Swift-How do I add Tab Bar AND Navigation Bar to a single view controller? - ios

Using XCode, and either through Code or through the Storyboard, can someone please explain to me how to add both a Tab Bar and Nav Bar to my view controller while keeping both visible?
Thanks so much.

In your Storyboard, you should drag out a Tab Bar Controller and use that as the initial view controller. Then, you should embed each of the view controllers attached to the Tab Bar Controller inside Navigation Controllers (Editor menu: Embed In > Navigation Controller). Afterward, your Storyboard should look something like this:
The tab bar controller holds a tab bar and will manage switching between the other views attached to it, while the navigation controllers will place Navigation Bars at the top of each tab and help you manage navigation within the tab.

I am assuming you want something like this. Here is how I did it in Interface Builder:
Click your view controller.
Editor -> Embed In -> Navigation Controller
Reselect your view controller.
Editor -> Embed In -> Tab Bar Controller
Select the Navigation Controller
Check the box next to Is Initial View Controller
Hope this helps!


Tab Bar Item disappears after adding Navigation Controller

First I created a VC with TabBarController like this.
The other tabs and the main controller are at other storyboards.
Then, I added the Navigation Controller from the Editor > Embed In > Navigation Controller.
And the TabBarItem immediately disappears.
How can I change my tab bar icons and names?
In your storyboard you can change the tab icon from the Navigation controller. (Provided you have different navigation controllers for different tabs of your tab bar controller). YOUR NC will look something like this. (NC -> VC)
I checked your attach images. There are no issue with your navigation controller it will work fine with your tab bar.

iOS tab bar controller adding a navigation button at the top of the controller

So I have a UITabBarController and it has three buttons on the bottom in my iOS app. I want to add another set of buttons at the top but not quite sure on how to do this. I tried adding a UINavigationBar and a navigation button, and adding a view in to it, adding just the buttons, ect.... but to no avail. It won't let me add anything to the UITabBarController. Is there a way to do this?
Thank you very much.
the simplest way to that is to creat 3 buttons side by side and set their frame the way they divide the top of screen to 3 equals. it means u can create a tab bar with buttons manually.
but there's another way. i think this answer would help u
Positioning UITabBar at the top
To use the navigation bar you need a navigation controller. Now depending on your needs your tab bar controller should be inside a navigation controller or the other way around. If you want to be able to navigate away from the tab bar controller (have a screen without the tab bar) you should embed your tab bar controller into a navigation controller. If you only need the navigation bar for some tabs of the tab bar controller or you still want the tab bar to be visible all the time you should embed all (or just the ones than need a navigation bar) your root view controllers for each tab in navigation controllers. Finally if you do not need the navigation behaviour you could just put a regular view in the view controller that needs the bar at the top and some buttons in it and make them look the way you want.
You can embed a view controller in a navigation controller in a storyboard by selecting the view controller and the going to Edit->Embed in->Navigation controller.
Select the Any Tabbar ViewController then above the Menu -> Editor -> Embed In -> Navigation Controller its select, if you get the Navigation Controller then if you add the Navigation Button at Top of the ViewController, example :

In swift: how to add tab bar icons to a regular ViewController storyboard?

I would like to add two tab bar icons (table view and collection view), as shown in the first figure below, to a regular ViewController storyboard (as shown in the second figure).
I have tried to embed the ViewController in the TabBarController (Editor -> Embed in -> Tab Bar Controller), but it seems to me that xcode only allows me to add one icon (Tab Bar Item).
You need one view controller per tab in the storyboard, then connect the tab view controller to those controllers using "relationship segue", "view controllers" (ctrl-drag from tab view controller to destination controllers, then select that).
In each controller you then can click the tab item and set an image, in attributes.
add tab bar item to the view controller u want to add in tab bar controller. and then control drag from tab bar view controller and the make "relationship segue as "view controllers"..

UITabBarController with many UINavigationControllers?

I need some help figuring out the anatomy of my app.
What I need is a tab bar that also have a top navigation bar. And then each view controller within the tab bar will need to have buttons that can transition in new views within this tab. Does that make sense?
So my question is, how should I set this up. Should it be a main tabarviewcontroller and then each view has a separate nagivationcontroller? Or should it be a navigation controller that has the tab bar as a root. And then just use that navigation controller to do any transitions within the viewcontroller?
Your main view can be a UITabBarController, and you can add your UINavigationControllers to the tab bar viewControllers array. Each navigation controller will have a separate navigation bar and function independently. Clicking on a tab will switch to the appropriate navigation controller.

Create a TabBar Controller with a Master-detail template?

I created master-detail template for the ipad application and now I want to add Tab Bar to either master view or detail view. I can easily add tab bar controller using editor->embed in ->tab bar controller. However when I run application tab bar is not showing.
Tab bar is showing in storyboard but I am also unable to add extra tab bar items. What am I doing wrong thanks?
You should embed the navigation controller (of either the master or detail VC) in a tab bar controller, then delete the connection between the split view controller and that navigation controller. Finally, remake the connection from the split view controller to the tab bar controller. You'll also need to make several code changes, because the template code refers to the detail controller by its hierarchy in the split view controller, which will now be different.
