strings not showing in console - printing

For some reason this isn't showing what I write in the console - It's not printing in the console. I may be getting confused with the static thing. Also, how come the getUserInformation() method is a void when it is returning information from the console to the variables declared? Thanks
namespace Student_Information
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string firstName = string.Empty, lastName = string.Empty, birthday = string.Empty;
printStudentDetails(firstName, lastName, birthday);
static void getUserInformation()
Console.WriteLine("Enter the student's first name: ");
string firstName = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Enter the student's last name");
string lastName = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Enter your bithdate");
string birthday = Console.ReadLine();
static void printStudentDetails(string firstName, string lastName, string birthday)
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} was born on: {2}", firstName, lastName, birthday);

Console.WriteLine(firstName+" "+lastName+" was born on: "+birthday);


Vaadin binding objects

I am trying to bind a textfield to an object. I've done some research and I have found this answer.
public class Person {
String name;
String surname;
Address address;
// assume getters and setters
public class Address {
String street;
// assume getter and setters
Then, you could bind the street address like this:
Binder<Person> binder = new Binder<>();
TextField streetAddressField = new TextField();
// bind using lambda expressions
person -> person.getAddress().getStreet(),
(person, street) -> person.getAddress().setStreet(street));
What value do I instantiate street as (in the last line of code)?
The above was the example I found. My code is as follows - I have a contact class:
public class Contact {
private Long id;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String phoneNumber;
#ManyToOne (cascade = {CascadeType.ALL})
private PhoneType phoneType;
public Contact(){
public Contact(String firstName, String lastName, String phoneNumber, PhoneType type) {
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber;
this.phoneType = type;
public Long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Long id) { = id;
public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
public String getLastName() {
return lastName;
public void setLastName(String lastName) {
this.lastName = lastName;
public String getPhoneNumber() {
return phoneNumber;
public void setPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber) {
this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber;
public PhoneType getPhoneType() {
return phoneType;
public void setPhoneType(PhoneType phoneType) {
this.phoneType = phoneType;
public String toString() {
return String.format("Contact[firstName='%s', lastName='%s', phoneNumber='%s', phoneType = '%s']",
firstName, lastName, phoneNumber, phoneType);
Then I have a phoneType class:
public class PhoneType {
#Column(name = "typeId")
private Long id;
private String type;
public PhoneType(String type){
this.type = type;
public PhoneType(){}
public Long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Long id) { = id;
public String getType() {
return type;
public void setType(String type) {
this.type = type;
public String toString() {
return type;
Then in a Contact Editor I am trying to bind the phoneType to a textfield:
public class ContactEditor extends VerticalLayout {
private final ContactRepository repository;
private Contact contact;
TextField firstName = new TextField("First name");
TextField lastName = new TextField("Last name");
TextField phoneNumber = new TextField("Phone number");
TextField phoneType = new TextField( "Phone type");
Button save = new Button("Save", VaadinIcons.CHECK);
Button cancel = new Button("Cancel");
Button delete = new Button("Delete", VaadinIcons.TRASH);
CssLayout actions = new CssLayout(save, cancel, delete);
Binder<Contact> binder = new Binder<>(Contact.class);
public ContactEditor(ContactRepository repository, Contact contact) {
this.repository = repository; = contact;
String type = contact.getPhoneType().getType();
addComponents(firstName, lastName, phoneNumber, phoneType, actions);
// bind using naming convention
**binder.bind(phoneType, contact.getPhoneType().getType(), contact.getPhoneType().setType(type));**
// Configure and style components
// wire action buttons to save, delete and reset
save.addClickListener(e ->;
delete.addClickListener(e -> repository.delete(contact));
cancel.addClickListener(e -> editContact(contact));
public interface ChangeHandler {
void onChange();
public final void editContact(Contact c) {
if (c == null) {
final boolean persisted = c.getId() != null;
if (persisted) {
// Find fresh entity for editing
contact = repository.findById(c.getId()).get();
else {
contact = c;
// Bind customer properties to similarly named fields
// Could also use annotation or "manual binding" or programmatically
// moving values from fields to entities before saving
// A hack to ensure the whole form is visible
// Select all text in firstName field automatically
public void setChangeHandler(ChangeHandler h) {
// ChangeHandler is notified when either save or delete
// is clicked
save.addClickListener(e -> h.onChange());
delete.addClickListener(e -> h.onChange());
The line enclosed in ** in Contact Editor (i.e. binder.bind(phoneType, contact.getPhoneType().getType(), contact.getPhoneType().setType(type))) is giving me an error - "no instance of type variable FIELDVALUE exist so that string conforms to ValueProvider .
The line
binder.bind(phoneType, contact.getPhoneType().getType(), contact.getPhoneType().setType(type));
does not compile because the method arguments do not match to any of the bind methods, and there is an illegal Java expression in the 3rd argument. According to your question, you have simply forgotten to use lambdas. Try:
binder.bind(phoneType, c -> c.getPhoneType().getType(), (c, t) -> c.getPhoneType().setType(t));
Have a look at the method signature:
public <FIELDVALUE> Binder.Binding<BEAN,FIELDVALUE> bind(HasValue<FIELDVALUE> field,
ValueProvider<BEAN,FIELDVALUE> getter,
Setter<BEAN,FIELDVALUE> setter)
It expects ValueProvider and Setter as 2nd and 3rd argument. These interfaces have only one method to be implemented, therefore you can use lambdas to pass them to bind.
I don't know if this is what you'r asking, but what I see as missing is that you haven't binded your binder to any bean.
You have created the binder, and you've told your textfield which property is binded to, but now you need to tell the binder which is his bean.
Something like:
Person yourPerson = new Person(); //or get person from database somehow
yourPerson.setAddress(new Address());
yourPerson.getAddress().setStreet("Road cool code, 404");
This should do the trick... if not, please explain better what you need. ;)

