Xcode adds ".app" to target names ending with ".cc" - ios

Can anyone fix or confirm this behaviour in Xcode (6.3.2):
Ending the name of an iOS project target with ".cc" like "something.cc" automatically adds ".app" to end of the name at runtime…?!
something.cc -> something.cc.app

This is now confirmed by others and obviously a bug: http://openradar.appspot.com/21319069
Thanks to Paul Hemetsbeger there is a workaround: Using the unicode letter "․" fixes the problem. Only the "delete this app alert view" gets a little bit messed up…


ReferenceError: Metadata for "GoogleMaps.GMSGeometryDistance" found but symbol not available at runtime

I'm using the nativescript-google-maps-utils plugin in a NativeScript JavaScript project to access GoogleMapsUtils functions (GMSGeometryDistance, GMSGeometryInterpolate, and GMSGeometryHeading) so that I can traverse a polyline. The Android equivalents work fine on Android devices, and the iOS functions listed work on an iOS simulator, but on an iOS device I get the exception,
ReferenceError: Metadata for "GoogleMaps.GMSGeometryDistance" found but symbol not available at runtime.
I've been chasing this for the better part of a day and still don't have any leads; I'd welcome any insight.
It's worth mentioning I've done the usual removal of the platforms, hooks, and node-modules folders and rebuilt, with no change in the error.
Here's the first line of code that triggers the error:
let lineDistance = GMSGeometryDistance(latlngs[i], latlngs[i + 1]);
[edit 2]
Still chasing this... I gather from this issue that I need to create a file with a list of exported symbols, and this issue kind of suggests how that could be done, but I'm not understanding how that applies to this situation.
That is, the question at hand now is how can I determine the symbols from the iOS GoogleMapsUtils static library? This is becoming more of an iOS and Xcode question that NativeScript or JavaScript.
[edit 3]
Sigh... I did get this working using the answer I provided below, but now that same approach is no longer working. No idea why :-(
[edit 4]
I re-reviewed the links I referenced above and included the STRIPFLAGS option and now the code works properly. I revised the answer to include this, and to edit build.xcconfig rather than the project file.
After another day's investigation I was able to get this working. Here's what it took.
Navigate to /platforms/iOS/Pods/GoogleMaps/Maps/Frameworks/GoogleMaps.framework/
Run nm --defined-only GoogleMaps | grep " T " | cut -f 3 -d' ' | egrep -v '^$|GoogleMaps'
Notice the names of the symbols. In my case each one I needed was the function name prefixed with an underscore
Create the file exportedSymbols.txt in /app/App_Resources/iOS
Add the symbols to the file. In my case the contents is:
Edit the file app/App_Resources/iOS/build.xcconfig and add these two lines
STRIPFLAGS=$(inherited) -s {PROJECT_DIR}/../../app/App_Resources/iOS/exportedSymbols.txt
EXPORTED_SYMBOLS_FILE = ${PROJECT_DIR}/../../app/App_Resources/iOS/exportedSymbols.txt
So far this is working in my tests on both iOS simulators and devices.

