Delphi: Repaint form in FormShow - delphi

I open Form2.ShowModal in FormMain. I want the application to show Form2 intact while doing some database access (this is not about the new data to be shown). However, while FormShow is executed, just the outer border and some broken parts are displayed, some broken parts of FormMain show through. It's ugly.
I have not been able to find a way to make Delphi repaint the Form immediately and then doing the time-consuming MyOpenData procedure. After concluding MyOpenData everything is fine.
procedure TForm2.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
MyOpenData; { needs some seconds of database accesses }
procedure TForm2.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
SendMessage(Handle, wm_paint, 0, 0);
PostMessage(Handle, wm_OpenMyData, 0, 0); { executes well, but no solution)
This doesn't work either. I thought SendMessage() waits for the message being done. But no Paint is done before MyOpenData. The form always looks broken till the procedures finishes. Besides this, the routines are executed fine. I tried all these commands combined or separately.
What am I missing? Thanks in advance!
How do you start time-consuming routines that need to run when opening a form?
(Delphi XE7 on Windows 7 64 bit)

WM_AFTER_SHOW = WM_USER + 1; // custom message
WM_AFTER_CREATE = WM_USER + 2; // custom message
procedure WmAfterCreate(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_AFTER_CREATE;
procedure WmAfterShow(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_AFTER_SHOW;
procedure TForm1.WmAfterCreate(var Msg: TMessage);
ShowMessage('WM_AFTER_CREATE received!');
procedure TForm1.WmAfterShow(var Msg: TMessage);
ShowMessage('WM_AFTER_SHOW received!');
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
// Some code...
PostMessage(Self.Handle, WM_AFTER_CREATE, 0, 0);
procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
// Some Code...
PostMessage(Self.Handle, WM_AFTER_SHOW, 0, 0);

There simply isn't enough information given to make any specific recommendations here, IMO.
I'm going to guess that MyOpenData() sets up some kind of data state that Form2 relies upon. If this is the case, then you probably want to call it BEFORE calling Form2.ShowModal. In no case should you be calling either invalidate or refresh inside of the OnShow handler because they both trigger OnShow.
Watch the video I made for CodeRage 9 entitled, "Have You Embraced Your Software Plumber Lately?" (search YouTube for 'coderage software plumber') as this is the exact topic I'm addressing in this video -- the whole plethora of issues involved in initializing forms and objects, along with the timing issues specific to forms.
I don't discuss issues with data-aware controls specifically, but they're pretty much the same. It can be problematic setting up the DB state from inside the form that depends upon that state in order to properly initialize itself. There's an inherent race-condition that is easily avoided by doing your dependent initialization first, then injecting that dependency into the form.
If DBs are involved, you have to inject SOMETHING into the form: either the DB reference (usually through a global variable); a table (either a global variable or a form variable); or a current record (usually a form variable). The nice part about using DB-aware controls is that the initialization is always implicit, and you don't have to inject anything. The bad part about using DB-aware controls is, the initialization is ALWAYS IMPLICIT, and you have no EXPLICIT control over initialization sequences. By doing EXPLICIT injection of DB dependencies, you side-step the timing issues. It's a little more work (not much), but you don't have to deal with stuff like this.
In any case, if the form needs a current record to initialize its fields, you can't display the form until the record has been selected, and you can't make the record selection part of the form's initialization process without risking concurrency issues. It can be done, but you're making one heck of a mess out of it.


OnShown event for TForm?

At program start, in the OnActivate event handler, I need to do something which blocks the program for a few seconds. During this time the form's client area is still not completely painted, which looks ugly for the user. (During this blocked time I don't need the program to respond to clicks or other user actions, so there is no need to put the blocking operation into a thread - I just need the form to be completely painted). So I use TForm.Update and Application-ProcessMessages to update the form before the blocking operation which works very well:
procedure TForm1.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
However, I wonder whether there is not another more elegant solution for this problem. This could be for example a OnShown event implemented in a descendant of TForm which will be fired AFTER the form has been completely painted. How could such an event be implemented?
Your real problem is that you are blocking the UI thread. Simply put, you must never do that. Move the long running task onto a different thread and thus allow the UI to remain responsive.
If you are looking for event which is fired when application finishes loading/repainting you should use TApplication.OnIdle event
This event is fired once application is read to recieve users input. NOTE this event will be fired every time application becomes idle so you need to implement some controll variable which will tel you when OnIdle even was fired for the first time.
