First Person Map View in iOS - ios

I am currently developing an iOS app using Objective-C and I came across with a requirement from my client that I am unsure and unaware if it can be made.
The app that I am working with is Map based using the geolocalization of the user at all times. To do so, as I am sure you all know, I am using the MapKit.framework that Apple gives us pre-built.
My doubt came when my client asked me if it’s possible to use the First Person Maps View instead of the traditional 2D Map. To make my question clear to you, what I was exactly asked if there is any chance to use the same view of the GPS navigation in the app (See picture below). Is there any way to do so? If so, could you give me some guides to achive that?
Any help would be appreciate it!

After some hours of research I've found a way to do so. The key property is initialized trough:
MKMapCamera *mapCamera = [MKMapCamera cameraLookingAtCenterCoordinate:ground fromEyeCoordinate:eye eyeAltitude:50];
Take a look at this tutorial if you are need of an explanation step by step:


SwiftUi ARKit measurements

Sorry I am pretty inexperienced with ARKit. I am working on an app and it will have more features later but the first step would basically be recreating the measure app that is included with iOS. I have looked at the documentation that Apple gives and most of it is for stuff like face tracking, object detection, or image tracking. I wasn't sure exactly where to start. The rest of the existing code I have now is written in SwiftUI if that matters. Thank you!
Understand that it can be quite confusing in the beginning. I would recommend to walk throught the toruial at This toturial from Codestars on Youtube is also very good if you like to listen and watch instead of reading. Both talks go throught a lot of important parts of ARKit so I really recomend it. After that you problably have a create understanding and you clould watch Apples WWDC2019 talk What's new in ARKit 3.
Hope I understood your question correctly and please reach out if you have any questions or other concerns.

iOS SDK - How to know which kit, class to use?

I'm new to iOS development and was wanting to know how to efficiently locate which kit, class to use to achieve certain things.
For example, I'm planning to build an app that heavily makes use of calendar events and I found that I should be looking at using something like eventkit to build upon but it's not clear for me within this kit which class to instantiate and which method to use in what order.
Can someone please direct me to a place where I can see some code examples of using a range of different kits?
I think you can learn things as you described from 'Reference'.
Two ways to check Apple Official References in Xcode. One is clicking the function name, parameter or those colorful keywords while you pushing the 'option'. The second way is using three fingers to touch those "keywords" slightly on the touchPad.
Or you can check many kits references by visiting iOS Developer Library (website). I'm also new to iOS Development, I wish things I said can help you.

Swift - SPGooglePlacesAutocomplete - how to deal with it?

My research showed that the only proper way to have an autocompletion search bar which retrieves coordinates is to use SPGooglePlacesAutoComplete.
However, here are only installation hints along with bridging from obj-c to swift. But actually, I cannot find anywhere how to handle it in swift. How to connect search bar outlet, how to connect it to existing project with map etc.
Does anybody know some neat tutorial which makes handling this library in swift clear? If no such thing around the web, could anybody post here, as an answer, short tutorial how to deal with SPGooglePlacesAutocomplete, how to connect outlets, retrieve coordinates, how to pair it with search bar etc. I would be very grateful
Thanks in advance!
as the person who maintains (in a very inactive way), I have received several inquires about supporting Swift. I'm planning to migrate this repo to Swift, however with a full-time job and 2 kids, I can't promise a specific timeline.
Meanwhile, would you be able to follow the solutions provided in this issue:

Providing Walking Directions in iOS 6 Using MapKit

I realise that iOS 6 is still under NDA so i'll keep my question succinct and to the point.
Is there a way to provide walking directions within my own application without using I know I can send requests to to display directions but i'd like to be able to provide directions from my own application if at all possible?
There are a handful of new classes in iOS 6 that look like they might do what I want but i'm unable to test them currently. I'll have a looksee and try to implement something but I want to be sure it's even possible before wasting time.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Since iOS 6 is well and truly out of NDA now, I can safely say that providing walking directions in your own application is definitely not possible.
You can however open with a properly formatted request to provide directions if required.

Change map colors in iOS MapView?

Is it possible to change map element colors in a MapView in the same way that you can with a Google Map? If so, how would I go about doing this.
I'm looking to change map element colors pretty substantially, so I don't think that adding an Annotation as described here is the right solution.
As an example, has a map that is skinned to be grayscale, and Google has documentation of how to do this for web maps here.
I gave CloudMade a try, and it wound up working reasonably well, but I decided against using them for two reasons:
1) Their support sucks. I shot an email to their support address about a week or two ago and have still not received any kind of response. Their most recent SVN commit is also close to a year old.
2) This issue raised on the Route Me repo, combined with their shoddy support, scared me away.
I did manage to find an SDK called MapBox that is also built on Route Me that was suitable for the task. Their git repo is in active development and they are available on freenode during normal business hours. I'd recommend them over CloudMade to anyone who has the same question I had initially.
It's not possible using UIMapKit.
I have used CloudMade before, which enable you to customise map colours quite extensively. As far as I know their maps use OpenStreetMap data.
No, it is not possible with the current MapKit.
Any substantial update like the one you describe would have to be performed when requesting tiles from Google, and at the moment only Apple does this, deep in the framework.