In Visual Studio Code Ctrl+V is not working

In Visual Studio Code Ctrl+V is not working on editor.
However from the command palette Ctrl+Shift+V is working.
I´ve had this problem when I enabled the "VIM" plugin for VSCode.
After uninstalling it, the problem was fixed.
Open the keyboard shortcuts preferences by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + P and search for open keyboard shortcuts file.
Then, search for the editor.action.clipboardPasteAction property. In your case, it might be CTRL+SHIFT+V. Try changing it to Ctrl + V. Like so:
Solution as of 2022
You could also CTRL + SHIFT + P and search for open keyboard shortcuts (JSON) and paste the following:
// Place your key bindings in this file to override the defaults
"key": "ctrl+v",
"command": "-workbench.action.terminal.sendSequence",
"when": "terminalFocus && !accessibilityModeEnabled && terminalShellType == 'pwsh'"
"key": "ctrl+k",
"command": "workbench.action.terminal.clear"
#WebD'is answer is very helpful and I have upvoted it. But my comment focused on whether there was a conflicting binding for CTRL-V and how to find it. You can literally type "Ctrl+V" (note the "plus+" sign, not a hyphen) and it will find all keybindings that use that binding in whole or part. I suggest that there must be a something else also bound to CTRL-V.
Since this original answer, vscode introduced another way to see what other commands might be bound to given keystrokes. With the Gear/Keyboard Shortcuts file open click on the little keyboardy icon to the right (or Alt+K with this file open) and it will indicate Recording Keys next to it. Now you can literally press Ctrl+V (or whichever keybinding you are interested in) and those corresponding commands, if any, that use that keybinding will be filtered up.
Remember to disable the Recording Keys functionality by clicking the keyboardy icon if you want to go back to regular searching in the Keyboard Shortcuts file.
I have the same problem: can't CTRL+X, CTRL+C, CTRL+V on VSCode editor.
I uninstall the Vim extension and the problem is fixed.
If you install the vim extension for visual studio code and find that ctrl + x, ctrl + v .. or other shortcuts stopped working, this is because they are overwritten by extension.vim_
If you prefer to get those shortcuts back go to keyboard shortcuts (ctrl + shift + p, then search for open keyboard shortcuts file).
Search for extension.vim_ and check too see if any shortcuts are
assigned to your key combination like ctrl + v. Remove it (right click, delete).
Also check for any other conflict by searching the file.
Save the file, it should work now.
For future searchers who do not have Vim (or any other extension) installed which is causing the issue, and who might have verified that their keyboard bindings are correct....
I have the Salesforce Extension Pack installed and had right-clicked on a file and run SFDX: Deploy Source to Org. The deployment had errors, so in the Panel area (which I have at the bottom of my screen) [see image] I had clicked on both the OUTPUT and PROBLEMS tabs, which shifted focus away from my PowerShell TERMINAL tab.
My Ctrl-V issue was when I was trying to correct my Apex code in the EDITOR pane. Ctrl-V was not pasting the code I had just Cut or Copied (but right-clicking and choosing Paste was working).
I ultimately discovered, when I changed my Panel focus back to my PowerShell TERMINAL tab, that ALL of the Ctrl-V pasting I had attempted had shown up after my PowerShell prompt! ["circled" in blue in image]
Make sure your pasted text did not show up in your TERMINAL - even if it is not in focus or even if your cursor is in another Panel tab or in the EDITOR.
From File > Performance > Keyboard Shortcuts > search paste > just try to remove or rest some keybinding with right click on paste or default:paste
If you have the Vim extension installed, you may set the vim.useSystemClipboard in the vim extension setting to true. Then you can paste the content from the clipboard by simply pressing p in the NORMAL mode, or use Ctrl+V in the INSERT mode.
This problem happened to me after I left VSC update itself (currently 1.53.0). It had been converted to Shift-Insert.
Go to File->Preferences->Keyboard shortcuts. Find the editor.action.clipboardPasteAction and double click it, then type Ctrl+V.
+1 for this - in case this helps anyone:
In my case it was only happening in the Thunder Client extension's text fields.
The culprit for me was the Indent on Paste extension (I'm on a Mac, so it was cmd+v instead of ctrl+v - but it fires the same event in VS Code).
I've left issue comments on the Thunder Client and Indent on Paste repos respectively, should anyone wish to add to those.
Look if and remove any VS Code extension :
for example - "Awesome Emacs Keymap" in my case, or any other keymaps installed.
i.e. : FILE/Preferences>/extensions and then look if any special keymap was installed
Modify the setting of vscode:
Settings - input:vim ctrl key - unselect: Enale some vim ctrl key commands that override otherwise common operations, like ctrl + c
go to extensions search Emacs keymap and uninstall it
There should something conflicting to your any previous keyboard shortcut
like in my case for Change All Occurrence: (Ctrl-C + Ctrl-A), vs code, confused with
Ctrl-C for a copy shortcut to this : (Ctrl-C + Ctrl-A), so I change this to (Shift-C + Shift-A), My Issue resolved.
Go to File>Preference>keyboard Shortcuts
Then Check for Copy and paste and enter the Ctrl+C and Ctrl+v shortcuts
Happy Coding ;)
None of the issues above solved this for me. I had a key binding Ctrl+C Ctrl+L. So when I pressed Ctrl+C it was in a state where it was waiting for the next key to be pressed and wouldn't do anything.
This showed up in the toolbar like so (an example):
This didn't come up in the list of keybindings when searching for Ctrl+C. So I found it be looking through the list.
Remove all cmd+v or in windows ctrl+v associated keybindings.
For me the solution was going through my extensions and disabling them one by one to find the culprit.
I had 'Paste and Indent' enabled which was messing up copying and pasting.
Just had to disable it and reload vs code.
Open Settings > keyboard shortcuts
Search for Ctrl + c
Delete the mapping for vim.
i have same problem
step:2 find
Open keyboard shortcuts
find paste
then you can see
right click then changekeybinding if key wrong
or remove key if u found two same line(editor.action.cliboardPasteAction)
in my case is 2nd one(so i removed)
In some cases, if you use remote ssh connects to a remote server and code there, ctrl + V may not be useful because that your remote server has a high balance, you can try to uninstall some useless plugins in that remote server then reload vscode.
I have disabled all extensions, and VS Code hangs for a few seconds whenever I try to paste something. This occurs with Ctrl+V, Shift+Ins and also with right click + Paste.
It hangs, and then nothing happens.
I simply reinstalled it, and that solved the issue for me.
In my case just the relaunch of VSCode solved the issue. My key bindings were fine.
"Paste JSON as Code" was my offender, as well as a few other ones. I got a little extension happy there for a bit.
Its easy don't worry, you need to search using ctrl+shift+p and find Prefernces: Open Keyboard Shortcuts(JSON) and add this dict
// Place your key bindings in this file to override the defaults
"key": "ctrl+c",
"command": "editor.action.clipboardCopyAction",
"when": "textInputFocus"
I thins it's very helpfull good luck :)

