can somebody explain to me why this(version 1) compiles while the version below(version 2) does not.
-- version 1 (compiles)
module Chapter2 where
import Debug.Trace
data Wrapper a = Wrapper a
instance showWrapper :: (Show a) => Show (Wrapper a) where
show (Wrapper w) = "Wrapper ( " ++ (show w) ++ " )"
foo :: Number -> Number -> Number -> Number
foo a b c = a + b + c
foo1 = foo 2
foo2 = foo 1 2
class ExecFn a where
exec :: a -> Number
instance execFn1 :: ExecFn (Number -> Number -> Number) where
exec a = 99
main = do
let x = exec foo1
trace "Hello"
This does not compile
-- Version 2 (does not compile)
module Chapter2 where
import Debug.Trace
data Wrapper a = Wrapper a
instance showWrapper :: (Show a) => Show (Wrapper a) where
show (Wrapper w) = "Wrapper ( " ++ (show w) ++ " )"
foo :: Number -> Number -> Number -> Number
foo a b c = a + b + c
foo1 = foo 2
foo2 = foo 1 2
class ExecFn a b where
exec :: a -> Wrapper b
instance execFn1 :: ExecFn (Number -> Number -> Number) Number where
exec a = Wrapper 99
main = do
let x = exec foo1
trace "Hello"
and gives me this error
Error at src/Chapter2.purs line 3, column 1 - line 5, column 1:
No instance found for Chapter2.ExecFn (Prim.Number -> Prim.Number -> Prim.Number) u8735
So how can I make a version similar to my version 2 so that I can put my result into a wrapper?
The type of x is underconstrained, which is why there is an unknown type variable appearing in the error message. psc will not try to instantiate a type variable when searching for a type class instance. This can sometimes be an issue when using multi parameter type classes without something like functional dependencies to help disambiguate types (purescript-transformers has the same issue, for example). For now, you need to add a type signature, or use x in such a way that will disambiguate the type b.
So if you add the expected type for the let
let x = exec foo1 :: Wrapper Number
this should help
using the lib 'FsToolkit.ErrorHandling'
and the following code:
let f x =
if x % 2 = 0 then Ok $"even {x}" else Error $"odd {x}"
let xx =
validation {
let! a = f 1
and! b = f 2
and! c = f 3
return $"{a} {b} {c}"
printfn $"{xx.GetType()}"
The output is a
Result<string, string list>
Or, more specifically:
But the IDE (Rider) sees it differently:
Is this an expected behavior for some reason? or could it be a bug?
Validation<'a, 'err> is a type alias for Result<'a, 'err list>:
This doesn't create a new type but creates a new way to refer to an existing type, which means that they can be used interchangeably.
I found the following piece of code in the fantomas library for F#. I am having a hard time understanding this as an F# noob. From what I understand, it's a custom operator that takes 3 arguments, but why would an operator need 3 arguments? And what exactly is happening here?
/// Function composition operator
let internal (+>) (ctx: Context -> Context) (f: _ -> Context) x =
let y = ctx x
match y.WriterModel.Mode with
| ShortExpression infos when
|> Seq.exists (fun x -> x.ConfirmedMultiline)
| _ -> f y
Here's an example of how fantomas uses this operator in ther CodePrinter module.
let short =
genExpr astContext e1
+> sepSpace
+> genInfixOperator "=" operatorExpr
+> sepSpace
+> genExpr astContext e2
Operators behave a lot like function names:
let (++) a b c d =
a + b + c + d
(++) 1 2 3 4
One difference is that operators can be used infix. An operator with more than 2 arguments allows infix only for the first 2 arguments:
// the following is equal:
let f = (++) 1 2 // like a function name
let f = 1 ++ 2 // with infix
f 50 60
I did not find how fantomas uses the operator you mention, would be curious, in particular since fantomas is a high profile f# project.
It might be instructive to compare this to the regular function composition operator, >>. The definition for this is:
let (>>) (f : a' -> b') (g : b' -> c') (x : a') =
g ( f x )
Esentially, it applies f to x, and then applies g to the result.
If we have the following functions:
let plusOne i = i + 1
let timesTwo j = j * 2
And apply it the following way:
let plusOneTimesTwo = plusOne >> timesTwo
What we're really doing is something like this:
let plusOneTimesTwo = (>>) plusOne timesTwo
When you don't supply all of the necessary arguments to a function (in this case, x), what you get is a function that takes the remaining arguments and then returns what the original function would return (this is partial application.) In this case, plusOneTimesTwo's function signature is now x : int -> int.
The example you've listed is essentially the same thing, but it's performing additional logic to determine whether it wants to apply the second function to the result y or to return it as-is.
I'm facing trouble when I try to create missing values in a Frame and later perform operations with them. Here is a "working" sample:
open Deedle
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
do fsi.AddPrinter(fun (printer:Deedle.Internal.IFsiFormattable) -> "\n" + (printer.Format()))
module Frame = let mapAddCol col f frame = frame |> Frame.addCol col (Frame.mapRowValues f frame)
[ {|Desc = "A - 1.50ml"; ``Price ($)`` = 23.|}
{|Desc = "B - 2ml"; ``Price ($)`` = 18.5|}
{|Desc = "C"; ``Price ($)`` = 25.|} ]
|> Frame.ofRecords
Desc Price ($)
0 -> A - 1.50ml 23
1 -> B - 2ml 18.5
2 -> C 25
|> Frame.mapAddCol "Volume (ml)" (fun row ->
match Regex.Match(row.GetAs<string>("Desc"),"[\d\.]+").Value with
| "" -> OptionalValue.Missing
| n -> n |> float |> OptionalValue)
Desc Price ($) Volume (ml)
0 -> A - 1.50ml 23 1.5
1 -> B - 2ml 18.5 2
2 -> C 25 <missing>
|> fun df -> df?``Price ($/ml)`` <- df?``Price ($)`` / df?``Volume (ml)``
//error message: System.InvalidCastException: Object must implement IConvertible.
