How should I auto-expire entires in an ETS table, while also limiting its total size? - erlang

I have a lot of analytics data which I'm looking to aggregate every so often (let's say one minute.) The data is being sent to a process which stores it in an ETS table, and every so often a timer sends it a message to process the table and remove old data.
The problem is that the amount of data that comes in varies wildly, and I basically need to do two things to it:
If the amount of data coming in is too big, drop the oldest data and push the new data in. This could be viewed as a fixed size queue, where if the amount of data hits the limit, the queue would start dropping things from the front as new data comes to the back.
If the queue isn't full, but the data has been sitting there for a while, automatically discard it (after a fixed timeout.)
If these two conditions are kept, I could basically assume the table has a constant size, and everything in it is newer than X.
The problem is that I haven't found an efficient way to do these two things together. I know I could use match specs to delete all entires older than X, which should be pretty fast if the index is the timestamp. Though I'm not sure if this is the best way to periodically trim the table.
The second problem is keeping the total table size under a certain limit, which I'm not really sure how to do. One solution comes to mind is to use an auto-increment field wich each insert, and when the table is being trimmed, look at the first and the last index, calculate the difference and again, use match specs to delete everything below the threshold.
Having said all this, it feels that I might be using the ETS table for something it wasn't designed to do. Is there a better way to store data like this, or am I approaching the problem correctly?

You can determine the amount of data occupied using ets:info(Tab, memory). The result is in number of words. But there is a catch. If you are storing binaries only heap binaries are included. So if you are storing mostly normal Erlang terms you can use it and with a timestamp as you described, it is a way to go. For size in bytes just multiply by erlang:system_info(wordsize).

I haven't used ETS for anything like this, but in other NoSQL DBs (DynamoDB) an easy solution is to use multiple tables: If you're keeping 24 hours of data, then keep 24 tables, one for each hour of the day. When you want to drop data, drop one whole table.

I would do the following: Create a server responsible for
receiving all the data storage messages. This messages should be time stamped by the client process (so it doesn't matter if it waits a little in the message queue). The server will then store then in the ETS, configured as ordered_set and using the timestamp, converted in an integer, as key (if the timestamps are delivered by the function erlang:now in one single VM they will be different, if you are using several nodes, then you will need to add some information such as the node name to guarantee uniqueness).
receiving a tick (using for example timer:send_interval) and then processes the message received in the last N µsec (using the Key = current time - N) and looking for ets:next(Table,Key), and continue to the last message. Finally you can discard all the messages via ets:delete_all_objects(Table). If you had to add an information such as a node name, it is still possible to use the next function (for example the keys are {TimeStamp:int(),Node:atom()} you can compare to {Time:int(),0} since a number is smaller than any atom)



I have a requirement to create a Fact table which stores granted_share_qty awarded to employees. There are surrounding Dimensions like SPS Grant_dim which stores info about each grant, SPS Plan Dim which stores info about the Plan, SPS Client Dim which stores info about the Employer and SPS Customer Dim which stores info about the customer. The DimKeys (Surrogate Key) and DurableKeys(Supernatural Keys) from each Dimension is added to the Fact.
Reporting need is "as-of" ie on any given date, one should be able to see the granted_share_qty as of that date (similar to account balance as of that date) along with point-in-time values of few attributes from the Grant,Plan, Client, Customer dimensions.
First, we thought of creating a daily snapshot table where the data is repeated everyday in the fact (unless source sends any changes). However since there could be more than 100 million grant records , repeating this everyday was almost impossible, moreover the granted_share_qty doesnt change that often so why copy this everyday?.
So instead of a daily snapshot we thought of adding an EFFECTIVE_DT and EXPIRATION_DT on the Fact table (like a TIMESPAN PERIODIC SNAPSHOT table if such a thing exists)
This reduces the volume and perfectly satisfies a reporting need like "get me the granted_qty and grant details,client, plan, customer details as of 10/01/2022 " will translate to "select granted_qty from fact where 10/01/2022 between EFFECTIVE_DT and EXPIRATION_DT and Fact.DimKeys=Dim.DimKeys"
The challenge however is to keep the Dim Keys of the Fact in sync with Dim Keys of the Dimensions. Even if the Fact doesn't change, any DimKey changes due to versioning in any of the Dimension need to be tracked and versioned in the Fact. This has become an implementation nightmare
(To worsen the things, the Dims could undergo multiple intraday changes , so these are to be tracked near-real-time :-( )
Any thoughts how to handle such situations will be highly appreciated (Database: Snowflake)
P:S: We could remove the DimKeys from the Fact and use DurableKeys+Date to join between the Facts and Type 2 Dims, but that proposal is not favored/approved as of now
First, we thought of creating a daily snapshot table where the data is repeated everyday in the fact (unless source sends any changes). However
Stop right there. Whenever you know the right model but think it's un-workable for some reason, try harder. At a minimum test your assumption that it would be "too much data", and consider not materializing the snapshot but leaving it as a view and computing it at query time.
... moreover the granted_share_qty doesnt change that often so why copy this everyday?.
And there's your answer. Use a monthly snapshot instead of a daily snapshot, and you've divided the data by 30.