But as David already pointed out it is not good to block your UI (main thread). Why? When you block your main thread the application can't normally process its messages. This could lead to OS recognizing your application as being "Hanged". And aou definitly wanna avoid this becouse it could cause the users to go and forcefully kill your application whihc would probably lead to data loss. Also if you ever wanna design your application for any other platforms than Windows your application might fail the certification proces becouse of that.
In the past a simple PostMessage did the trick.
Essentially you fire it during DoShow of the base form:
procedure TBaseForm.DoShow;
PostMessage(Handle, APP_AFTERSHOW, 0, 0);
then catch the msg and create an AfterShow event for all forms inherited from this base form.
But that no longer works, well not if you are skinning and have a good number of VCL controls.
My next trick was to spawn a simple thread in DoShow and check for IsWindowVisible(Handle) and IsWindowEnabled(Handle). That really sped things up it cut 250ms from load time since db opening and other stuff was already in the AfterShow event.
Then finally I thought of madHooks, easy enough to hook the API ShowWindow for my application and fire APP_AFTERSHOW from that.
function ShowWindowCB(hWnd: HWND; nCmdShow: Integer): BOOL; stdcall;
Result := ShowWindowNext(hWnd, nCmdShow);
PostMessage(hWnd, APP_AFTERSHOW, 0, 0);
procedure TBaseForm.Loaded;
if not Assigned(Application.MainForm) then // Must be Mainform it gets assigned after creation completes
HookAPI(user32, 'ShowWindow', #ShowWindowCB, #ShowWindowNext);
To get the whole thing to completely paint before AfterShow it still needed a ProcessPaintMessages call
procedure TBaseForm.APPAFTERSHOW(var AMessage: TMessage);
procedure ProcessPaintMessages; // << not tested, pulled out of code
msg: TMsg;
while PeekMessage(msg, 0, WM_PAINT, WM_PAINT, PM_REMOVE) do
My final test was to add a Sleep to the AfterShow event and see the Form fully painted with empty db containers since the AfterShow events had not yet completed.
procedure TMainForm.AfterShow;

wsMaximized forms do not appear maximized

Setting a form to WindowState = wsMaximized will sometimes cause the form to be maximized but not:
Long-time bug: this is a question I first asked in the Borland newsgroups in 2003:
Accepted fix for WindowState = wsMaximized?
and then again in 2006:
wsMaximized breaks it, NOT caused by Position=poScreenCenter, reproducible dfm
and then again in 2008:
Forms not starting maximized
Someone asked it on the Embarcadero forums in 2012:
Thread: Application not starting with maximized window
Now it's time to port the 18 year old bug to Stackoverflow. Maybe someone's finally figured out a workaround.
Steps to reproduce:
My posts contained half a dozen failure modes, but the easiest is:
Drop a Label and an Edit on a form:
Add an OnEnter event for the TEdit:
procedure TForm1.Edit1Enter(Sender: TObject);
Label1.Font.Style := Label1.Font.Style + [fsBold];
and set the form:
WindowState to wsMaximized
AutoScroll to False
And bazinga, fails.
One of the other set of steps from the 2008 post:
Create a new app and a form.
Set the form to maximized (WindowState = wsMaximized) at design time.
Drop a ListView control on the form
During OnShow, add 20 empty items to the list view:
procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
i: Integer;
for i := 1 to 20 do
Set the form's AutoScroll property to false (AutoScroll = False) at design time
Of course what I'm not after is "fixed in version n of RadStudio. Just use that". I'm looking for an actual fix (if there is one); which could include quoting relevant changes to the VCL source when CodeGear finally did fix it. (If it is even fixed).
Note: Changing Position from poDesigned to anything else doesn't fix it.
A horrible, ugly, awful, disgusting, workaround I had been using was to start a timer during OnShow, and then when the timer fires, maximize the form:
procedure TForm1.tmrVclMaximizeHackTimer(Sender: TObject);
Self.WindowState := wsMaximized;
I later improved this hack to post a message during OnShow; which is essentially the same as a timer message, without having to use a timer:
WM_MaximizeWindow = WM_APP + $03;
procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
if (Self.WindowState = wsMaximized) then
Self.WindowState := wsNormal;
PostMessage(Self.Handle, WM_MaximizeWindow , 0, 0);
procedure WMMaximizeWindow(var Message: TMessage); message WM_MaximizeWindow;
procedure TForm1.WMMaximizeWindow(var Message: TMessage);
Self.WindowState := wsMaximized;
Sometimes I invent the OnAfterShow event that Delphi never did:
WM_AfterShow = WM_APP + $02;
procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
PostMessage(Self.Handle, WM_AfterShow, 0, 0);
if (Self.WindowState = wsMaximized) then
Self.WindowState := wsNormal;
FMaximizeNeeded := True;
procedure WMAfterShow(var Message: TMessage); message WM_AfterShow;
procedure TForm1.WMAfterShow(var Message: TMessage);
if FMaximizeNeeded then
FMaximizeNeeded := False;
Self.WindowState := wsMaximized;
But no hacks are better than hacks.
