Requeueing dead letter messages - spring-amqp

Is there any functionality built in to spring-amqp that would make it easy to requeue dead letter messages? I can write code to do it but it seems like such a common use case that would fit well into the framework.

This is outside of Spring AMQP, but you can configure a TTL on the dead letter queue and configure that queue to dead-letter back to the original queue when expired.
You can check the x-death header if you want to give up completely after some number of retry cycles.
See this answer and its question for more information.


Time to send SDO

I am working on CANopen architecture and had three questions:
1- When the 'synchronous window' is closed until the next SYNC message, should we send the SDO message? Can we not send a message during this period?
2- Is it possible not to send the PDO message during the simultaneous window?
3- What is the answer that the slaves give in the SYNC message?
Disclaimer: I don't have exact answers but I just wanted to share my assumptions & thoughts.
CiA 301 doesn't mention the relation between synchronous window and SDOs. In normal operation after the initial configuration, one may assume that SDOs aren't present on the system, or at least they are rare compared to PDOs. Although not strictly necessary, SDOs are generally initiated by a device which has the master role, and that device also produces the SYNC messages (again, it's not strictly necessary but it's the usual/common implementation). So, the master device may adjust the timing of SDO requests according to the synchronous window.
Here is a quote from CiA 301:
If the synchronous window length expires all synchronous TPDOs may be
discarded and an EMCY message may be transmitted; all synchronous
RPDOs may be discarded until the next SYNC message is received.
Synchronous RPDO processing is resumed with the next SYNC message.
CiA 301 uses the word "may" (see the quote above). So I'm not sure if it's mandatory or not. In my opinion, it makes sense to follow the advice and abort synchronous TPDO transmissions after the synchronous window and send an EMCY message. Event-driven (non-synchronous) TPDOs can be sent within or after the synchronous window.
There is no direct response to SYNC messages. On SYNC reception, SYNC consumers (slaves) sample their inputs, drive their outputs according to the previous RPDOs, and start transmitting their TPDOs containing the previous samples (or the current ones? I'm not sure about this).
Synchronous windows are for specific PDO synchronization only. For hard real-time systems, data might be required to arrive within certain fixed time intervals - not too early, not too late. That is, it acts as a real-time deadline. If such features are enabled, you need to take that in consideration when doing the specific CANopen bus implementation.
For example if some SDO communication would occupy the bus so that the PDO can't meet its time window, that would be a problem. But this is easily solved by giving the PDO a lower COBID than the SDO, which should already be the case in most default device profile setups like "DS401 GPIO module". Other than that, you would have to make sure there is no ridiculous bus loads or that nodes hang up or get busy doing other things.
In systems with hard real-time requirements you probably don't want to allow any SDO communication during operational mode to begin with.
What is the answer that the slaves give in the SYNC message?
That question doesn't make any sense. You need to study what the SYNC message does and what it is for.

How can I use visibility timeout as a "retry" mechanism?

My use case is that I have a queue from which my application reads messages. I need to delete the message if it is processed correctly, else I want it to stay in the queue. If my application processes the same message again, does that count as a "retry" based on which maximum receives works, or does maximum receives work as a different metric? if i cannot use it as a retry, can you help me with how I could go around implementing it?
Really sorry about the crude ideas I have compiled, but I am a newbie in terms of AWS, and wanted this done a bit quicker than expected.
Thanks for any help.
Maybe can you take a look on dead letter queues. When a message generate an unexpected error it can be retried according to maxReceiveCount, if there is still an error after all allowed retries then message will be moved in a dead letter queue according to redrive policy :
Hope this helps.