wxFileDialog filename textbox appears as clipped

I display an Open File dialog using the following code:
wxFileDialog fileDialog(
"TXT files (*.txt)|*.txt",
if (fileDialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
// do something with the file
Notice that I set the default filename to a long string (about 10 or more characters).
When the file dialog is displayed, the filename looks clipped.
But on inspection, it's not really clipped.
More like the starting point of the text is placed too much to the left.
When you place the cursor on the textbox, and scroll to the left, you get the complete filename.
Also, when you switch to a different window then return to the file dialog, it corrects itself and displays the complete filename.
This isn't really affecting the functionality of the file dialog.
This is more of an aesthetic issue.
But if there's a reason for this behavior or if there's a solution, I would like to know.
I'm using:
wxWidgets 3.1.0
Windows 10 Home 64-bit
UPDATE (2017/03/20):
I opened a ticket at wxTrac for this bug.
You can check it here:
This looks like a bug in wxWidgets, please try to reproduce it in the dialogs sample by making minimal changes to the wxFileDialog call which is already present there and open a ticket on wxTrac with the patch allowing to see the problem, so that someone could debug it.
As a temporary workaround (while an official resolution from wxWidgets is not yet available), calling CenterOnParent() after constructing the file dialog properly "scrolls" the filename so that it won't appear as "clipped".
wxFileDialog fileDialog(
"TXT files (*.txt)|*.txt",
// fixes the clipped filename
if (fileDialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
// do something with the file

How to use subdirectories in a dart .polymer 1 project?

I generate a new Dart.Polymer1.0 in Webstorm. It has a default element <main-app> in directory \web.
I create a new element <t-file>, also in \web, which is used/called by <main-app>. All works fine.
I then move <t-file> into a subdirectory of web - \web\view\t_file.html.
WebStorm is happy - I can CTRL-B to t_file.html etc. There are no warnings or complaints. But the app shows a blank page when it runs (= not running!)
I move <t-file> back up to be a sibling of <main-app>, and it works again.
I must be missing something, but what is it?
I have "found the answer".
1) Close the project in Webstorm, and reopen it - it then works.
2) Do not remove imports that webstorm says are unused - because they are! In 'main-app.dart' I had
import 'package:rm5/view/t_file.dart';
which was greyed-out. But it must be there for it to work.

NSLocalizedString only retrieves the key, not the value in Localizable.strings (IOS)