I Can reproduce with D7/Win7.
I don't use wsMaximized at all (similar random problems as you describe).
Workaround: use OnActivate -> ShowWindow(Handle, SW_MAXIMIZE) e.g.:
procedure TForm1.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
// Maximize only once when the Form is first activated
if not FMaxsimized then
FMaxsimized := True;
ShowWindow(Handle, SW_MAXIMIZE);
This method will not work during OnShow.
Better Workaround: use ShowWindowAsync during OnShow or OnCreate e.g:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
ShowWindowAsync(Handle, SW_MAXIMIZE);
This sets the show state of a window without waiting for the operation to complete.
I only tested the first reproduction case (with D7, D2007, XE2), and am able to duplicate the problem with D7 and D2007 but not with XE2.
The problem, as I see it, is that the label, having its font changed, requests its parent to re-align itself. This eventually leads to a SetWindowPos call on the form (in TWinControl.AdjustSize) with restored width/height even though the form is already maximized - which leads to the strange, behaviorally maximized but not visually maximized, form sitting on the screen.
I traced the code in D2007 and XE2 to be able to come up with what is different. The code in TWinControl.AlignControls is different between the two versions. What specifically matters is the last statement.
procedure TWinControl.AlignControls(AControl: TControl; var Rect: TRect);
{ Apply any constraints }
if Showing then AdjustSize;
procedure TWinControl.AlignControls(AControl: TControl; var Rect: TRect);
// Apply any constraints
if FAutoSize and Showing then
I hope this, somehow, helps you devising/deciding what workaround to use.
The workaround I could suggest (although I haven't tested it throughly) is to force show the form maximized early:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
wplc: TWindowPlacement;
if not AutoScroll and (WindowState = wsMaximized) then begin
wplc.length := SizeOf(wplc);
GetWindowPlacement(Handle, #wplc);
wplc.rcNormalPosition.Right := wplc.rcNormalPosition.Left + Width;
wplc.rcNormalPosition.Bottom := wplc.rcNormalPosition.Top + Height;
wplc.showCmd := SW_MAXIMIZE;
SetWindowPlacement(Handle, #wplc);
The above works because it forces to set the focus to the edit control (OnEnter event) before the VCL sets the visible flag for the form. In turn, the label's alignment request does not result with form size adjustment. Also, since, by the time VCL calls ShowWindow the form's window is already visible, it doesn't cause the form to be shown in a restored state at any stage.
However, I don't know if it would help with different reproduction scenarios.
Finally, although I can see that the behavior is corrected in newer Delphi versions, I wouldn't consider this to be a bug in the VCL. In my opinion, user code should be responsible not to cause window adjustment while window showing state is changing. The course of action I'd take for the specific scenario would be to defer to modify label's font until the VCL is done displaying the form.
I don't think this is a bug in Delphi but rather a bug (or just odd behavior) in the Windows CreateWindow function. If you search for CreateWindow and WS_MAXIMIZE not working you'll find similarly very old threads and discussions from people calling CreateWindow or CreateWindowEx passing WS_MAXIMIZE in the style parameter and not seeing a maximized window when they run the application.
Excerpt from an old thread
the problem is that WS_MAXIMIZE apparently does not apply when using WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW. if you replace WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW with WS_POPUP you will get a maximized window. of course this may not apply to all versions of Windows, or even all versions of the Windows shell UI for that matter.
WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW is MS's old default window "type" and they apparently coded CreateWindow/Ex to ignore certain styles, thinking that ShowWindow would be called with SW_SHOWDEFAULT, which causes the window to be displayed according to the CreateProcess startup info parms. this ultimately gives the user the control of how an app's main window would be displayed by using the shell's shortcut settings.
The workaround is just to call ShowWindow. It should work in Delphi, too:
procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
ShowWindow(Handle, SW_MAXIMIZE);
Hope the solution i use helps others (i known window is first shown with design time size):
Add a timer with interval as less as just 1 (do not put 0).
Code for it: theTimer.Enabled:=False;WindowState:=wsMaximized;
It never fail to me.
As soon as form is shown and all pending tasks for such show are finished, the timer triggers and window is maximized.
Some time ago, i was using the Trick of sending a mouse click where maximize button was, but i discovered checking Windows OS version, plugins (on Linux), etc makes the thing so hard. That one worked exactly as if the user asks for maximize the window.