GORM is not saving my hasMany entity

So I am asking a lot about GORM lately because it's the first time I am using it, and each time I have some issues with relations between objects and saving them.
So this is one class:
class TesterUser {
private String id
private String userId
static belongsTo = Dashboard
static constraints = {
userId nullable: true
static mapping = {
id column: 'id', generator: 'assigned'
public String getUserId() {
return userId;
public void setUserId(String userId) {
this.userId = userId;
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) { = id;
And this is the other class:
class TestingClass {
private String id
private Date created
private Date modified
private String title
private ClassName className
static hasMany = [testUsers : TesterUser, sheets : Sheet]
static belongsTo = ClassName
static constraints = {
modified nullable: true
title nullable: true
className nullable: true
static mapping = {
sheets column:'testingClassId',joinTable: false
testUsers column:'testingClassId',joinTable: false
id column: 'id', generator: 'assigned'
title column: "title", length: 90000
public Date getCreated() {
return created;
public void setCreated(Date created) {
this.created = created;
public Date getModified() {
return modified;
public void setModified(Date modified) {
this.modified = modified;
public String getTitle() {
return title;
public void setTitle(String title) {
this.title = title;
public DavUser getClassName() {
return className;
public void setClassName(ClassName className) {
this.className = className;
public Date getDeleted() {
return deleted;
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) { = id;
I already saved the objects in the DB, but now I want to set the relations between them and when I call and save them it's not working:
TesterUser testU = TesterUser.findById(uId)
TestingClass testC = TestingClass.findById(cId)
if(testU != null && testC != null){
if(!, failOnError: true)){
For some reason, I get no error. Not only that, I can see the queries are going to my db, but nothing happens. There is no update and no error.
I have no idea why it's not working.
Any idea?
Eventually I was not able to save my entities.
My 'solution' was to save the entity in the first place using addTo method.
I still don't know why it didn't work or what I needed to do in order to make my entity to be saved, but still I got a workaround.

How to read properties of node in neo4j?

I am quite new to neo4j, and constructing db which consists of >10M nodes. During query operations I want to find a node by using two properties of it. For example: node - name: xxx surname: yyy id:1 during query operation I need to get node id which name: xxx, surname: yyy. How is it possible with java query (not cypher)? And there will be more than one entry with given properties.
Here is an example how to find ids:
GraphDatabaseService database;
Label label = DynamicLabel.label("your_label_name");
String propertyId = "id";
String propertyName = "name";
String propertySurname = "surname";
public Set<Node> getIdsForPeople(Set<Person> people) {
Set<String> ids = new HashSet<>();
try(Transaction tx = database.beginTx()) {
for (Person person in people) {
Node node = database.findNode(label, propertyName, person.getName());
if (node.hasProperty(propertySurname)) {
if (node.getProperty(propertySurname) == person.getSurname()) {
String id = node.getProperty(propertyId).toString();
return ids;
Person holder
public class Person {
private final String name;
private final String surname;
public Person(String name, String surname) { = name;
this.surname = surname;
public String getName() { return name; }
public String getSurname() { return surname; }
Set<Person> people = new HashSet<Person>(){{
add(new Person("xxx1", "yyy1"));
add(new Person("xxx2", "yyy2"));
add(new Person("xxx3", "yyy3");
add(new Person("xxx4", "yyy4");
Set<String> ids = getIdsForPeople(people);