Prevent request timeout with long requests

I have a Rails Controller on Heroku where I send emails in a loop, and respond to the user with some information on which email address the emails were sent to.
While this works when only a few (~40) emails need to be sent out, the request times out when more there are more than just a few emails to be sent out (e.g. > 40).
Heroku states in their guides that requests must respond with at least one byte within 30 seconds:
While I know this is not the best way to achieve this, I'm currently trying to figure out how to do this in Ruby.
If this were a PHP app, I could do an echo before entering the loop, and then keep echoing something in every iteration. How do I achieve something similar in rails?
Your best bet is to not do the mailing before sending the response back. You will have better luck first adding the job to one of Heroku's many available worker queues, then kicking to a monitoring page that displays the job progress and updates itself periodically. If you are trying to avoid using one of those queue services, for budget reasons, you may be able to accomplish the same thing using a new thread, instead of a queue. Either way, this technique will scale better, as well as being able to recover from failure more easily as well.
As you appear to already know that your proposed solution is not the ideal solution, I will also try to answer your exact question. You may be able to make HTTP streaming work for this. I would recommend checking out

NSURLConnection getting limited to a Single Connection at a time?

OK - let's rephrase this whole question shall we?
Is there any way to tell if iOS is holding onto an NSURLConnection after it has finished & returned it's data?
I've got 2 NSURLConnections I'm instantiating & calling into a server with. The first one initiates the connection with the server and then goes into a COMET style long-polling wait while another user interacts with the request. The second one goes into the server and triggers a cancel mechanism which safely ends the first request and causes both to return successfully with a "Cancelled by you" message.
In the happy path case the Cancel button will never be clicked. But it's possible to click it and exit the current action.
This whole scenario works GREAT once. And then never works again (until the app is reset).
It's as though the first time thru one of the connections is never released and we are from then on limited to only a single connection because one of them is locked.
BTW I've tried NSURLConnection, AFNetwork, MKNetworkKit, ASIHTTPRequest - no luck what-so-ever with any other frameworks. NSURLConnection should do what I want. It's just ... not letting go of one of my connections.
I suspect the cancellation request in Step 2 is leaving the HTTP connection open.
I don't know exactly how the NS* classes work with respect to the HTTP/1.1 recommendation of at most two simultaneous connections, but let's assume they're enforcing at most two connections. Let's suppose the triggering code in Instance A (steps 1 and 3 of your example) cleans up after itself, but the cancellation code in Instance B (steps 2 and 4) leaves the connection open. That might explain what you are observing.
If I were you, I'd compare the code that runs in step 1 against the code that runs in step 2. I bet there's a difference between them in terms of the way they clean up after themselves.
If I'm not wrong,
iOS/Mac holds on to a NSURLConnection as long as the "Keep-Alive" header dictates it to.
But as a iOS developer you shouldn't be worried. any reason why you would like to know that?
So unfortunately with the lack of a real solution to this issue being found in all my testing I've had to implement simple polling to resolve the issue.
I've also had to implement iOS only APIs on the server.
What this comes down to is an API to send up a command and put it into a queue on the server, then using an NSTimer on the client to check the status of the of the queued item on a regular interval.
Until I can find out how to make multiple connections on iOS with long-polling this is the only working solution. Once I have a decent amount of points I'll gladly bounty them away for a solution to this :(

How do I implement a request timeout in grails?

I'd like to be able to set a configurable (by controller/action) request timeout in grails. The objective is to handle a rare high-load failure mode in a deterministic way. For example, I know that if a given controller/action doesn't return in 30 seconds, then something is horribly wrong and I don't want to keep the user hanging.
I'd like to handle this within the application logic if possible, as there might be reasonable recoveries or messaging depending upon the conditions of the event.
Filters don't work because the time might be reached anywhere in the request processing lifecycle.
I don't think this is easily achievable. You're probably limited to the capabilities of the Servlet container you're using. For example, with tomcat you could set a connectionTimeout. Unfortunately, this may not give you the control that you're asking for since the timeout and response are more at the mercy of the container.
There's probably a way you could do it with background threads, timers, interrupts, and some black magic, but that would probably be an ill-advised thing.
A couple mailing list discussions I found on the topic:
Quote from within by Peter Ledbrook:
I don't know of a Grails feature for
this. It supports the session time
out, but not a request time out.
Servlet containers have connection