The Timer i now use does exactly the same, but avoid OS checking, etc.
Not to mention: Put WindowState to wsNormal on DesignTime (do not set it to wsMinimized, neither to wsMaximized).
Wow! i did not see on the post:
Thanks for that, with it my problem is solved much better than with a Timer, but not perfect, it still causes a little flicker (window is shown on incomplete render, then it goes to maxized state), it is much better than the timer, less time shown in non maximized state.
And it is compatible with a prior SetBounds() on the OnShow method.
I wish: Set initial size (Width, Height) and maybe also initial position (Left, Top) of a form prior to show it, but that form must be shown maximized; such position and sizes are for when the user un-maximize the window.
That ShowWindowAsync works perfect for such objective, and no need to add an ugly timer (with interval=1 and .Enabled=False on its code as first sentence).
How could i miss it when i read the post!
So, now on i will use (just as example os initial size relative to monitor):
procedure TtheForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
WindowState:=wsNormal; // So it can still have at design time wsMaximized, this is for the SetBounds to work on a non maximized state
SetBounds((Screen.Width-theInitialDefaultWidth)div 2,(Screen.Height-theInitialDefaultHeight)div 2,theInitialDefaultWidth,theInitialDefaultHeight); // Set default position and default size as i wish
ShowWindowAsync(Handle,SW_MAXIMIZE); // Make the window to be shown maximized when it will be visible
// ... // Rest of actions for the FormShow method
Works perfect! I do not need to touch design time properties, i can let them as they are (WindowState=wsMaximized, Position=poScreenCenter, etc).. 100% code solution for the problem.
Thanks a lot!
P.D.: Will it work on Linux? I mean when code is compiled for Linux (in Lazarus), i must test it and see, if it does work it will be a great immprove on what i was using till now.

Preventing multiple instances - but also handle the command line parameters?

I am handling from my Application associated extension files from Windows. So when you double click a file from Windows it will execute my program, and I handle the file from there, something like:
procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
i: Integer;
for i := 0 to ParamCount -1 do
if SameText(ExtractFileExt(ParamStr(i)), '.ext1') then
// handle my file..
// break if needed
end else
if SameText(ExtractFileExt(ParamStr(i)), '.ext2') then
// handle my file..
// break if needed
end else
That works pretty much how I want it to, but when I was testing I realised it does not consider using only one instance of my program.
So for example, if I selected several Files from Windows and opened them all at the same time, this will create the same number of instances of my program with the number of Files being opened.
What would be a good way to approach this, so that instead of several instances of my program being opened, any additional Files from Windows being opened will simply focus back to the one and only instance, and I handle the Files as normal?
I found a good article here: which I think is what I need, and shows how to work with the Windows API as mentioned by rhooligan. I am going to read through it now..
Here is some simple example code that gets the job done. I hope it is self-explanatory.
program StartupProject;
uMainForm in 'uMainForm.pas' {MainForm};
{$R *.res}
procedure Main;
i: Integer;
Arg: string;
Window: HWND;
CopyDataStruct: TCopyDataStruct;
Window := FindWindow(SWindowClassName, nil);
if Window=0 then begin
Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True;
Application.CreateForm(TMainForm, MainForm);
end else begin
FillChar(CopyDataStruct, Sizeof(CopyDataStruct), 0);
for i := 1 to ParamCount do begin
Arg := ParamStr(i);
CopyDataStruct.cbData := (Length(Arg)+1)*SizeOf(Char);
CopyDataStruct.lpData := PChar(Arg);
SendMessage(Window, WM_COPYDATA, 0, NativeInt(#CopyDataStruct));
unit uMainForm;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Controls, Forms, StdCtrls;
TMainForm = class(TForm)
ListBox1: TListBox;
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
procedure WMCopyData(var Message: TWMCopyData); message WM_COPYDATA;
procedure ProcessArgument(const Arg: string);
MainForm: TMainForm;
SWindowClassName = 'VeryUniqueNameToAvoidUnexpectedCollisions';
{$R *.dfm}
{ TMainForm }
procedure TMainForm.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
Params.WinClassName := SWindowClassName;
procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
i: Integer;
for i := 1 to ParamCount do begin
procedure TMainForm.ProcessArgument(const Arg: string);
procedure TMainForm.WMCopyData(var Message: TWMCopyData);
Arg: string;
SetString(Arg, PChar(Message.CopyDataStruct.lpData), (Message.CopyDataStruct.cbData div SizeOf(Char))-1);
The logic goes something like this. When you start your application, you iterate through the list of running processes and see if your application is already running. If it is running, you need to activate the window of that instance and then exit.
