YouTube video play only for 10 seconds in loop - youtube

I am using YouTube URL for embed in my website but the problem is I want to play video only for 10 seconds in loop.
Is there any parameter for passing with YouTube embed URL, so could anyone please tell me how to do this, like I am doing with this URL but its start after 10 seconds but I want to play only 10 seconds.

Yes! there is a parameter "end", you can set this parameter in your url,
to know more about youtube parameter you could refer the below link


Youtube Permanent LiveStream URL

I've got 2 concurrent live-streams happening under the same account (different stream keys), both of which will be streaming longer than 12 hours.
I currently have[CHANNEL_ID_HERE] to grab the permanent embed stream.
However - is there a URL parameter to grab the second live-stream, and not just the first?

YouTube OEmbed service doesn't work well for video url with playlist and index query param

Recently, I tried to use OEmbed service to get iframe code for the video url with playlist query param, but OEmbed service us the iframe code which hasn't the same video as i asked.
Here is the video url with playlist query param:
Here is YouTube OEmbed service url for getting iframe code of the video:
But OEmbed service return me the iframe code which turn out not the same video as I ask.
Here is iframe code returned: is not the same video as
Could anyone help me to take a look how can I get the right video through YouTube OEmbed sevice?
You forgot to place the index number of the actual video from the playlist that is why you always end up calling the first video of the playlist.
Upon checking the actual playlist, there are 9 videos. Since the 5th video seems to be the one you are calling, you must include "index=4" since the numbering will start at 0 from the first video. Try the link below:
This link should return the actual video that you need.

how to Embed Youtube Video with Autoplay, Looping, and show controls?

how to Embed Youtube Video with Autoplay, Looping, and show controls?
Hi How do I make the video work continuously without interruption while at the same time showing control
All you need is to modify url parameter for example autoplay=1 loop=1 and control=1"
Please refer YouTube Embedded Players and Player Parameters for more settings.
** we need playlist parameter to make looping work, while the value will be your video id
Note: This parameter has limited support in the AS3 player and in IFrame embeds, which could load either the AS3 or HTML5 player. Currently, the loop parameter only works in the AS3 player when used in conjunction with the playlist parameter. To loop a single video, set the loop parameter value to 1 and set the playlist parameter value to the same video ID already specified in the Player API URL:

how to reduce response time of youtube api

I am using webview in my iOS application to embed the youtube video using ytplayer api, its taking about 5 secs to load the video, all I want is to reduce the response time of the player,is there a way to achieve it?
I need the response time approximately equal to 2 secs
You mean increasing the response time? Because decreasing means your app is going to take longer time to run than usual. Anyway, embedding a YouTube video is different when running the official YouTube application. The problem is with the WebView. Please read this answer.

Can I get youtube video as mp3 sound in iOS ?

as mentioned in the question
Can I get the youtube as sound file with any extension
I mean specifically with using JSON or any other way ?
One way to get songs from Youtube is to use their API, and search for your song. It will return a youtubeID url of video/song.
You can then stream this into an iOS app.
A handy framework to extract video url from youtube ID url, is LBYoutubePlayer which can be found here
You would then need to extract the audio from the video.
Technically, that could all work. Not sure if it goes beyond Youtube's terms and services though.
