undeclared identifier 'FBAppCall' 'FBDialogs' - ios

I'm recently trying to update the Facebook SDK on our application. I had no worries following the steps fom the Upgrade guide by Facebook.
I was able to compile without issues.
However, when I quit XCode, reopen my project and try to recompile I get an error about 'FBAppCall' (undeclared identifier). All others classes from the SDK are working except this one and 'FBDialogs'.
I am able to solve those errors by deleting the Facebook framework and adding it again. But I must do it every time I quit XCode.
I've tried to check or uncheck "Copy items into destination group's folder (if needed)" with no luck. Also tried older versions of Facebook SDK but it didn't changed anything.
Also tried to clear all the Facebook SDK references from the project.pbxproj before readding the frameworks, in vain.
Thank you for helping me with this annoying issue..
Note: Already did all the configuration Facebook SDK is requiring in the Getting Started page.

Finally found the solution.
Since I was upgrading from an older Facebook SDK, I had to delete the older FacebookSDK.framework file from $(PROJECT_DIR)/Frameworks and then re-add it in XCode.

did you add
#import <FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h>
in your AppDelegate.m file?


'Branch.h' file not found Xcode error for Ionic 3 app

When I am trying to build my Ionic 3 app in ios device from Xcode, I am getting the following error.
'Branch.h' file not found
The error appears in file BranchSDK.h inside the Plugins folder of IOS.
There are old threads on Github regarding this error but I am unable to solve it.
Please try following solution:
Please make sure that you are opening xcworkspace instead of xcodeproj.
Please remove the existing SDK integration, start a fresh and make sure to use the latest version. You can follow this link for more details:
Delete derived data from Xcode as suggested in this link.
Config.xml is an important part of your project configuration, please make sure to cross confirm it from the Branch Dashboard. Please follow our troubleshooting guidelines to make sure you are not missing anything.
In case following solution does not works for you please write to support#branch.io.

"Could not locate google-services.json or GoogleService-info.plist files" iOS Project, Unity, Mac Computer

I've been trying for the past two hours to figure this thing out! So I already created a project within my Firebase account; an iOS project. Downloaded the google-service-Info.plist files.
If I click Import New Asset and attempt to search for the file.. can't added it like that, I have to drag it into my folder.
I'm aware that the file must be put within the root folder (which I have done many times now), but I still encounter the same error message.
Could not locate google-services.json or GoogleService-info.plist files"
I removed all the Firebase files (SDK), re-installed them,.. same thing..
I also deleted the GoogleService-info.plist file and downloaded a brand new one, same thing!!! enter image description here
I'm currently using Unity 2018.2.1f1, My computer: macOS High Sierra, Version 10.13.6
I have same problem.
Add IOS and Android build component for Unity. Switch to the platform Android. It resolve you problem.
Check SDK status. See in screenshot below:
This happened to me right after adding a GoogleService-info.plist to a project that only had Android support before.
Doing Assets -> Reimport All also worked for me to get past this error.
In my case I missed the step where you generate those files on Firebase.
Generate them from your Firebase console by clicking the Unity icon in your project overview page. See more complete documentation here

[GMSCachedTile setVersionID:]: unrecognized selector

I have integrated google maps SDK 2.7.0 in one of my iPhone application.
I made all configuration related to it and added all frameworks.
When I run application it gets crash with error -"[GMSCachedTile setVersionID:]: unrecognized selector".
I searched on internet but I didn't get any answer related to GMSCachedTile.
I have the same issue.
In the end, I found that there was two copy of GoogleMaps.bundle in my project.
One was in project source, and the other was in pods.
So I removed one of them. (I kept the pods one.)
And the crash never happened again.
Hope this helps.
When I upgrade my Xcode from 9.4.1 to 10.0 and my SE iOS from 11 to 12, my app encounters same question, I solve this by removing Google Maps integrated manually and keeping Google Maps imported by Pod. Then everything is OK again.
I had the same issue. If you have added Google Maps manually i.e added in Linked Frameworks and Libraries and also through the Pods then you should go ahead and delete the manually added one.
Since only the VersionInfo.plist was creating the problem, I deleted it from the manually added GoogleMaps.framework.
You can find the VersionInfo.plist file at this path
It worked for me.

iOS Builds: This build is invalid in iTunes connect

I recently uploaded an app to the app store and its been processing for a few days now. I went in this morning to check everything out, and on the top bar of iTunes connect, i clicked on iOS builds to see how everything was going and I got a red circle with an exclamation point in it. When I clicked on it, it says "This build is invalid". Does anyone know the cause of this?
Check your email, it tells you exactly what is wrong. In itunes connect it simply says "This build is invalid" which is kind of useless. If you check your email it will most likely be a testflight issue as you included the sdk in your build and its integrated into itunes connect now:
"TestFlight SDK - TestFlight no longer requires an SDK to enable beta testing, crash reporting and analytics. To continue using TestFlight, set up Beta Testing in iTunes Connect and remove references to the SDK from the following executables:"
I was facing the same problem. I solved it by good luck after couple of hours of struggle. This issue was due to cocoa pods. Actually I installed "Alamofire" through cocoapods versions "0.38". I updated the pods for Alamofire 3.1.2. This build successfully got uploaded to the itunes connect but was declared as invalid in itunesConnect.
This reason was Alomofire 3.1.2 required cocoapods version 0.39. But I updated it using 0.38. So it was the issue.
Fix: Normal updating cocoapods by using the cpmmand $ gem install cocoapods, and then updating alamofire would not fix the problem. You will have to :
1. Update cocoapods using $ gem install cocoapods.
2. Delete the existing pod references from your project.
3. Reinstall pods using pod install command.
4. Done
You could validate the app archive trough Xcode and get details of what is the problem. The archives are currently found under Window->Organizer. To validate it you can click the "Validate..." button under the "Upload to App Store..." button. This may help you if you didn't get an email with details for the problem as was my case.
I got the same problem too. and It turns out that I archive the build with Reveal framework reference. I think that's the problem.
In the pass, I made the same mistake and Xcode shows detail error info during uploading. Now it seems not.
I got the same problem too. I write a App with Objective-C and use ios-charts(is swift),and I need to support iOS7,so it is troublesome... and when I upload app to AppStore I get the problem. I submit it again ,but still the problem. then I despair to clean the project and reset the codesiganature,what... that work! I just hehele ... enter image description here
In my case I just Drag and Drop The SDK In folder include info.plist file which is not in use. That's create the issue for me. So find the unused info.plist file and delete it from the Source code. Clean the project folder and Re upload.
Recently I faced the same issue on iTunes Connect and I received an email from apple regarding to TestFlight SDK that I forgot to remove from my project bundle. It says 'TestFlight no longer requires an SDK to enable beta testing' so after removing SDK clean the code, make archive again and upload. That't it!

directory not found for option FacebookSDK

I am getting the following error when I run my app:
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-F/Users/qlxmac01/Desktop/iPhone Apps from Google Docs/NinjaBites/../../Documents/FacebookSDK'
It uses an older version of the FacebookSDK from around 2012-2013 but I am not sure why the app will not compile. I'm assuming that the problem has to do with the FacebookSDK.framework
Could someone please point me in the right direction of how to fix this error or what I should even be looking for to fix this problem?
Here is a snapshot of what I am getting:
This happen when your project not able to find the your facebookSDK framework because of shifting the project from one directory to other try to delete facebook sdk from project file and add the facebook sdk again.
Facebook usually recommends putting their facebookSDK into the ~/Documents folder, check to see if this or anything involved with facebookSDK is on your iCloud only. This was the issue for me when I ran into this.