Everything you need to do this is in the Windows API. I found this sample code on that deals with processes:
On finding and activating a window, the basic approach is to find the window of interest using the window class name then activate it.
Hopefully this gives you a good starting point.
There are many answers here that show how to implement this. I want to show why NOT to use the FindWindow approach.
I am using FindWindow (something similar with the one shown by David H) and I have seen it failed starting with Win10 - I don't know what they changed in Win10.
I think the gap between the time when the app starts and the time when we set the unique ID via CreateParams is too big so another instance has somehow time to run in this gap/interval.
Imagine two instances started at only 1ms distance (let's say that the user click the EXE file and then presses enter and keeps it pressed by accident for a short while). Both instances will check to see if a window with that unique ID exists, but none of them had the chance to set the flag/unique ID because creating the form is slow and the unique ID is set only when the form is constructed. So, both instances will run.
So, I would recommend the CreateSemaphore solution instead:
Marjan V already proposed this solution but didn't explained why it is better/safer.
I'd use mutexes. You create one when your program starts.
When the creation fails it means another instance is already running. You then send this instance a message with your command line parameters and close. When your app receives a message with a command line, it can parse the parameters like you are already doing, check to see whether it already has the file(s) open and proceed accordingly.
Processing this app specific message ia also the place to get your app to the front if it isn't already. Please do this politely (SetForegroundWindow) without trying to force your app in front of all others.
function CreateMutexes(const MutexName: String): boolean;
// Creates the two mutexes to see if the program is already running.
// One of the mutexes is created in the global name space (which makes it
// possible to access the mutex across user sessions in Windows XP); the other
// is created in the session name space (because versions of Windows NT prior
// to 4.0 TSE don't have a global name space and don't support the 'Global\'
// prefix).
SecurityDesc: TSecurityDescriptor;
SecurityAttr: TSecurityAttributes;
// By default on Windows NT, created mutexes are accessible only by the user
// running the process. We need our mutexes to be accessible to all users, so
// that the mutex detection can work across user sessions in Windows XP. To
// do this we use a security descriptor with a null DACL.
InitializeSecurityDescriptor(#SecurityDesc, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION);
SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(#SecurityDesc, True, nil, False);
SecurityAttr.nLength := SizeOf(SecurityAttr);
SecurityAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor := #SecurityDesc;
SecurityAttr.bInheritHandle := False;
if (CreateMutex(#SecurityAttr, False, PChar(MutexName)) <> 0 )
and (CreateMutex(#SecurityAttr, False, PChar('Global\' + MutexName)) <> 0 ) then
Result := True
Result := False;
if not CreateMutexes('MyAppNameIsRunningMutex') then
//Find and SendMessage to running instance
Note: above code is adapted from an example on the InnoSetup site. InnoSetup creates installer applications and uses this approach in the installer to check whether (a previous version of) the application being installed is already running.
Finding the other instance and sending it a message, I'll leave for another question (or you can use the WM_COPYDATA approach from David's answer). Actually, there is a StackOverflow question that deals exactly with this: How to get the process thread that owns a mutex Getting the process/thread that owns the mutex may be a bit of a challenge, but the answers to this question do address ways to get the information from one instance to the other.
Windows has different ways to handle file associations to executable.
The "command line" approach is only the simplest one, but also the most limited one.
It also supports DDE (it still works although officially deprecated) and COM (see
If I recall correctly both DDE and COM will let your application receive the whole list of selected files.
I used window/message approach by myself with addition of events for tracking if the other instance is running:
Try to create event "Global\MyAppCode" (the "Global" namespace is used for handling various user sessions as I needed single instance system-wide; in your case you'll probably prefer "Local" namespace which is set by default)
If CreateEvent returned error and GetLastError = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS then the instance is running already.
FindWindow/WM_COPYDATA to transfer data to that instance.
But the drawbacks with messages/windows are more than significant:
You must always keep your window's Caption constant. Otherwise you'll have to list all the windows in the system and loop through them for partial occurrence of some constant part. Moreover the window's caption could be easily changed by a user or 3rd part app so the search would fail.
Method requires a window to be created so no console/service apps, or they must create a window and perform message loop especially for handling the single instance.
I'm not sure FindWindow could find a window that is opened in another user session
For me, WM_COPYDATA is rather awkward method.
So currently I'm a fan of named pipe approach (haven't implemented it yet though).
On launch, app tries to connect to "Global\MyAppPipe". If successed, other instance is running. If failed, it creates this pipe and finishes instance check.
2nd instance writes the required data to pipe and exits.
1st instance receives data and does some stuff.