Creating a list from ENUM into Model

I got the following model piece of code:
public enum EnumTest
[Description ("Enum Text 1")]
Value_1 = 1,
[Description ("Enum Text 2")]
Value_2 = 2,
public List<Fields> listFields = new List<Fields>();
public class Fields
public int Code { get; set;}
public string Description { get; set;}
I got an Enum and I would like to fill my variable CODE with enum value and the variable Description with the same enum description. I looked up a long time and failed to initialize my "ListFields" into its constructor with the enum VALUE/DESCRIPTION.
I already got the enum and the method to get its description.. I found it usefull, so I'll leave it here, maybe it can be useful for someone..
public static string GetDescription(this Enum value)
return (from m in value.GetType().GetMember(value.ToString())
let attr =(DescriptionAttribute)m.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault()
select attr == null ? value.ToString() : attr.Description).FirstOrDefault();
To use this you just need to do something like this:
String xx = Enum.EnumName.GetDescription();
You have to use reflection.
public static Fields[] GetEnumFields(Type enumType)
if (enumType == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("enumType");
if (!enumType.IsEnum)
throw new ArgumentException("Not an enum");
FieldInfo[] fieldInfos = enumType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
Fields[] result = new Fields[fieldInfos.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < fieldInfos.Length; ++i)
FieldInfo field = fieldInfos[i];
int value = (int)field.GetValue(null);
DescriptionAttribute attrib = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(field, typeof(DescriptionAttribute)) as DescriptionAttribute;
string desc = attrib != null ? attrib.Description : field.Name;
result[i] = new Fields(value, desc);
return result;
public class Fields
private int value;
private string description;
public int Value
get { return this.value; }
public string Description
get { return this.description; }
public Fields(int value, string description)
this.value = value;
this.description = description;
To use it is quite simple:
enum test
static void Main(string[] args)
foreach (Fields f in GetEnumFields(typeof(test)))
In my implementation when a descriptionattribute is not found, field name is used.
We must also say that reflection can be slow and rebuilding the entire array when you need it is a waste of time, if you need it often.
You can store the array somewhere so you can compute it only once and keep it cached.
This of course and as I said, makes sense only if you need this readonly list very often.

How to get list of customers, jobs, and employeers using Quickbooks QBFC (8.0 SDK)

