Peer to Peer Communication without Server in iPhone - ios

Is there any way to communicate between two devices or application with Browser of other devices without having Server in the middle?
If I explain, actually I want to share data between iPhone application and Browser of Desktop, I tried HTTPServer, & played with WebSocket too, but in these case this server plays an important role in between. So If somehow I exchange data between two peers like IP Address, Port number, Then Is it possible to communicate between those two devices using Wi-fi channel without having Server in Middle?
The Way, Right now I have implemented.
The way, I am looking for.

I recently came across which is suppose to provide p2p functionality in the browser.


See devices connect to my wifi router using Swift and allow/block wifi acces

In short i'm trying to build an App that will grant/block wifi access to my son's wifi for his Ipad and his PS4 remotely using an App. I researched the topic and can't figure out how this can be done. Ideally i'd like to be able to grant/block wifi access independently Ie. block wifi to the Ipad and allow PS4.
How can this be done, no need for the full code ( well if you insist i'll take it ) but just point me in the right direction.
Depending on the router you're using you're going to need to write something that interacts with the router's API, if it has one. If it doesn't, you will need to replace the firmware on your router with something like ddwrt that can be scripted. From there, you might be able to create an app that talks to the router's API.
TLDR: You're probably better off simply bookmarking the management page for the router and enabling/disabling access for the devices.
It occurred to me that some mainstream consumer router/access point manufacturers (Linksys, Asus, etc) have companion apps for managing their devices from the LAN side. You should see if such an app exists for your router, and if not, perhaps consider getting a different router that supports such an app.

How to link/pair HTML 5 with a hardware device?

I have two entities which I would like to be able to start a communication:
Hardware Device Using Atmel ATSAMS70 and WINC1500 Wifi Module
HTML 5 App
The idea to have a HTML 5 app is to be able to communicate easily with most of the commercial devices like: Windows computers, Android Phones, Mac OSX computer and iOS devices. Apart from that, I would avoid working with native code at all.
Currently, they can talk with each other using WebSockets but somehow the IP address of the custom board has to be known from HTML 5 to initiate the communication.
In order to do this, I can think of 3 options:
Using WebRTC I can get the local IP address of the browser and then I could do a scan of the local devices considering a network mask.
Have an external server that the hardware device can send its local address which will be later retrieved by HTML 5.
Using Bonjour or some sort of device discovery service between the board and HTML5.
I could not find a way to achieve #3 but #2 seems feasible to me. #1 is what I am doing now, but WebRTC is currently not supported on iOS.
So, is there any other better possibility to achieve this communication?
You don't mention how the WINC1500 unit is being connected to the network but presumably this is in STA mode (acting as a wifi station rather than becoming a software access point or part of an ad-hoc network) and is being provided with its IP details through an existing access point?
Ordinarily I'd suggest that once connected, the device ought to start indicating its availability on the network via a regular UDP broadcast on a specific port but my (admittedly limited) understanding of WebSockets it is that it creates TCP connections. The only implementation of Bonjour that I've seen uses UDP messaging too, that may be why you've had trouble with your third approach.
Your second approach seems more likely to work well. A server at a known (or discoverable) IP on the local network which allows the Atmel device to register itself (and its IP address) and also allows other applications (your HTML 5 WebSockets applications) to request that connection information to allow them to create the WebSocket TCP connections they need.
I suppose that doesn't really answer your question as to "Is there a better way?", other than to say "Not that I can think of, your second approach looks good to me...". Sorry! Sounds like a very interesting project, overall,

Does the Sony qx10 api support multiple simultaneous clients?