What is wrong with this approach?
Deedle internally stores a flag whether a value is present or missing. This is typically exposed via the OptionalValue type, but the internal representation is not actually using this type.
When you use a function such as mapRowValues to generate new data, Deedle needs to recognize which data is missing. This happens in only somewhat limited cases only. When you return OptionalValue<float>, Deedle actually produces a series where the type of values is OptionalValue<float> rather than float (the type system does not let it do anything else).
For float values, the solution is just to return nan as your missing value:
|> Frame.mapAddCol "Volume (ml)" (fun row ->
match Regex.Match(row.GetAs<string>("Desc"),"[\d\.]+").Value with
| "" -> nan
| n -> n |> float )
This will create a new series of float values, which you can then access using the ? operator.
I have the following code snippet:
let add n x = x + n
let times n x = x * n
let addTimes = add 5 >> times 5
addTimes 4
and this works without any problem. But when I change like this
let add n x = x + n
let times n x = x * n
let addTimes = add >> times
addTimes 4
I've got the compiling error
error FS0071: Type constraint mismatch when applying the default type '(int -> int)' for a type inference variable. Expecting a type supporting the operator '*' but given a function type. You may be missing an argument to a function. Consider adding further type constraints
The signature of (>>) is ('T1 -> 'T2) -> ('T2 -> 'T3) -> 'T1 -> 'T3. I.e., it composes two unary functions – you are attempting to supply two binary functions, which is valid in general (though arguably not useful, or at the least unclear), but not for your function types:
Given that (f >> g) x is equivalent to g(f(x)), what would the expected outcome be when f is binary? In your case, x (int) is partially-applied to add (int -> int -> int), and that partial application ((int -> int)) is passed to times (also int -> int -> int), which obviously expects an int as its first parameter rather than the function type (int -> int).
F# allows to use checked arithmetics by opening Checked module, which redefines standard operators to be checked operators, for example:
open Checked
let x = 1 + System.Int32.MaxValue // overflow
will result arithmetic overflow exception.
But what if I want to use checked arithmetics in some small scope, like C# allows with keyword checked:
int x = 1 + int.MaxValue; // ok
int y = checked { 1 + int.MaxValue }; // overflow
How can I control the scope of operators redefinition by opening Checked module or make it smaller as possible?
You can always define a separate operator, or use shadowing, or use parens to create an inner scope for temporary shadowing:
let f() =
// define a separate operator
let (+.) x y = Checked.(+) x y
let x = 1 +. System.Int32.MaxValue
printfn "ran ok"
with e ->
printfn "exception"
let x = 1 + System.Int32.MaxValue
printfn "ran ok"
with e ->
printfn "exception"
// shadow (+)
let (+) x y = Checked.(+) x y
let x = 1 + System.Int32.MaxValue
printfn "ran ok"
with e ->
printfn "exception"
// shadow it back again
let (+) x y = Operators.(+) x y
let x = 1 + System.Int32.MaxValue
printfn "ran ok"
with e ->
printfn "exception"
// use parens to create a scope
// shadow inside
let (+) x y = Checked.(+) x y
let x = 1 + System.Int32.MaxValue
printfn "ran ok"
with e ->
printfn "exception"
// shadowing scope expires
let x = 1 + System.Int32.MaxValue
printfn "ran ok"
with e ->
printfn "exception"
// output:
// exception
// ran ok
// exception
// ran ok
// exception
// ran ok
Finally, see also the --checked+ compiler option:
Here is a complicated (but maybe interesting) alternative. If you're writing something serious then you should probably use one of the Brians suggestions, but just out of curiosity, I was wondering if it was possible to write F# computation expression to do this. You can declare a type that represents int which should be used only with checked operations:
type CheckedInt = Ch of int with
static member (+) (Ch a, Ch b) = Checked.(+) a b
static member (*) (Ch a, Ch b) = Checked.(*) a b
static member (+) (Ch a, b) = Checked.(+) a b
static member (*) (Ch a, b) = Checked.(*) a b
Then you can define a computation expression builder (this isn't really a monad at all, because the types of operations are completely non-standard):
type CheckedBuilder() =
member x.Bind(v, f) = f (Ch v)
member x.Return(Ch v) = v
let checked = new CheckedBuilder()
When you call 'bind' it will automatically wrap the given integer value into an integer that should be used with checked operations, so the rest of the code will use checked + and * operators declared as members. You end up with something like this:
checked { let! a = 10000
let! b = a * 10000
let! c = b * 21
let! d = c + 47483648 // !
return d }
This throws an exception because it overflows on the marked line. If you change the number, it will return an int value (because the Return member unwraps the numeric value from the Checked type). This is a bit crazy technique :-) but I thought it may be interesting!
(Note checked is a keyword reserved for future use, so you may prefer choosing another name)