"Transactional safety" in influxDB

We have a scenario where we want to frequently change the tag of a (single) measurement value.
Our goal is to create a database which is storing prognosis values. But it should never loose data and track changes to already written data, like changes or overwriting.
Our current plan is to have an additional field "write_ts", which indicates at which point in time the measurement value was inserted or changed, and a tag "version" which is updated with each change.
Furthermore the version '0' should always contain the latest value.
name: temperature
time write_ts (val) current_mA (val) version (tag) machine (tag)
2015-10-21T19:28:08Z 1445506564 25 0 injection_molding_1
So let's assume I have an updated prognosis value for this example value.
So, I do:
SELECT curr_measurement
INSERT curr_measurement with new tag (version = 1)
DROP curr_mesurement
INSERT new_measurement with version = 0
Now my question:
If I loose the connection in between for whatever reason in between the SELECT, INSERT, DROP:
I would get double records.
(Or if I do SELECT, DROP, INSERT: I loose data)
Is there any method to prevent that?
Transactions don't exist in InfluxDB
InfluxDB is a time-series database, not a relational database. Its main use case is not one where users are editing old data.
In a relational database that supports transactions, you are protecting yourself against UPDATE and similar operations. Data comes in, existing data gets changed, you need to reliably read these updates.
The main use case in time-series databases is a lot of raw data coming in, followed by some filtering or transforming to other measurements or databases. Picture a one-way data stream. In this scenario, there isn't much need for transactions, because old data isn't getting updated much.
How you can use InfluxDB
In cases like yours, where there is additional data being calculated based on live data, it's common to place this new data in its own measurement rather than as a new field in a "live data" measurement.
As for version tracking and reliably getting updates:
1) Does the version number tell you anything the write_ts number doesn't? Consider not using it, if it's simply a proxy for write_ts. If version only ever increases, it might be duplicating the info given by write_ts, minus the usefulness of knowing when the change was made. If version is expected to decrease from time to time, then it makes sense to keep it.
2) Similarly, if you're keeping old records: does write_ts tell you anything that the time value doesn't?
3) Logging. Do you need to over-write (update) values? Or can you get what you need by adding new lines, increasing write_ts or version as appropriate. The latter is a more "InfluxDB-ish" approach.
4) Reading values. You can read all values as they change with updates. If a client app only needs to know the latest value of something that's being updated (and the time it was updated), querying becomes something like:
SELECT LAST(write_ts), current_mA, machine FROM temperature
You could also try grouping the machine values together:
SELECT LAST(*) FROM temperature GROUP BY machine
So what happens instead of transactions?
In InfluxDB, inserting a point with the same tag keys and timestamp over-writes any existing data with the same field keys, and adds new field keys. So when duplicate entries are written, the last write "wins".
So instead of the traditional SELECT, UPDATE approach, it's more like SELECT A, then calculate on A, and put the results in B, possibly with a new timestamp INSERT B.
Personally, I've found InfluxDB excellent for its ability to accept streams of data from all directions, and its simple protocol and schema-free storage means that new data sources are almost trivial to add. But if my use case has old data being regularly updated, I use a relational database.
Hope that clear up the differences.

Is is possible in ruby to set a specific active record call to read dirty

I am looking at a rather large database.. Lets say I have an exported flag on the product records.
If I want an estimate of how many products I have with the flag set to false, I can do a call something like this
Product.where(:exported => false).count.. .
The problem I have is even the count takes a long time, because the table of 1 million products is being written to. More specifically exports are happening, and the value I'm interested in counting is ever changing.
So I'd like to do a dirty read on the table... Not a dirty read always. And I 100% don't want all subsequent calls to the database on this connection to be dirty.
But for this one call, dirty is what I'd like.
Oh.. I should mention ruby 1.9.3 heroku and postgresql.
Now.. if I'm missing another way to get the count, I'd be excited to try that.
OH SNOT one last thing.. this example is contrived.
PostgreSQL doesn't support dirty reads.
You might want to use triggers to maintain a materialized view of the count - but doing so will mean that only one transaction at a time can insert a product, because they'll contend for the lock on the product count in the summary table.
Alternately, use system statistics to get a fast approximation.
Or, on PostgreSQL 9.2 and above, ensure there's a primary key (and thus a unique index) and make sure vacuum runs regularly. Then you should be able to do quite a fast count, as PostgreSQL should choose an index-only scan on the primary key.
Note that even if Pg did support dirty reads, the read would still not return perfectly up to date results because rows would sometimes inserted behind the read pointer in a sequential scan. The only way to get a perfectly up to date count is to prevent concurrent inserts: LOCK TABLE thetable IN EXCLUSIVE MODE.
As soon as a query begins to execute it's against a frozen read-only state because that's what MVCC is all about. The values are not changing in that snapshot, only in subsequent amendments to that state. It doesn't matter if your query takes an hour to run, it is operating on data that's locked in time.
If your queries are taking a very long time it sounds like you need an index on your exported column, or whatever values you use in your conditions, as a COUNT against an indexed an column is usually very fast.