Apologies in advance for the general-ness of the question.
I'm writing a multiple client iOS app for viewing the video feed from a single camera. Can the QX10 api support two (or 3) iPad's discovering/viewing the same QX10 at the same time?
I've been looking QX10 sample code, the camera api docs, StackOverflow, and of course the dev website and haven't seen an answer. I'd just buy the bloody thing to test with, but there are none nearby and I was hoping to avoid having to mail order/return it if it didn't work.
....And we're not locked into HW. If there's a better option, I'm open....
I don't believe it does. For ios, the camera creates a network that the ios connects to. (In ios settings/wireless) Any further attempts to connect to the camera from another device fail. Since the API only works after a network connection is established, I don't see how the API could possibly allow 2 devices could connect at once.
(No extraneous words in this post b/c that will get edited which auto down votes the question.....ahhh internet)
I did not try it, but you could use a computer with nat. For example an openrwt router to open up multiple wifi interfaces, one to connect to the camera, using the network the camera uses and then an other network to connect your clients with NAT.
The question would be when the API would start to get confused.
So depending on what you want, maybe some mapper on that helper-computer could
do some proxying of information.
So in theory with an external box, maybe, but as Oldmicah said, it seems that only
one device can connect at the time (at least my QX100 also behaves like that). :(

For my task how should you communicate between iphone devices over the 3G network?

I have a situation where I would like to communicate between 2-4 devices over the 3G network (it should also work over WLAN, but 3G solution is critical).
Every device (except one) asks for a GPS-location every ~5 seconds, but when this process is cancelled by the user of that device, one device needs to be informed of this event.
I was thinking that one device could act as a server, and the rest as clients that should connect to the server. Is this possible over the 3G network?
I've also read about push-notifications, is this relevant here? Can you receive notifications without disturbing the user with a popups etc?
Are there other ways?
Basically I would like to use apple "standard" solutions (if there are any) before diving into eventual socket-programming or anything similar...
What I would like to avoid is to have a webserver or some similar "3rd-party" solution, because I don't want many users to simultaniously connect and "pull" from the same external server in a final solution...
Basically my application will have thousands of users that will need to be informed if an even occurs. Also this happens simultanously ~5 second, what would be the best solution to reduce load and avoid spamming?
I was thinking that one device could act as a server, and the rest as
clients that should connect to the server. Is this possible over the
3G network?
It could work, but having a dedicated server would be a better choice
I've also read about push-notifications, is this relevant here? Can
you receive notifications without disturbing the user with a popups
In your case no, since you will need a server to communicate with apple
Basically I would like to use apple "standard" solutions (if there are
any) before diving into eventual socket-programming or anything
There are no standard solution, other than you should probably rethink about using a dedicated remote server for this
iPhones can't communicate directly with each other using 3G. You can access the internet through the 3G, but you can't do peer-to-peer as you are suggesting. If you were close enough, you could use bluetooth, but I expect you are too far away.
You would have no way of detecting the one device that acts as a server from the other devices. The IP address could (and probably would) change every time the device connects to a mobile data network. You would need a central server to co-ordinate all of the clients.
You have multiple questions, but I'll try to address as many of them as I can:
I was thinking that one device could act as a server, and the rest as
clients that should connect to the server. Is this possible over the
3G network?
No, you cannot run a server on a iPhone/iPad that is accessible over 3G without an external website acting as an intermediary. (You can run one that is accessible over Wi-Fi, but this does not solve your problem as stated.)
I've also read about push-notifications, is this relevant here? Can
you receive notifications without disturbing the user with a popups
Push requires you (or a third party contracted by you) to have a web server, so if you want a server-free solution it is not relevant here.
Are there other ways?
Over 3G you will, under the current Apple restrictions, always need an external server.
Basically I would like to use apple "standard" solutions (if there are any) before diving into eventual socket-programming or anything similar...
Diving won't help you here. Even using low-level socket programming you will not be able to run a server on an iPhone accessible over 3G without an external website to aid in establishing a connection.
You can try using GameCenter. The mechanism of network games in Game Center allows connect up to four players with no third-party solutions.

Examining TCP traffic from an iOS device

Is there an app or clever way to check TCP:IPv4 traffic for a host:port on iOS devices? Users will be connecting to a device with an iOS app, and if there is an existing way to sniff or otherwise log TCP (and any IP traffic) on an iPad that would be super useful. We could eventually add this into the app, but it seems like there has got to be a nice app for inspecting a network... e.g. some of the functionality of wireshark, socat, and nmap. I don't seem to be able to use the right search terms in the app store and I'm also wondering if there is a way to do this in the Safari browser?
I ended up using iTelnet and turning off all the login scripts. That will connect to any ip:port with TCP.
