: 108 duplicate symbols for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
I use the following solutions still can't fix it:
Build Options -> Enable Bitcode -> set "No".
Remove -ObjC from Other Linker Flags.
project Target -> Build phases -> compile sources, ckeck no
duplicate files.
Make sure I haven't #imported a .m file.
Deploytarget is 6.0
Checked all solutions but didn't worked me ...Can any one suggest me how to fix this?
I have also faced same issue in implementing Google Sign-In SDK. I have not found any solution to it. But to solve this issue follow these steps.
Either you should use CocoaPods and follow the documentation you will not get these error.
If you are not using CocoaPods, then in that case follow the 'Demo Project' that comes with Google Sign-In SDK. Use all the frameworks that are used in this 'Demo Project' and also add the required libraries as in project.
Don't forget to add linker flag.
Note : I know this is not the solution, but i had to follow the 'Demo Project' to solve this issue.
For me, this error happened because somehow CocoaPods appears to have duplicated a GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch.m file, creating a GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch 2.m file and including it in the project.
pod update did not resolve. I manually deleted the file and the issue went away. After another pod update, the issue did not reappear.

Error with Google Play Game Service on iOS

I am getting this error:
ERROR: GIDSignIn.h File not found error
I am using Google Play Game Service plugin for Unity for leaderboard and Achievements, and every thing is working fine in android but when I build to IOS and try to run my project to an iOS device I keep getting this error and I couldn't find a solution to it for hours now.
I tried to deleted everything related to Google Play service (After creating a back up of course) and the app installed and worked ok, except it was a bit laggy but that is a another issue. So I'm sure the problem comes from Google Play Service, but I have no clue how to fix it. Again I'm new to Xcode and iOS development in general and even Mac.
I also get this message after building the project in Unity:
Add these frameworks:
Add the following bundles and frameworks from the Google Plus
and the Google Play Games C++ SDKs. These can be downloaded from
Note: Make sure the bundles are copied to application. This can be
verified under Build Phases/Copy Bundle Resources.
Add the '-ObjC' linker flag. To do this, select the top-level project
object, select the 'Unity-iPhone' build target, then go to the
Build Settings tab. Search for Other Linker Flags and add
the '-ObjC' flag to that list.
** Note: To run in the simulator, use Unity 4.6.8 or greater.
ios_instructions on plugin repository
But I have no idea how to do any thing above as am not familiar with iOS development. Any help is appreciated.
#aimozs answer was right for indicating where to add required files, a few google search gave me the answers;
From instructions (didn't work for me, scroll down)
These can all be located directly when linking frameworks. (In my case, libc++.dylib and libz.dylib were already linked, and I couldn't find them somehow, but regenerating your xcode project should add these two again.
I've found it here:
Found them in:
(I grabbed latest version Google Sign-In SDK 3.0.0)
I found them here:
(Grabbed Play Games C++ SDK Version 2.1)
Also, the following part of the message seemed important:
Make sure the bundles are copied to application
I tried to copy bundle files to root of the project, but I still get the same error.
Solution: CocoaPods and the podfile!
I saw the PodFile in xcode project directory!.
Here you go; make sure you followed these steps:
Then see
sudo gem install cocoapods
pod repo update
pod install
open Unity-iPhone.xcworkspace
Way better than manually copying files everywhere! ;)
Note: I also had to disable bitecode because I was having a linker error concerning GoogleOpenSource:
You must rebuild it with bitcode enabled (Xcode setting ENABLE_BITCODE)
It doesn't seem to be compiled with bitcode enabled, solution in here: how to ENABLE_BITCODE in xcode 7?
Build, enjoy and focus on making awesome games!
Linked questions
There's also a small discussion here:
A similar issue on UnityAnswers:
Im going through that aswell, and for #1 it has to be done in xcode, here's a screenshot of how to add those libs
And that is for #3
Hope that helps :) and I'll get back to you about #2 when I've found out about it ;)

undeclared identifier 'FBAppCall' 'FBDialogs'

I'm recently trying to update the Facebook SDK on our application. I had no worries following the steps fom the Upgrade guide by Facebook.
I was able to compile without issues.
However, when I quit XCode, reopen my project and try to recompile I get an error about 'FBAppCall' (undeclared identifier). All others classes from the SDK are working except this one and 'FBDialogs'.
I am able to solve those errors by deleting the Facebook framework and adding it again. But I must do it every time I quit XCode.
I've tried to check or uncheck "Copy items into destination group's folder (if needed)" with no luck. Also tried older versions of Facebook SDK but it didn't changed anything.
Also tried to clear all the Facebook SDK references from the project.pbxproj before readding the frameworks, in vain.
Thank you for helping me with this annoying issue..
Note: Already did all the configuration Facebook SDK is requiring in the Getting Started page.
Finally found the solution.
Since I was upgrading from an older Facebook SDK, I had to delete the older FacebookSDK.framework file from $(PROJECT_DIR)/Frameworks and then re-add it in XCode.
did you add
#import <FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h>
in your AppDelegate.m file?

iOS: adding Admob ads into app giving an error

My app was successfully running on both simulator and physical device. After adding AdMob into my app by following the instruction in this video , however, the app gives an error when building. I have tried several hours to look for the solution to this error, but could not find it. Do you have any suggestion for this? Thank you
ld: duplicate symbol _OBJC_CLASS_$_AppDelegate in /Users/joe/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/playSound-dxljeytitbiylehchltjsxksklbh/Build/Intermediates/ and /Users/joe/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/playSound-dxljeytitbiylehchltjsxksklbh/Build/Intermediates/ for architecture armv7
Command /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/clang failed with exit code 1
Even I have not modified any code in my app, just add all the folder of 'GoogleAdMobAdsSdkiOS-6.1.4' in my project explorer as in the video, it then produces the error immediately. I am using xCode 4.2
This may be because 6.1.4 also comes packaged with a Google Analytics xcode project. Try making sure that you remove everything under the 'Add-ons' folder from being referenced in your project (unless you are using it).
You have multiple entries AppDelegate under Targets-Compiled Sources. Check it and ensure there is only one in Compiled Sources.
