How to downgrade php from 5.6 to 5.5 on Fedora 21 - php-5.5

I need to do the subject because I'm developing with the team on PHP 5.5, but my current Fedora version contains PHP 5.6.
I've found a Remi's repo contining PHP 5.5 for FC-21, installed it as described in "Install Howto" section. But I cannot run the Apache to use with PHP v.5.5. Please suggest what I can do to have desired?

you can try to downgrade your current installation using the packet manager by issuing the command yum downgrade php55 see downgrade or rollback updates, where you can also specify a specific version. Before that I suggest you to first verify your installation history about php if its is present.
Another way is to install the specific version you want see the answer here and then add a rule to block further updates in /etc/yum.conf see here for the blocking rule


Globally installed Phalcon PHP devtools do not work on Windows 10, Why?

I installed Phalcon PHP as described in
In this case the URL reads 3.4 because it applies alike for versions 4 and 5.
The WAMP server version is 3.2.6 configured with PHP 8.0.13
Everything was fine so far, so I continued installing the developer tools using composer as described in
Composer was installed globally and so were the developer tools, but when I type "phalcon" in the command window, the following error is shown:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "Phalcon\Script" not found in C:\Users\Joachim\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\phalcon\devtools\phalcon.php:38
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
thrown in C:\Users\Joachim\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\phalcon\devtools\phalcon.php on line 38
PSR and Phalcon extensions were successfully installed and I can see them in the WAMP Localhost page.
The Path environment variable contains the path to phalcon, composer, wamp, etc, nothing is missing as far as I can see.
Have anyone dealt with this error?
What could be the problem?
I'm a bit late answering this, but in case anyone else stumbles across it via Google the problem is that some namespaces have been altered between Phalcon4 and Phalcon5. I believe Phalcon\Config is one of those classes.
Until the devtools have been updated for Phalcon5, you'll either need to build the scaffolding manually, or copy an old Phalcon 3 or 4 project and update the namespaces.
The perils of using alpha/beta releases, unfortunately.
you didn't mention which phalcon version but since you are using php 8 the only version supporting php 8 is phalcon 5
your issue is most likely in your php.ini for the cli since wamp uses different files for apache and cli.
to fix the issue first remove the devtools package you installed globally then edit the cli php.ini in [wampDir]\bin\php\php8.0.13\php.ini and include psr and phalcon and install the devtools again using composer
you can also download the phar file here and test it in the cli
php phalcon.phar

php-cs-fixer stopped working after php 7.3 update

I'm using Homebrew to manage both of them and they are up to date.
~ $ brew --version
Homebrew 1.8.4
Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision a166; last commit 2018-12-08)
~ $ php --version
PHP 7.3.0 (cli) (built: Dec 7 2018 11:00:11) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.3.0-dev, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies
with Zend OPcache v7.3.0, Copyright (c) 1999-2018, by Zend Technologies
~ $ php-cs-fixer --version
PHP needs to be a minimum version of PHP 5.6.0 and maximum version of PHP 7.2.*.
~ $ brew upgrade php-cs-fixer
Error: php-cs-fixer 2.13.1 already installed
This happens when I try to use php-cs-fixer
~ $ php-cs-fixer fix file.php
PHP needs to be a minimum version of PHP 5.6.0 and maximum version of PHP 7.2.*.
So, I downloaded php#7.2 and php-cs-fixer.phar to test and it works that way.
~ $ /usr/local/Cellar/php#7.2/7.2.13/bin/php /Users/aaronk/php-cs-fixer.phar fix file.php
Loaded config default from "/Users/aaronk/.php_cs".
Using cache file ".php_cs.cache".
Paths from configuration file have been overridden by paths provided as command arguments.
1) file.php
Fixed all files in 0.014 seconds, 10.000 MB memory used
~ $
So my question is, how do I get homebrew's php-cs-fixer to work?
Is homebrew doing something wrong here?
(p.s. is there a tag for php7.3)
As said by godbout, PHP-CS-Fixer does not yes support PHP 7.3. You can track the GitHub issue [Meta] PHP 7.3 support #3697, to follow the evolution of the situation. According to this issue, the following changes in PHP 7.3 still need to be adressed:
Flexible Heredoc and Nowdoc Syntaxes
list() Reference Assignment
instanceof now allows literals as the first operand, in which case the result is always false.
Allow a trailing comma in function calls
hrtime function has been added
is_countable function shall be handled as all other native functions
The current version "friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer": "^2.14" now supports php 7.3. You could upgrade it and it should work fine.
Nothing to do with Homebrew. It's php-cs-fixer itself that doesn't support PHP7.3. You would get the same issue through composer, with unmet dependencies.
The mentioned issues isn't related to the PH PC Fixer code, rather to it's features. It's clear missuse of composer.json, where are dependencies, not features.
PHP CS Fixer works fine on PHP 7.3, see this PR.
This command allows you to install it on PHP 7.3:
composer update --ignore-platform-reqs
Let me know if you came across any troubles.
To clarify - PHP CS Fixer being run under PHP 7.3 may fix code written using syntax up to PHP 7.2. But if one would run tool on code written in 7.3, eg is_null($foo, ) (trailing comma), then behavior of fixer is not stable (producing null === $foo, - still, with trailing comma), which is an issue.

