Core Data: Which record loads by default in core data if you do not specify which one? - ios

I have a static table for settings where I want to pull some stuff from an entity in Core Data. The use case does not lend itself to a table of records as you usually see. Rather each row of the static table is really a field related to the user--as in a user profile. I have a feeling that in testing I may have created more than one record in the entity. I know there are programs that let you see the SQL lite database underneath, but my question assumes you do not have this tool and are relying just on Xcode.
My question is when you have more than one record in a Core Data entity/table, and you try to load data from the managed object context into a VC, one field into one element, what record is shown by default?
Related to this, if you don't know how many managed object or rows are in the database, is there anyway to specify which record you want since there are no auto ids as you would use in a traditional database?

The record that gets loaded from the fetch first. Depending on your sort that might be consistent or it might be random.


CoreData mark one record as favourite (mutually exclusive)

I have an iOS app that uses CoreData
There is an entity called Animal
It has a set of records Lion, Tiger and Elephant
I would like to mark only one of the records as favourite.
Similar entities with the same approach:
Similarly I could have other entities such as Car, Bike.
Each entity would have a set of records.
Again each entity should only have one favourite record
App has an option to create a new document
When the new document is created, it would be populated with default values for each entity (by selecting the favourite record of each entity)
Note: Only one record can be marked as favourite at a given time
Possible models I thought of:
1. Field called isFavourite
Create a field in Animal called isFavourite.
Mark only one of the rows as isFavourite as true.
Much of the logic to maintain isFavourite is managed in code.
2. Separate entity called Favourite
Create a separate table called Favourite and have a dummy row in it.
Establish a relationship from Favourite to Animal called animal.
This will point to the favourite record.
What is the preferred approach to tackle this problem ?
Are there any other alternatives ?
Go with option 2, maybe call it Config. If you want to ensure it is just a singleton add a attribute that is unique and can only be zero.
You can write a helper computed var returning true if the reverse relationship is non-nil.
Main advantage of option 2 is the simplicity of changing the favourite, you don't have to scan through all the items to to set them non-favourite just change it on the singleton config.
Give some thought to other parts of the app and to what you might want to do in the future.
Adding a field: Works OK but requires some code to maintain, which might be error prone. On the other hand maybe one day the app might allow multiple favorites, and this will just work with that.
Using a separate entity: Also works OK but adds a whole new entity where you'll only have a single instance. In general, if you have an entity where you only ever want one instance, you're doing it wrong. On the other hand this also works well with the potential for multiple favorites.
A third approach is to save the objectID for the favorite animal somewhere outside of Core Data, like UserDefaults. Save it, and then find the favorite by using NSManagedObjectContext's existingObject(with:) method. You can't save the NSManagedObjectID directly but you can get its uriRepresentation() and save that.
I'd probably go with #1 in most cases but it depends what else I need in the app.

How to add same object type as different tables in same realm?

I'm using realm to cache certain network data coming down which is specific to the last search. I'd also like to be able to star or pin this data to save it for future usage. The data objects are exactly the same and I can't find anything in the documentation that allows me to save them in separate tables in Realm.
The easiest way to go about doing this would be to simply create a subclass of your model object with a different name (e.g., MyDataObject and its subclass MySavedDataObject). This will create a new table in the Realm database file with the same schema and will let you distinguish between the two types of objects.
You can then create a copy of a normal object as a saved object as simply as the following:
let myNewSavedObject = MySavedDataObject(value: myDataObject)
That all being said, instead of duplicating data, I would personally recommend being a bit more efficient with the existing data set. Surely simply adding an additional boolean property to the schema named something like saved would let you simply mark objects that you wish to keep without needing a whole second table. :)

IOS Core Data Cascade Delete Issues

I found a question very similar to mine here, but it was un-replied to and unanswered so I will try again.
I may be missing something in regards to cascade deletes and core data. I am used to cascade deletes working as designed in RDBMS apps but having issues with core data.
I have an object record that get's inserted into entity via an "add form" called modally from a table view. No problem.
In another session I will insert objects into a related details entity (many) where there is a common loadID attribute in both. No problem.
In another session, I will call up the original table view to view the parent "loads", and swipe-delete, save the context, and the parent load gets deleted from the one side entity. No problem, (except apparently details objects in a many side entity do not get removed)
When I open the sqlite data source with a db manager, I see the child records (pay detail items) are being orphaned. I have double and triple checked the cascade delete settings in the relationships. Have tried different entity relationship settings combinations, but nothing seems to get the many records to automatically delete along with the parent record.
If you can't define corresponding keys in core data, how does core data know what belongs to what when you operate in multiple sessions (contexts) adding child objects to the many-side entity?
I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or missing a vital step prior to inserting new child objects in the many table, or doing something wrong or missing a step when deleting the parent object.
But I would suggest all with cascade deletes set to open your data file and be sure there are not orphaned objects (records)

duplicate NSManagedObject

I am using CoreData in my app and i have a set of "Card" entities. A player can have more than one of the same card in his deck (it is still the same card pulled from the database but added two times to an array).
My problem occurs when I want to modify an aspect of one of the duplicate cards. They are all subclassed NSManagedObjects which have some custom properties on them (which are not saved onto the database). For example when I set one of the custom properties on one card in the array it is also changed in the other same card in the array because the entityForName:inManagedObjectContext: returns the same object and does not load a new one.
Basically what I need is that each time entityForName:inManagedObjectContext: is called I get a new instance of the same entity so that when I modify a custom property in one it is not also modified in the other. I have already tried using [entity copy] if the entity has already been created but it does not work.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Core Data is a persistent store, not a database. So it's reason detre is ensuring that you get exactly the same object out, no matter how many times you ask for it. Those aren't snapshots from the database as they might be if you wrote some custom SQL code, those are the actual live objects.
With that in mind, what you need to do is either configure your Core Data schema to match your logical schema — I guess you'd have, say, CardInstance, with a one-to-many relationship with Card, and you'd create CardInstances for when you pulled a card from the deck — or write some code to read from a fetched Card into a snapshot object, exactly as if you were working manually with SQL or whatever.

Create a New big Object Wizard: MVC

Here's my question:
I need to write a wizard, for customers to "create a new" very big objetc, with some other asociated with it: for example, Some images stored in another table (with relationships), some Lat's and Lang's for google earth, etc.
Each of them are stored in diferent tables in the Database, and that's why, i have to first insert to get the first object's Database generated ID to make the relationships with the another Objects. That's the reason I think puttin' Everything on just one View and hide selective DIVs with Jquery is not one of my option.
Session isn't an option because of the bigger object.
And because of the type of website, the wizard MUST be as follows:
Basic details of objetct 1
Images of object 1 (I will need here the ID of the first object)
Geolocations (with google maps, as before)
More details of object 1.
The point is, in step 4, user fill some fields that are required by the DB, and I cannot make them nullable as is it part of the customers reqs.
If somebody can a least give Ideas, will be nice...
Thanks in advance
You state that storing your object in Session is not desirable because of the size of the object. An alternative is to serialize that object and store it in the database. As the user progresses through the wizard, that object gets retrieved, updated and stored back in as a blob. Once they publish it, you can insert the appropriate records and remove the serialized object from whatever table you're storing them in.