I've made a strings file named "Localizable.strings" and added two languages to it, like so:
"CONNECTIONERROR" = "Check that you have a working internet connection.";
I have also converted the files to Unicode UTF-8
However, when I create a UIAlertView like this:
UIAlertView *myAlert = [[UIAlertView alloc]
the alert view only shows the key text, not the value. It works if I, for example, set a UITextviews text to NSLocalizedString(#"CONNECTIONERROR",nil), but the alert view only displays the key. Anyone know what's wrong?
In my case it was because I had mistakenly named the file "Localization.strings" and hadn't noticed (it has to be named Localizable.strings). As explained previously the symptom is because the compiler cannot find the string. Otherwise the cause could be any number of things but usually it's a missing semi colon or quotation mark. These are hard to find when you're doing a lot of localizations at once. The lesson learned is to start building your localization file early on in your development process and build it as you go, so that they are easier to spot.
Same problem, solved using the filename: Localizable.strings
Change your .strings file name to Localizable.strings, it worked for me.
Double check that the Localizable.strings file is being added to
Targets -> BuildPhases -> Copy Bundle Resources
It hadn't been added automatically for me.
Edit 2021: with XCode 12 the Localizable.strings have to be added to
Targets -> Build Phases -> Compile resources
I have been searching the solution for 5 hours, I tried everything I could to make my app localization working.
The problem was that one of the Pods of my project had a Localizable.strings file (actually it was Parse pod that had not renamed it). Therefore my Localizable.strings file was not recognized by my app.
I fixed the issue by changing the name of the file to "MyappnameLocalizable.strings" and using NSLocalizedString this way:
NSLocalizedString("key", tableName: "MyappnameLocalizable", comment: "comment")
Tested the app on an actual device and it worked
I was having problems with this on the iOS Simulator. I ended up deleting the Localization.strings file in the simulator directory
( /Users/(me)/Library/Application Support/iPhone
cd to there and delete all copies of Localization.strings found there.
For some reason the usual rubber chicken voodoo of build clean, quit iOS Simulator, quit XCode, etc wasn't working, but this did. At least for me, today.
This is happening when the runtime can't find the specified key, for whatever reason. In your case, it's most likely due to a typo: CONNECTIONERRORITLE is missing a T for TITLE. Also pay attention to any warnings/error when compiling regarding the Localizable.strings file: if there are unbalanced " or missing ; the file cannot be compiled/read correctly.
Change the name of the file to Localizable.strings, make sure the target in the file inspector is set.
To avoid syntax errors right click on Localizable.strings file->open as->ASCII property list
Also, cleaning the project and building again helped in my case.
NSLocalizedString usage means you need the EXACT case and spelling of your key in order to get the content from it. You'll notice that this one says
when it should be
If you look at the last part of the first one, it says 'ITLE', not 'TITLE'
Rename the InfoPlist.strings file to Localizable.strings (double clic) and then you will get the correct string for that key.
If you wrote double semicolons at the end of a line, NSLocalization does not working.
You should check Localizable.strings file if there is ';;'
When you are developing an SDK. You need some extra operation.
1) create Localizable.strings as usual in YourLocalizeDemoSDK.
2) create the same Localizable.strings in YourLocalizeDemo.
3) find your Bundle Path of YourLocalizeDemoSDK.
// if you use NSLocalizeString in NSObject, you can use it like this
let value = NSLocalizedString("key", tableName: nil, bundle: Bundle(for: type(of: self)), value: "", comment: "")
Bundle(for: type(of: self)) helps you to find the bundle in YourLocalizeDemoSDK. If you use Bundle.main instead, you will get a wrong value(in fact it will be the same string with the key).
But if you want to use the String extension mentioned by dr OX. You need to do some more. The origin extension looks like this.
extension String {
var localized: String {
return NSLocalizedString(self, tableName: nil, bundle: Bundle.main, value: "", comment: "")
As we know, we are developing an SDK, Bundle.main will get the bundle of YourLocalizeDemo's bundle. That's not what we want. We need the bundle in YourLocalizeDemoSDK. This is a trick to find it quickly.
Run the code below in a NSObject instance in YourLocalizeDemoSDK. And you will get the URL of YourLocalizeDemoSDK.
let bundleURLOfSDK = Bundle(for: type(of: self)).bundleURL
let mainBundleURL = Bundle.main.bundleURL
Print both of the two url, you will find that we can build bundleURLofSDK base on mainBundleURL. In this case, it will be:
let bundle = Bundle(url: Bundle.main.bundleURL.appendingPathComponent("Frameworks").appendingPathComponent("YourLocalizeDemoSDK.framework")) ?? Bundle.main
And the String extension will be:
extension String {
var localized: String {
let bundle = Bundle(url: Bundle.main.bundleURL.appendingPathComponent("Frameworks").appendingPathComponent("YourLocalizeDemoSDK.framework")) ?? Bundle.main