Buildfile:build.xml does not exist

I have installed Ant as i could use ant -version where it shows Apache Ant(TM) version 1.10.1 compiled on February 2 2017.i use Ubuntu 16.04 ,After I decompress voltdb,modify environment variables ,in terminal,import Ant.then the problem shows.maybe I need to illustrate I have never use it ,no data in voltdb.
I want to get it down.
the instructions for building VoltDB from source are here:
If you can be more specific about what steps you have taken, we might be able to help. You can also contact us on our user forums, or public Slack channel.
You can also download VoltDB pre-built and try it free for 30 days.

How do I install LLVM/Clang/libc++ version 3.9 on Travis-CI?

I know how to install LLVM/Clang/libc++ 3.8 on Travis CI, through the whitelisted llvm-toolchain-trusty-3.8, but this doesn't exist (or work) for 3.9.
Note the thing I need is libc++experimental.a, which contains the implementation of std::experimental::filesystem for libc++.
I really find the Travis-CI way of doing things kind of inflexible, so if there is a wholly alternative way of getting specific versions of things installed on a build machine, please enlighten me and free me from these stupid limitations. I also don't want to build every single toolchain dependency on Travis, that would be overkill.
The best way to get new libc++ in Travis-CI is to build it from source after installing LLVM/Clang.
Here is the script I wrote to download, build and install libc++ for Travis, and here is an example usage in Google Benchmarks .travis.yml. The script takes about 120 seconds to complete.
PS. I'm happy to see people using libc++'s std::experimental::filesystem :-)
You can install packages with apt addon into your container-based image.
Add next lines to your .travis.yml
- llvm-toolchain-trusty-3.9
- clang-3.9
- libc++-dev
- libc++abi-dev
Side note: At the moment you have posted your question llvm-toolchain-trusty-3.9 were whitelisted

How to update plugins version (of a rails project) when old version had manual changes

How to update many plugins version when old plugin's version had manual changes in project?
Is there any tool available for doing this?
or tell proper method for updating ruby plugin version if some plugins may have manual changes done before in the older plugin's version.
Best method when a plugin is required or preferred *might be to copy out the old plugin to a dummy directory for reviewing later, then
uninstall the plugin, (script/plugin uninstall plugin_name)
install the old (but unmodified version) plugin (script/plugin install plugin_name_source_address) - likely either from rubyforge or github
review against the saved version you put in the dummy directory using an editor capable of differential display (that is, which allows you to compare two files for variations. Notepad++ is one freebie that will do this, but there are a ton of editors that allow diff views)
(this may or may not be something you can script. idk. I'm not that good, but I don't know of a tool that will do it all for you)
do another uninstall on the plugin to clear it out, since it's job is done,
install the new version of the plugin (script/plugin install plugin_name_source_address)
and finally edit the new plugin as necessary to accommodate any customization that was performed by you or some third party to the original utility.
I say as necessary because some of the customizations may not even be required in the newer version, although I can't say for sure...
finally, once all your patches are re-added to the new plugin and it's been tested and verified, either delete the dummy directory or archive it for future reference.
See, and I didn't even cop out with a bundler answer. You DID ask for assistance with a plugin, right? ;)
I'm not quite following you, but surely but that's what the Gemfile is for?
Take a look at Bundler
Try to run "$gem install rails"(it will install the newer version of rails) and then install watever the gem it asks finally run "$bundle install"