It works through all user sessions (with namespace "Global") or just a current session; it doesn't depend on strings used by UI (no localization and modification issues); it works with console and service apps (you'll need to implement pipe reading in a separate thread/message loop though).

accessing components of frame1 with frame2, with frame2 being on frame1, in delphi, frames are created dynamically

Originally the question had to be how to access the components in the first place, however I somehow managed to figure it out. I am just learning Delphi so I am prone to dumb and obvious questions. I am also at a stage when I'm not actually writing anything useful, but just messing with random stuff to see how it works and maybe learn something.
Wall of text incoming, i want to explain what i am exploring at the moment...
Basically i have a form1 with a button1, pressing it creates a frame2, that frame2 has a button2, pressing button2 creates a frame3 within frame2 (it being frame3's parent and owner). Each frame has an another freeandnil-button. Upon pressing each button1/2/3, it gets disabled to prevent creating multiple instances. My original problem was that after using freeandnil-button, I couldnt access the button on the previous frame (it worked fine for forms, form1.button1.enabled:=true works fine from within frame2) that got disabled in order to re-enable it (frame2.button1.enabled:=true from within frame3 creates an access violation, I think).
Suppose I write something in the future that requires such communication? So I added an editbox to each frame, with a button on the other to change the editbox text, this is my current working solution:
procedure TFrame2.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
var i,z:integer;
for i := 0 to ComponentCount - 1 do
if components[i] is tframe3 then
for z := 0 to (components[i] as tframe3).ComponentCount - 1 do
if (components[i] as tframe3).Components[z] is TEdit then
((components[i] as tframe3).Components[z] as TEdit).Text:='ping';
procedure TFrame3.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
var i:integer;
for i := 0 to parent.ComponentCount-1 do
if parent.components[i] is TEdit then
(parent.Components[i] as TEdit).Text:='pong';
If I have a bunch of editboxes or whatever the hell, I suppose I could use Tag property to identify them, however, this much component counting and passing something AS something doesn't really look right or efficient enough to me.
My questions at the moment are: can it be done in a better way? and can someone provide the reasoning why cant I access "parent-frame" components from a "child-frame" in a dumb way (ie: frame2.button1.enabled:=true from within frame3)?
A couple of points:
Controls/Components are usually set to be owned by the form/frame that controls their lifetime and parented to the control that shows them. So when you create a TEdit to sit on a TPanel on a TForm, you would set TForm as the owner and TPanel as the parent of the TEdit. With frames you do the same: the frame is the owner of all controls on it, controls are parented to whatever container on the frame (can be the frame itself) is holding and and is thus reponsible for showing (painting) it.
When you iterate over the children of a control, iterating over Components uses the Owner relation; iterating over Controls uses the Parent relation. So your code above would already do a lot less if it were to iterate over the Controls.
Of course you can reference other controls in a "dumb" way, but you will have to provide for the access method. If you want others (not just child frames) you will at the very least have to declare a method to retrieve that control. Many ways to do this. One is to "ask" the form when you need it (using a method on the form), or have the form set a property on the frame when it is created...
Avoid accessing form's and frame's published properties. They are mainly there for Delphi's streaming system. When you tie your application together using your approach described above it can very soon become one incredibly tangled mess...
Example coming up (sometime this evening), it will take me a bit of time to also explain and I have work to do...
The following example deals only with the ping-pong game between the frames. Freeing any form or frame from one of its own event handlers is not such a good idea. Use the Release method for that as it prevents the form/frame from processing messages after is was freed. (Plenty of questions about this on SO by the way). Also, when you do release a frame from one of its own buttons, you will need to take care that the frame that created it has a chance to nil the references it may have held to that frame otherwise you are setting yourself up for some interesting to debug mayhem. Look into "Notification" and "NotifyControls" and the automatic notification by forms and frames that is sent to their owner/parent so these can remove the control from their components/controls collection. In your example, if you were to release Frame3 from its own "FreeAndNil" button's OnClick event handler, you would have to make sure that the Frame2 responds to the deletion (I think) notification message and nil's any references it holds to Frame3 (besides the ones that will already be cleared automatically in the components/controls collections).
Now, the ping pong game. There are a couple of ways to go about this.
Method 1
The first way is what you already tried with a loop over the components of the other frame. While it certainly is a way to avoid having to "use" the other frame, it is cumbersome and not very concise. Plus when you get more controls on your forms/frames, you will have to add a check on the name to know that you have the correct TEdit. And then you might just as well use the name directly, especially as one frame already has the other frame in its uses clause because it is creating it.