return NSLocalizedString(self, tableName: nil, bundle: bundle, value: "", comment: "")
Hope it helps.
To find out if the Localizable.strings file is being found, check the content of your .app build and you can also do this in code:
//en is for English for example so specify yours here
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"en" ofType:#"lproj"];
If path is NULL, it means file not found.
If you have any extra semicolon in your strings file, it doesnt localise.
I faced a similar problem, suddenly my localizable strings didn't work at all. Then I used file-compare with the old .strings copy, and at-last I found I have accidentally deleted a key in it.
So Definitely if the format is wrong Xcode will not read the strings for you.
This is the format it expects "Key" = "Value";
Because I stumbled upon this when looking for the answer to a similar problem, I'm leaving my solution here:
If your key has "\u2028" in it instead of "\n", it will always return just the key and not the value. Seems to be a bug with localization.
We were dealing with an issue in which some keys were not getting their values despite all of them existing in Localizable.strings.
Turns out that the developer who built the file added two semi-colons at one line, and that caused the parsing of this file to be quite erratic.
After I found the two semi-colons one next to the other and got rid of one of them, the app wouldn't compile anymore. At this point I was able to find some lines that didn't have semi-colons. After fixing those and the app compiled, all my strings worked fine.
So having two semi-colons in the same line caused the file to compile despite it missing semi-colons in other lines.
It looks like Apple's parser for .strings file is very primitive.
Unfortunately, the plist linter was useless in our case. To find and fix the issue, I copied and pasted the entire contents of our Localizable.strings file (which is over 2000 lines long), and started copying it back in 20 line chunks and compiling each time. It was the only way to find an issue that the linter would not catch.
Put an ; at end of the lines in the Localizable.strings files.
Resetting the simulator settings worked for me.
iOS Simulator > Reset Content and Settings...
In my case, I tried clean project and delete derived data still not work. I remove several line breaks in the strings file and then Xcode find the strings again.
None of the suggested solutions worked for me, but I did solve the issue by deleting the .app file in Products
I had the issue when one language was working properly and other language worked half of the time and other time I was getting the key, instead of localized version of that key.
Problem in my case was that after manually merging version control conflict, there was extra line of '>>>>>' left, project didn't complain (not like when you miss the semicolon, it complains) and was building properly, so every key before that '>>>>>' was being translated and every key after, not.
If more simpler solutions fails, you might have to go through every line and look for extra characters (not only '>>>>>', other extra characters too), or if you are using the version control get older, stable version of Localizable.strings file and manually go through changes and add later commits.
The first line of the localization file must contain a mapping, otherwise the SDK won't read the file.
Be sure to not put '#' in front of your key or value like so:
#"key" = #"value";
It should be just:
"key" = "value";
The '#' only goes in front of the key when accessing it:
NSWebLocalizedString(#"key", #"label for coder");
I had everything working when suddenly localization just stopped translating strings. This means the file is somehow unreadable to Xcode.
This had happened to me because I had pasted a bad character in the Localized.strings file. When I deleted the few lines with the offending character (a non unicode character? bad quote signs? Couldn't tell) everything went back to normal.
To find the offending lines I made a breakpoint, and manually translated the strings in my file in the debugger, until I hit the first one that won't translate.
Did you tried cleaning and rebuilding the project?
For xcode 9.2 removing "Localizable.strings" files from the simulators for the project using console solved it for me. Here is the commands for the lazy ones like me ;)
Do not forget to replace YOUR_APP_NAME_HERE with your project name
Shell script:
cd Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/
find . -name "Localizable.strings" | grep "YOUR_APP_NAME_HERE.app" | xargs rm
If you are experiencing the problem with Unit Tests it will work in simulator ;)
Swift 4:
If you use more than one bundle such as you use it in an external framework:
var currentBundle = Bundle.main
NSLocalizedString("CONNECTIONERRORITLE", tableName: nil, bundle: currentBundle, value: "", comment: "")
I resolved it using this approach.
The localize file was created with the name main.Strings. Then, I open the main.Strings files (for each language added) and I renamed them manually with the name localize.strings and add them one by one to my project, also I deleted the main.strings.
The second thing to evaluate is: check . your file, all the keys have to end with ; and be sure all the quotes are properly opened and closed.
And you can use in swift 4 :
myButon.setTitle(NSLocalizedString("forgotpassword.key", comment: ""), for: UIControlState.normal)
