iOS app won't start after app upgrade - ios

One user has a problem with one of my apps after the latest upgrade. She says the app will not open. It sounds like she sees the Default launch screen for a second and then it disappears i.e. it crashes when trying to run app code.
Also, she says when she double taps the Home button to see the apps currently running, she sees my app, with the "normal" type of screen i.e. a table with a few entries (which was created with the version prior to the upgrade).
She has tried powering off and on.
Can anyone offer any suggestions on what might be happening. No other user has reported the same problem.
It may be that she could remove the app and reinstall, but then she would lose all of her data which would be bad. Is there any way of reinstalling without removing from the iPhone?
EDIT: I just got a little more information from the user. As I said before, after the crash, when she presses the Home button twice to see running apps, she sees my app, with a few entries in the opening screen table. What is interesting, for the upgrade, I changed the order of the entries. I also added a tool bar with 2 buttons. She sent me a screen shot and what she is getting is the screen you would expect when running the old version i.e. the table ordered in the old way, and no toolbar. I don't know if this just means my app started to run and crashed before reordering the table and adding the toolbar, or if the installation got corrupted so she is not really running the new application properly. Does that sound feasible? Would there be any way to reinstall the app without removing it (and its data) first?

Are you using CoreData? If you are, and you made changes to the manage model without properly migrating, you may have caused your app to crash.
Look here for more information:


App freezes several seconds before start on device

I'm a free developer and I use my swift application on my iPhone 7. I'm using Swift 3 and iOS 10.
So the problem is, sometimes (like 2 of 10 times) when I start the app, iOS freezes like 5 seconds before my app actualy comes to the screen. In this time I only see the app icon is in the highlighted state. This only happens with my own app, not with other apps.
My app also does nothing special on startup and this only happens on the real device, the debugger in Xcode always starts immediately.
So is this a normal behavior? And does it work properly when I decide to put it on the App Store?
Thanks in advance.
I have had this happen to me before. No, this does not happen when it is put out on the App Store. One way to get around this is to use TestFlight. You can upload your archive to apple and select on the 'TestFlight' tab of your app. Click on internal testing and then click on your email and the version of the app you want to test. You should then get an email on your Apple ID telling you to test the app, and it will let you download it. Good question :)
To test the same version which would have been uploaded to the store quickly, change the build configuration to release. To do so, click on your app's name (top left), press edit schema, click the build configuration dropdown, also deselect debug executable. (make sure to turn it back when you're going to debug, or create a new schema with the above settings to let you switch quickly in the future)
You might also try using instruments, that lag on startup might happen if you're trying to load many things in memory on your initial view controller's viewDidLoad or app delegate's didFinishLaunchingWithOptions load, especially when trying to load big files such as images, videos or large plists. You might want to try using instruments (the time profiler instrument specifically) in order to check it out.

iOS App Force Update - Issues with App Store Update Button Refreshed

Once in a while we want to force update our up. We do this by checking with our server at boot and if the new required version of the app is higher then the current installed version we display a typical "Download new Version" button that takes you to the App Store page directly. Here is where we run into issues.
It appears that the "Update/Open" button of the App Store App doesn't refresh immediately, even after the app has propagated properly. It almost seems that once you open the App Store App it needs some time to check the status of all the apps, you can actually force this by clicking on the Update tab, after that the page linked for our app, shows the "Update" button instead of the "Open" button.
Now here is where our users have problems. They open our app and it tells them to update, they click the button and it takes them to the app store which tells them to Open. If they click it, it goes back to the app and they are now in a cycle.
That seems to happen, if they have good connection, only once, but if not they need to do this cycle at least a couple of times before the App Store App has realized that the button needs to be switched to Update.
Has anyone had to deal with this issue? How have you handled it?
Wait more time after propagation?
Special link that forces refresh?
There is a view to update the app that I think can be called from inside our app without going to the app store?
Any suggestion is welcome.

