Migration from JIRA to a file - jira

My organization is moving away from JIRA and I've been given the task to archive or get all our JIRA tickets out ASAP. How can I do migration into any file/doc? any idea please as I can't find useful resource from the internet

Well you can perform an JIRA Backup that will generate you a backup which can be used to later restore but doesn't make it that useful in terms of viewing.
Or you can perform an issue search and from the results perform some sort of export:
Really depends on the number if issues you have, how custom your JIRA is and what useful data you wish to retain.


Is there a way to show commits on subtasks of stories in a Jira scrum board?

We are migrating from an in-house tool to Jira for managing our scrum board, and we have concerns that I have been unable to resolve by searching the Internet. But you folks are smart, right? ;-)
Our current scrum board shows the usual swim lanes across state columns (for todo, progress, review, done). Each swim lane represents a user story, and has a link to (and a snippet of) the user story description in Jira. It also has a number of 'tickets' (these would be subtasks in Jira lingo) that start in 'todo' and move across to eventually end up in 'done'.
So far, Jira can do all of this, too (although creating sub-tasks is rather a lot more work in Jira than in our in-house tool). However:
When we commit code, we include a ticket ID in the commit message, and thus each ticket displays a list of commits that were done to complete that particular ticket / partial story. I haven't been able to find out how to do this in Jira -- if it's possible at all. Instead, it seems one must open a sub-task to see if there are any commits on it?
Each commit also shows its review state, which gives us an excellent overview of how close to done a ticket really is. I haven't been able to find out how to do this in Jira -- if it's possible at all. Instead, it seems one must open the sub-task, and drill down further into Fisheye(?) in order to see the review state?
In total, our tool provides a one-screen overview of the state of each user story, ticket, commit, and review state; and it's very lightweight to pull in new stories (from Jira) and add tickets. We fear that Jira is not able to provide such a one-screen overview, forcing us to open Fisheye in order to know whether a given commit has passed review.
Is it really true that Jira must be this cumbersome?
For reference, here is what a single ticket (subtask) looks like in our system:
And if you look at the whole scrum board, it's actually quite easy to get a feel for the number of commits on individual user stories and tickets, and the ratio of pending/passed/failed code reviews:
I agree with your fears when you say
We fear that Jira is not able to provide such a one-screen overview
In my experience (7+ years with Jira/Agile) I've not seen a such condensed view of information about a sigle user story even on a swimlane with relative cards.
Also in the Atlassian marketplace there seems to be no good plugin to solve your issue, even partially.
To make such move from your in-house tool to Jira retaining all you have there, I fear you should develop a custom Plug-in using Jira SDK to integrate with the agile boards.
It may be enough to start by developing a custom field to show what you need from a "ticket" (ie sub-issue) and trying to insert it into one of the three "slots" available for cards (I mean Rapidboard card layout configuration screen).
If you wanna try, start from here.
Another option to create a new custom field would be the Adaptavist Scriptrunner plugin. It will ease the building of custom fields: your new field can be written also in Groovy rather than plain Java. I've used it to build an extended status custom field (just to give the user an immediate big picture of it) that informs him in plain english and with stylish css colors why an issue is blocked or anything else relevant, getting data from other fields or linked issues that are not immediately visible to the user. IMHO, it is very similar to your problem.

Bitbucket daily personal log

I've been using Bitbucket for a week now. It seems like a capable platform. Personally in my development activities, I keep a daily "journal" of whatever I need to keep track of separately from any commits to the Git repo. It gives me a place to keep all my "thoughts and ideas" in one place.
Before I end a day's work, or I jot down what I last worked on and any thoughts I think I'll need on the following day. And before I begin each day's work, I just flip to the last page of my journal and it quickly brings me back up to speed of where I was at yesterday, no matter how little sleep I got. :-)
I see Bitbucket has "Comments", "Work Log", "History" and "Activity", but they seem to be tied only to user stories, todos and the like.
Does anyone know of a way where I can have something like a "Work Log" tied directly to my user account? I'm thinking I could use it for my personal "Journal".
Note: I'm using a locally installed Bitbucket server.
If you're using the online https://bitbucket.org (not specified in the question) rather than a hosted instance then you can do a couple of things.
1 Wiki
Create a repository which will act as your work log
Obviously if you want to keep notes with the same code base just enable the wiki for that repository. The question seemed to suggest you may want to be repository/project agnostic
Update the settings of the repository to enable a private or public wiki
This is probably the simplest and richest replacement to your note pad
2 Use a repository
Create a repository which will act as your work log
commit Markdown (i.e readme.md or index.md) files
Note: in the case of a hosted instance this could even be a repository associated to your user rather than a project.
This is very manual, though it does mean you can have an offline version of your "pad" that you can edit/search in your IDE with some IDE autocomplete. Just like the wiki you can use the code backtick escapes with syntax highlighting. Last I checked the these were rendered pretty well in the browser through bitbucket.org as well as any editor/IDE you might use.
Regarding todo's
I've found the best cheap todo solution for me is using a gist as described on life hacker. They are low ceremony and versioned which checks all my boxes (excuse the pun). If you couple that with the above you may actually be able to embed it into your bitbucket wiki, though I've not tried.
If you are using JIRA and Bitbucket already, maybe consider Confluence? Confluence has some convenient and easy to manage TODO functionality and it lets you expand on those thoughts with all the power of a wiki when you are done.
I keep a "TODO" page and additionally put the checkbox on any tasks in other pages. They are all aggregated together in a tasks view.

How to pull data from JIRA to create custom reports

I'm trying to pull data from JIRA that would be valuable to a QA manager. Specifically, I'm looking for a way to see how many times an issue was tested, and sent back for development due to failing testing. I've browsed a bunch of plug-ins but I don't think I've come across one that can pull such specific data from JIRA and create a report. The other option I've come across is using the API's com.atlassian.jira.issue.changehistory methods to pull the data and then filter it using conditional statements in Java. However, I'd prefer a ready-made plug-in that can support such querying of JIRA data if one is available.

tfs configuration : include user phone number from active directory

New to TFS configuration/manipulation and looking to be pointed in the right direction thanks.
Our bug reports are often posted with minimal information and its often necessary to call the creator to get clarification. It would be beneficial if we could display the phone number alongside the creators name. Is it possible to pull this info out of the directory ?
I cannot think of a simple way of doing it, apart from writing code. I can think of these techniques:
pulling data from Active Directory and updating work items;
a custom control that query AD (via a REST web service) just in time
This latter can evolve to became a 2015 extension

Moving from TestTrack to JIRA

what are the steps involved in moving from TestTrack to JIRA?
I've done a few migrations from TestTrack to JIRA over the last 5 years. It's always more work than I expect (weeks not days). The migrations I did used a custom migration application that read the data from the TestTrack database (not the simplest of schemas) and then imported it into JIRA using a custom SOAP API. Nowadays I think I might go with a more focused approach and use a single customized script to create CSV suitable for the JIRA CSV importer. This will get you the issue fields, comments and attachments. Links are separate thing, but no issue history.
The JIRA CSV importer works, though the flattening of the data restricts what it can do significantly. The hardest thing is usually mapping of values from one system to another - are the userids really identical in both systems?
If you want to investigate doing the migration commercially, please contact info#customware.net (my employer)