// PingFrame (your Frame2)
TPingFrame = class(TFrame)
procedure CreateChildBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure PingPongBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
FPong: TPongFrame; // This is the "extra" reference you need to nil when
// freeing the TPongFrame from one of its own event handlers.
procedure TPingFrame.CreateChildBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
CreateChildBtn.Enabled := False;
FPong := TPongFrame.Create(Self);
FPong.Parent := ContainerPnl;
FPong.Align := alClient;
procedure TPingFrame.PingPongBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
if Assigned(FPong) then
FPong.Edit1.Text := 'Ping';
And on the other end:
// PongFrame (your Frame3)
TPongFrame = class(TFrame)
procedure PingPongBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure TPongFrame.PingPong1BtnClick(Sender: TObject);
(Owner as TPingFrame).Edit1.Text := 'Pong called';
This method seems all nice and dandy, but it has drawbacks:
You need to use the unit that holds the TPingFrame (Ping_fr in this example). Not too bad I guess, but... as Ping_fr already uses Pong_fr (the unit holding TPongFrame), you can't have Ping_fr using Pong_fr in the interface section and have Pong_fr using Ping_fr in the interface section as well. Doing so would have Delphi throwing an error because of a circular references. This can be solved by moving one of the uses to the implementation section (as done in the example for the use of Ping_fr in the Pong_fr unit.
A bigger drawback is that there is now a very tight coupling between the two frames. You cannot change the TEdit in either one to another type of control (unless that happens to have a Text property as well) without having to change the code in the other unit as well. Such tight coupling is a cause of major headaches and it is good practice to try and avoid it.
Method 2
One way to decrease the coupling between the frames and allow each frame to change it controls as it sees fit is not to use the controls of another form/frame directly. To do so you declare a method on each frame that the other can call. Each method updates its own controls. And from the OnClick event handlers you no longer access the other frame's controls directly, but you call that method
TPingFrame = class(TFrame)
procedure Ping;
procedure TPingFrame.PingPongBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
if Assigned(FPong) then
procedure TPingFrame.Ping;
Edit1.Text := 'Someone pinged me';
And on the other end:
TPongFrame = class(TFrame)
procedure Ping;
procedure TPongFrame.PingPongBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
(Owner as TPingFrame).Ping;
procedure TPongFrame.Ping;
Edit1.Text := 'Someone pinged me';
This is better than Method 1 as it allows both frames to change their controls without having to worryabout "outsiders" referencing them, but still has the drawback of the circular reference that can only be "solved" by moving one "use" to the implementation section.
It is a good practice to try and avoid circular references altogether instead of patching them by moving units to the implementation section's uses clause. A rule of thumb I use is:
Any form/frame may know and use the public interface of the forms/frames it instantiates (though it should avoid the controls in the "default visibility" part of that interface), but no form/frame should not have any knowledge of the specific form/frame that created it.
Method 3
One way of achieving this (there are many) it to use events just like the TButton's OnClick event.
On the TPongFrame side of things you can remove the use of Ping_fr. You no longer need it.
Then you need to declare a property and the field it references and declare a method to fire the event.
TPongFrame = class(TFrame)
FOnPingPongClicked: TNotifyEvent;
procedure DoPingPongClicked;
property OnPingPongClicked: TNotifyEvent
read FOnPingPongClicked write FOnPingPongClicked;
The Ping method stays and its implementation is unchanged. The PingPongBtnClick event handler also stays, but its implementation now becomes:
procedure TPongFrame.PingPongBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure TPongFrame.DoPingPongClicked;
if Assigned(FOnPingPongClicked) then
You could put the code from DoPingPongClicked straight in here, but it is a good practice to fire an event in a separate method. It avoids duplicating the exact same code if you would have an event that can be fired from multiple parts of your code. And it also allows descendants (when you get those) to override the "firing" method (you'll have to mark it virtual in the ancestor) and do something specific all the times the event is fired.
On the TPingFrame side of things you need to code a handler for the new event:
TPingFrame = class(TFrame)
procedure HandleOnPingPongClicked(Sender: TObject);
Note that the signature of this handler needs to be what the TNotifyEvent specifies. And of course you need to ensure that this event handler gets called when the event fires in TPongFrame:
procedure TPingFrame.CreateChildBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
CreateChildBtn.Enabled := False;
FPong := TPongFrame.Create(Self);
FPong.Parent := ContainerPnl;
FPong.Align := alClient;
// Listen to event fired by PongFrame whenever it's PingPingBtn is clicked
FPong.OnPingPongClicked := HandleOnPingPongClicked;
In the handler code you can do what you need to do. It can be general:
procedure TPingFrame.HandleOnPingPongClicked(Sender: TObject);
Edit1.Text := 'OnPingPongClicked event was fired';
And of course you can also use the fact that the event passes a reference to the instance firing the event as well:
procedure TPingFrame.HandleOnPingPongClicked(Sender: TObject);
Pong: TPongFrame;
// This checks that Sender actually is a TPongFrame and throws an exception if not
Pong := Sender as TPongFrame;
// Use properties from the Pong instance that was passed in
Edit1.Text := 'OnPingPongClicked event was fired by ' + Pong.Name;

Display progress from time consuming process

Sorry for my bad English...