I have been given the painful task of writing a C# application to sync up employee time entries in a separate database with Quickbooks. Since I'm brand new to QB programming, I'm trying to peform basic tasks, such as getting a list of customers, then jobs for each customer, then employees. I've been reading the SDK documentation, but I'm still a little fuzzy on the details because the examples I'm finding are a little too advanced for me at the moment :-P
To keep things simple, I would like to ask for a code snippet that gives me the list of customers for starters. Here's the code I've got:
QBSessionManager SessionManager = new QBSessionManager();
IMsgSetRequest customerSet = SessionManager.CreateMsgSetRequest("US", 8, 0);
// Code to get list of customers here.
SessionManager.OpenConnection2("", "New App", ENConnectionType.ctLocalQBD);
SessionManager.BeginSession(string.Empty, ENOpenMode.omDontCare);
IMsgSetResponse Resp = SessionManager.DoRequests(customerSet);
Can anyone fill in the "code to get list of customers here" for me? Thank you very much in advance!
Only the fields specified in the above list will be returned from QuickBooks - it is very important to use the correct strings in the correct case - no error messages will result if something is wrong. You cannot specify sub-fields (eg, City within an Address block; you must get the entire Address block). For custom fields, you also must specify the OwnerID (use 0 for custom fields that are not private to an application)
customers.IncludeRetElementList.Add("DataExtRet"); //will return non-private and/or private data extension fields depending on the OwnerIDList, below
customers.OwnerIDList.Add("0"); // required for non-private data extn fields
customers.OwnerIDList.Add("Your Appln GUID"); // Use this to get private data extns for the Appln identified by the GUID
Ok, seems like I found the missing piece:
ICustomerQuery customers = customerSet.AppendCustomerQueryRq();
This produces all the data related to each customer, which is a step forward. Parsing the XML for customers should be pretty straightforward, but parsing the individual tasks/jobs for each customer will be laborious, because there are no subnodes for each task - basically you get repeating chunks of XML with all the basic customer info (address, billing address, shipping address, etc.), then this one property called "FullName" which appends a colon to the customer name, followed by the task title (which itself can be followed by another colon with a subtask title, etc.). I'm wondering if there's something clever I can do with the request query to get a better xml response (for instance, specify what properties I want returned, and maybe enforce the creation of subnodes for each task for a given customer)...comments are appreciated.
Adding to Victors, Chili and Hassan's answer. Glad to have stumbled on this question as I myself was struggling with the QBFC examples.
Here is a full set of code that might just help someone down the road. If in the meantime someone could just point me in the direction of some useful documentation...that would be great.
Getting the Employee data to an XML string
public static string EmployeeListXML()
QBSessionManager SessionManager = new QBSessionManager();
IMsgSetRequest msgSetReq = SessionManager.CreateMsgSetRequest("US", 8, 0);
IEmployeeQuery employee = msgSetReq.AppendEmployeeQueryRq();
//employee.IncludeRetElementList.Add("DataExtRet"); //will return non-private and/or private data extension fields depending on the OwnerIDList, below
employee.OwnerIDList.Add("0"); // required for non-private data extn fields
//customers.OwnerIDList.Add("Your Appln GUID"); // Use this to get private data extns for the Appln identified by the GUID
SessionManager.OpenConnection2("", Application.ProductName, ENConnectionType.ctLocalQBD);
//SessionManager.BeginSession(string.Empty, ENOpenMode.omDontCare);
SessionManager.BeginSession(frmMain.QBFileName, ENOpenMode.omDontCare); // I have the filename on frmMain
IMsgSetResponse Resp = SessionManager.DoRequests(msgSetReq);
return Resp.ToXMLString();
Putting the XML string into a List of Emplpoyee Objects
public static List<Employee> EmployeeXMLtoList()
string sXML = EmployeeListXML();
List<Employee> lstEmp = new List<Employee>();
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList parentNode = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("EmployeeRet");
foreach (XmlNode childNode in parentNode)
Employee oEmp = new Employee();
oEmp.ListID = childNode.SelectSingleNode("ListID").InnerText;
oEmp.EditSequence = childNode.SelectSingleNode("EditSequence").InnerText;
oEmp.Active = childNode.SelectSingleNode("IsActive").InnerText;
oEmp.FirstName = childNode.SelectSingleNode("FirstName").InnerText;
oEmp.LastName = childNode.SelectSingleNode("LastName").InnerText;
oEmp.SSN = childNode.SelectSingleNode("SSN").InnerText;
return lstEmp;
Function that return an Employee Object using Linq
public static Employee GetEmployeeObject(string sSSN)
Employee oReturn = null;
List<Employee> lstEmployee = EmployeeXMLtoList();
IEnumerable<Employee> lstEmps = from oEmp in lstEmployee
where oEmp.SSN == sSSN
select oEmp;
foreach (var oEmp in lstEmps)
oReturn = oEmp;
return oReturn;
Example of Code
Employee oEmployee = QB.GetEmployeeObject("112-35-8560");
Employee Class
public class Employee
private string sEmployeeID;
private string sSSN;
private string sLastName;
private string sFirstName;
private string sAddress1;
private string sAddress2;
private string sCity;
private string sState;
private string sZipCode;
private string sGender;
private string sEthnicity;
private DateTime dDOB;
private string sMaritalStatus;
private int iDependants;
private string sUScitizen;
private decimal iPayRate;
private string sPhone;
private DateTime dHireDate;
private string sEmail;
public Employee() { }
public string EmployeeID
get { return sEmployeeID; }
set { sEmployeeID = value; }
public string ListID
get; set;
public string EditSequence
get; set;
public string Active
get; set;
public string SSN
get { return sSSN; }
set { sSSN = value; }
public string LastName
get { return sLastName; }
set { sLastName = value; }
public string FirstName
get { return sFirstName; }
set { sFirstName = value; }
public string FullName
get { return FirstName + " " + LastName; }
set { }
public string Address1
get { return sAddress1; }
set { sAddress1 = value; }
public string Address2
get { return sAddress2; }
set { sAddress2 = value; }
public string State
get { return sState; }
set { sState = value; }
public string City
get { return sCity; }
set { sCity = value; }
public string ZipCode
get { return sZipCode; }
set { sZipCode = value; }
public string Gender
get { return sGender; }
set { sGender = value; }
public string Ethnicity
get { return sEthnicity; }
set { sEthnicity = value; }
public DateTime DOB
get { return dDOB; }
set { dDOB = value; }
public string MaritalStatus
get { return sMaritalStatus; }
set { sMaritalStatus = value; }
public int Dependants
get { return iDependants; }
set { iDependants = value; }
public string UScitizen
get { return sUScitizen; }
set { sUScitizen = value; }
public decimal PayRate
get { return iPayRate; }
set { iPayRate = value; }
public DateTime HireDate
get { return dHireDate; }
set { dHireDate = value; }
public string Phone
get { return sPhone; }
set { sPhone = value; }
public string Email
get { return sEmail; }
set { sEmail = value; }