How does Xcode know which app to replace when updating

I have been working on an app in Xcode (not submitted to the App Store or anything like that) that has a lot of very important data whose loss is insurmountable. The app has recently started crashing on startup; therefore, I have tried to update the code to Swift2 so that it works.
After having Xcode automatically update this app to the new version of Swift, I have been having a major issue: When I re-download the app using a cable plugged into the iMac and the iDevice, the new version of the app does not replace the old one––it adds another app to the device. Why would this be happening, and, more importantly, is there any way to fix that?
The point of this is to retrieve the data which was saved in UserDefaults to the previous version of the app. Hence, I'll do pretty much anything to get that data back.
It is absolutely imperative that I retrieve the data stored in UserDefaults; the data is not stored anywhere else.
You are correct that the key is the bundle ID. We have a main bundle ID for production and a second target with a different ID for testing. Pretty convenient to have different versions of the app on the same device.
The second thing you can check is that the version number in the new project is greater than the version on the original project.
To see what apps and versions are installed on your phone, go to Devices (Shift-Command-2). Select your phone from the list on the left and the manually installed apps will be listed near the bottom. Sometimes this gets covered by the Console messages so you might need to scroll down.
Here's what the Device Manager looks like--I deleted my console logs...
Here is the Installed Apps view. It is behind the console logs so you need to scroll down in the top area...

User suddenly can't get past launch image screen

A user has reported that my app suddenly won't launch on their device. They sent me a video, and they launch the app, the launch image screen shows for a split second, but then crashes back to the iOS home screen.
The user tried deleting and reinstalling the app with no benefit.
I use Crashlytics, and am not getting any reports of crashes from them (or any other user- although I've seen them in prior versions so I know it's working correctly). I'm also not seeing any crashes in iTunes connect.
I asked the user to send me any crash reports in the Settings Diagnostics section and they said there are none listed for my app.
I have confirmed that their iOS version is supported by my app. (iOS 8.4).
I'm not sure where to go next, and would appreciate any pointers. Sorry for the vague question but I have posted everything that I know about the situation.
Just wanted to provide some closure on this. The user ended up wiping and restoring their device, and it solved the problem. It seems extreme to me but it was their own suggestion and didn't take them long to do. So I'm not sure what caused this but that's one (albeit brute force) way to fix it.

iOS 8 enterprise apps are stuck in limbo inside the device

In trying to release a new update to one of my enterprise iOS apps, I'm finding that the OTA download is failing. It will give me the "Would you like to install 'xxx'" alert, and tapping 'Install' is about as far as it will go. There's no indication that anything is happening. This occurs on my iPhone 6 and iPad both running the most recent release of iOS 8.
Running the devices on the iPhone Configuration Utility, it shows the list of installed apps, and the one app that is refusing to install has an "Install" button where all the others have "Uninstall." In the screen cap below you'll see the renamed bundle and the original bundle.
When I click the "Install" button, the iPhone Configuration Utility crashes.
I managed to get it to work using a workaround that I found elsewhere on StackOverflow, which requires renaming the app's Bundle Identifier, but it still seems like a pi$$-poor way to do it.
It seems clear that the app is somehow stuck in limbo, showing up on the app list but not showing up on the iPhone screen, and also is refusing to be overwritten. My question is, is there a way to purge the old app from the iPhone's memory, and possibly reload it using the original Bundle Identifier?
Apple still hasn't fixed this correctly in even the latest versions. There are several manifestations: the app does download, but the device doesn't quit the calling app, so you don't know if the app downloads or not. If the app was never on your device before, it usually downloads. If it was there before, and was deleted, it doesn't download. If the downloaded app is already running in the background, or you're doing in-app downloading, it often doesn't download because it doesn't want to replace a running app. I usually start the download, then switch immediately to the springboard to watch it download. If I see the clock dial on the app icon, then I know it's downloading. Changing the bundle is not a good thing, not to mention not giving any user feedback when you tap "Install."
As far as updating the app from the in app prompt.
It's a problem with apple/ios8. They aren't exiting the app after the install. If you quickly tap the home button after you hit install. Occasionally you will get a successful download.
For future use you could find out a way to use exit which will kill the app but apple warns against using exit due to poor user experience. But if apple isn't providing a good user experience in the first place for this process I think this warrants the use imho.
