Youtube now has social sharing options in their embedded iframe player. Here is a screenshot:
In the Youtube Developer API documentation, there is information about various events that your JavaScript can listen to such as video play/pause/skip/milestone etc. This is necessary for non-YouTube analytics software (such as Adobe Analytics) to track the interactions.
However the API docs as of July 21, 2015 say nothing about the social share feature or how to listen for events when it is used.
Can anyone describe how to track these events or point to documentation?
Currently, the only events the API can track are: onReady, onStateChange, onPlaybackQualityChange, onPlaybackRateChange, onError, and onApiChange, so I don't think what you're asking for is currently supported. Maybe you could use an onHover and onClick listener for the iframe and see if a new window was opened, then check what website that was for (e.g. Facebook, Pinterest, etc.). Alternatively, you could submit a feature request for it here.
is there anyway to disable the related videos sent by youtube API through any player, as i am using WordPress and h5p for built LMS courses.
i am trying to disable the related videos at the end in the video and also there is more videos when you Pause the video.
hope the disable this as this is LMS and learning portal for users and they are confusing a lot from this videos.
best regards,
H5P needs to use YouTube's API for iframe embeds. That API does not provide an option to disable the related videos, and given that the API uses an iframe to provide the videos, there's no way to modify the video appearance. Guess you cannot get free video hosting and full control at the same time.
On YouTube, the live chat have options to super chat/stickers or to be a member.
Clicking on "$" opens the options to support the creator
Is it possible to get the same in the embedded YouTube live chat? Currently, if we embed using the following
<iframe width="340" height="761.63" src="" frameborder="0" title="YouTube live chat"></iframe>
It doesn't have option to support in the embeded chat.
Didn't find any significant information about embedding live chat and their options in the google developer docs.
Interesting, you can even see when you pop out the chat, meaning that it should in theory be the exact same as the live chat, but doesn't have those stickers/channel subscription options.
My best guess is that this is no mistake by YouTube knowing their attention to detail, so perhaps it is to discourage streamers from hosting their streams on another platform, eg. their own site, by disabling this option on embeds.
There is also the possibility that because superchats/stickers etc involve payment, YouTube doesn't want to permit payment through embeds on another site, as this may lead to scam sites which pretend to use the 'official' superchat features, but in reality, just scam its users once they enter their payment information.
There is sample code to play video in Decentraland. This link
However, I want to play video from a playlist in YouTube channel. Is there any sample code you can reefer me?
Unfortunately you cannot directly access any Youtube videos due to a CORS policy set on their side. This is not an issue with Decentraland itself, but rather with Youtube and other content providers that have a similar CORS policy.
Youtube and Twitch (for example) have their own javascript players that not only display ads but also gather information about the viewer. Seeing as this is the basis of their income, they do not want people bypassing this and just viewing the video for "free".
You may notice that youtube videos work in CryptoVoxel for some reason. This is due to some trickery that the game is doing, where it is loading in the html/js and placing the video on-top of the game itself. (At least that is what I've heard)
In the meantime I strongly suggest you look into hosting your videos on another platform like Vimeo. You can directly access the video files if you pay for their service. Alternatively, you can host your videos on an Antmedia server through a cloud hosting service like Digital Ocean. Both of these are great options.
Following the migration of Hangouts on Air to Youtube Live events:
"Start a Hangout on Air" button for Youtube LiveStreaming API
It seems that the hangouts API is not being retired on April 25th
with hangouts being more focused on the "enterprise". This is going to cause various of our enterprise's critical applications to stop working. Google Enterprise support indicates that something may come along to replace the hangouts API.
Does anyone have any leads on this replacement? We'd very much like to start working with an alternative well in advance of April 25th.
Is anyone aware of any mechanism to allow a YouTube Live event (hangout type) to communicate back to a 3rd party server to indicate it's status and participants?
Many thanks in advance
Related Post:
Is it possible to create event of type "Quick (using Google Hangouts On Air)" using YouTube Live Streaming API
I have a responsive website for kids. Kids can watch selected Youtube Videos in a webbrowser. To make ann Android app, I used an APK creator. This app shows my website in a fullscreen webviewer. I set it up to hide the addressbar, so kids can more safely brows the App (website). On the website are no external links, except the links from the Youtube player. The YouTube video's are loading with a normal Wordpress YouTube plugin. When hitting the YouTube logo or Video URL, the Youtube website wil show.
Now Google Plays said i am violating the rules of the YouTube Api:
"Your API Client will not, and You will not encourage or create functionality for Your users or other third parties to: (8) separate, isolate, or modify the audio or video components of any YouTube audiovisual content made available through the YouTube API;"
This I truely not understand. There is no way I want to violate anything. When I appeal for reinstatement the just saying:
"After further review, we are unable to reinstate your application. You can find out more information under Reason for Suspension in the initial removal notification from Google Play."
The initial removal notification said what I wrote above.