What is the right way to store random numbers in my database?

I am working on an application which will generate unique random numbers and then store them into a database. I will check if a number exists through a HTTP request. Initially, for getting started, I would use around 10,000 numbers.
Is this the right approach?
Generate a random number, and, one by one, store them into an array and continue checking for array uniqueness, and when the array is complete, store the whole array to the database after sorting it.
Use the database and check to see if a number exists or not.
Which database should I use, as the application can scale up to 1 million numbers.
It may be more efficient, particularly if you want to generate 1000000 numbers, to make them one at a time and use validations in the model/database prevent duplicates.
As regards choosing a database, it will depend a little on you intended application. There is some info here: Which is the Best database for Rails application?
I can't comment on using a database directly from ruby without rails because I have not done that. One of the big pluses for rails for me is how easy it makes creating apps that use a database.
A couple thoughts:
If you are storing 10 or 10,000 "random" numbers, what difference does it make whether they are random going into the database, or if the database randomly picks one number of a range of 10,000 sequential numbers? Do you need doubly-random number selections? MySQL, PostgreSQL and other DBMs can generate random numbers, and you can use their random number generator to retrieve a row, so you could either have it return a value directly from its generator, or grab a row. Either way, you don't need to worry about Ruby creating a random value -- unless you really want "triplely"-random numbers. I'd just stick the values of a (1..10_000) range into the database and call that part done and work on a query to grab records randomly.
If you want truly random numbers, you can't guarantee uniqueness. If you're happy with pseudo-random, you still have a problem because you could end up returning duplicates from inside the range unless you track which numbers you've used previously for a particular session. How you track uniqueness across a bunch of sessions is going to be an interesting problem if your site gets popular.
If I was doing this, I'd reverse some of the process. I wouldn't store the "random" values in the database, I'd use Ruby's built-in random number generator, and then probably check the database to see if I'd previously generated that number for that particular session. Overall, fewer values would be stored in the database so lookups to determine uniqueness would happen faster.
That would still be an awkward system to code and would grow inefficient over time as the "unique" records for sessions grew.
To do this without a database I'd create the random/unique range using something like: array = (1..10_000).to_a.shuffle, then each time I needed a value I'd use pop to pull the last value from the randomized array. I'd be tempted to pull from that pool of values for all sessions until it was exhausted, then regenerate it. There'd be a possibility of duplicate "unique" values at that point, but there should be a pretty small chance of the same number reappearing twice in a row.

Best way to store time series in Rails

I have a table in my database that stores event totals, something like:
I would like to transition from these simple aggregates to more of a time series, so the user can see on which days these events actually happened (like how Stack Overflow shows daily reputation gains).
Elsewhere in my system I already did this by creating a separate table with one record for each daily value - then, in order to collect a time series you end up with a huge database table and the need to query 10s or 100s of records. It works but I'm not convinced that it's the best way.
What is the best way of storing these individual events along with their dates so I can do a daily plot for any of my users?
When building tables like this, the real key is having effective indexes. Test your queries with the EXAMINE statement or the equivalent in your database of choice.
If you want to build summary tables you can query, build a view that represents the query, or roll the daily results into a new table on a regular schedule. Often summary tables are the best way to go as they are quick to query.
The best way to implement this is to use Redis. If you haven't worked before with Redis I suggest you to start. You will be surprised how fast this can get :). The way I would do such a thing is to use the Hash data structure Redis provides. Just assign every user to his Hash (making a unique key for every user like "user:23:counters"). Inside this Hash you can store a daily timestamp as "05/06/2011" as the field and increment its counter every time an event happens or whatever you want to do with that!
A good start would be this thread. It has a simple, beginner level solution. Time Series Starter. If you are ok with rails models: This is a way it could work. For a sol called "irregular" time series. So this is a event here and there, but not in a regular interval. Like a sensor that sends data when your door is opened.
The other thing, and that is what I was looking for in this thread is regular time series db: Values come at a interval. Say 60/minute aka 1 per second for example a temperature sensor. This all boils down to datasets with "buckets" as you are suspecting right: A time series table gets long, indexes suck at a point etc. Here is one "bucket" approach using postgres arrays that would a be feasible idea.
Its not done as "plug and play" as far as I researched the web.