Using Delphi 7 I want to create a dialog window to show that something is happening in my application when i have to run slow processes.
My idea was to do something that i can use like:
with TMyDialog.Create do
//call the time consuming method here
When i create the dialog, a window with an animation or something will show and will disappear after the time consuming method ends (on the free method) - it would be nice if I could manually update the progress from that dialog, in cases when the process give me such information:
with TMyDialog.Create do
while time_consuming_method do
but normally it would only be a animation to show that something is happening.
Has someone did something like that, knows a component or have any suggestions on whats the best way to do it in the most clean and simple way?
The bad but easy way to do this is to call Application.ProcessMessages or UpdateWindow(Handle) (to update the form) and increment a progressbar during your time_consuming_method. A slightly better method would be to wrap your time_consuming_method up into a class with an OnProgress event. Finally as other people have suggested you could use a separate thread for your time_consuming_method - which is the most powerful technique, but has the worst learning curve.
You will need to run your time consuming process in a separate thread, and have that thread report its' progress to your main UI thread using synchronization.
Here is an example that shows you how to start a new thread and have that thread do the synchronized progress reporting.
It's quite common to report progress in this way (using, for instance, a progress bar).
Your "time consuming process" needs to receive either a callback function that will be called every time it has some progress to report or, if you are willing to bind it more tightly with your user interface design, a reference to a component of some kind that it will know how to update. This can be a progress bar which it will step, a listbox or memo field that will receive a new line with status updates, a label control the caption of which will get updated, and so on.
Displaying a progress during long operations depend on several factors (limitations) :
Defined/undefined progress (you know,
may calculate, how many steps does
the operation take)
Interruptibility/segmentation (you
will be able, or have to, interrupt
the operation to refresh the progress
to the user)
The operation is thread-able (you may
put the operation a thread)
For defined progress it's common to display a segmented progress bar, and for undefined an animation or progress bar with the style "Marquee".
The main consideration is whether the operation is segmented/interruptible or not. Because if it's not, and you don't take care of it, your application will freeze until the operation finishes.
Searching for files is one example of segmented operation. Each found file is one segment , and it gives you the ability to display the progress to the user, and refresh the display.
TFrmUndefinedProgress = class(TForm)
FCallbackProc : TNotifyEvent;
procedure WndProc(var Message:TMessage); override;
constructor Create(aCallbackProc: TNotifyEvent);
procedure UpdateProgress(const aStr : string; aPercent : integer);
constructor TFrmUndefinedProgress.Create(aCallbackProc: TNotifyEvent);
inherited Create(nil);
FCallbackProc := aCallbackProc;
procedure TFrmUndefinedProgress.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
PostMessage(Handle, WM_START_UNDEFPROG, 0, 0);
Send message to window procedure on your form's OnShow, to make sure that it will be rendered first.
procedure TFrmUndefinedProgress.WndProc(var Message: TMessage);
if (Message.Msg = WM_START_UNDEFPROG) then begin
if Assigned(FCallbackProc) then
FCallbackProc(Self); --> Call your callback procedure
PostMessage(Handle, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); --> close when finished
And if you make a regular procedure in your form's unit...
procedure ShowUndefinedProgress(aCallbackProc : TNotifyEvent);
FrmUndefinedProgress : TFrmUndefinedProgress;
FrmUndefinedProgress := nil;
FrmUndefinedProgress := TFrmUndefinedProgress.Create(aCallbackProc);
You then may call progress form like this:
where you pass your aCallbackProc.
Inside you put your operation:
procedure TForm1.HandleSomeOperation(Sender: TForm);
aProgress : TFrmUndefinedProgress;
--> Do something
aProgress := TFrmUndefinedProgress(Sender);
aProgress .UpdateProgress(SomeMessage, Percent);
Update the display for each found file ...
If you have operation that takes long time, but you have no way of interrupting it, then you should put it in a thread.
Create a descendant of the TThread object.
Override it's Execute method
Do your thing inside Execute
And use it:
Create a form
Start some animation on it's OnShow
Then run your thread
Close when thread finishes.
