Rubytest issues with windows 7 - ruby-on-rails

Just started messing with sublime text 2 / ruby and I can't get rubytest working for whatever reason. I used the following link to get started (
Essentially none of the shortcuts work to activate anything and I followed all the instructions along with a few suggesting here.
Any thoughts ?

I had this issue when I was starting to work with Ruby, for me it was an easy fix I just had to add ruby to my Windows PATH. Have you tried that?


Error message when starting Ruby on Rails server

hope I can get some help with a problem I have been having. I am getting into Ruby on Rails and used a tutorial ( to try to get started with it. It says I need Sqlite3. I followed the steps up to the point where it says to use the ruby bin\rails server command in command prompt. However, when I try to do this, I get the following error message.
When I try to install Sqlite3, I use the x86 version for Windows, as I am using Windows 8.1.
I don't know what I am doing wrong...I am not even sure if the SQlite3 files are in the right place. I use command prompt to check if I have Ruby, Rails, and Sqlite3 all installed, which I do. I also know I have the SQlite3 Ruby gem installed. I have also added SQlite3 to my PATH system variable, but that doesn't seem to work either. I always get the same above error message no matter what I do.
Anyone have any ideas as to what the problem might be? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
I recommend setting up a Linux VM on your Windows PC and start coding on it instead of on Windows. You'll keep encountering many issues in the future if you stick with Windows. Windows & ruby on rails don't go well together. So, it's better to go with some Linux flavor or preferably Mac.
If you are going to be learning RoR with the goal of ever doing anything serious in the future, here's the best advice I can give to someone starting out: Buy a Mac. NEVER try to use Microsoft for anything but Microsoft office... you'll just end up so frustrated that you will give up. RoR is NOT the toy to try "round peg, square hole" with.
Next, being that your on a Mac, NEVER use sqlite3. You can easily use the correct database which is PostgreSQL. Why is this important?
You're starting out. Keep things very simple. Get a free Heroku account, and install the CLI (for mac). You can then do: "heroku local" to run your code locally (for building), and because it's Mac/PostgreSQL, when you go to push that code live, everything is the same (Heroku is going to be PostgreSQL) so you won't get lost for days trouble shooting the differences between where you're building the code, and where you're running the code.

The system cannot find the path specified for rails

Hey guys so I am new to everything including computers I don't know squat, nothing! I am recently trying to take ruby on rails on I have ran into many problems with using ruby and downloading rails I have followed allot of helpful tips which have helped but I cannot seem to get out of this loop for 6 hrs already.
I am using ruby 2.2.4 ,rails on the other hand I don't know how to use it and when I check
rails -v
this pops up
the system cannot find the path specified
I am using windows 10 by the way. So can someone please help in detail and hoping you have the patience to work with someone who knows nothing. Thanks in advance.
I assume that you need to install ruby and rails on your windows 10 machine.
You can use rails installer for installing ruby and all other stuff related to ruby and rails using a single installation.

Setting up SublimeCodeIntel plugin to work with Rails/Ruby on Windows

I have spent the last 30 minutes trying to find examples on how to configure SublimeCodeIntel plugin on Sublime Text 2 to work with Rails / Ruby on windows. And even if it is stated in the documentation that it does support Rails, there is no example of the configuration.
From what I've read so far, getting Rubygems to work with this plugin is not possible, but rails should work. Has anybody successfully set up this plugin and if so, can you please help or share your configuration with me?
I would say most people either use VS Code these days for Go To Definition in Ruby Navigate to Ruby function definition in VS Code
Or RubyMine

Install and start programming Ruby on Rails on Mac?

I would like to try ruby on rails on mac. I want to install ruby on rails, tried to find some guide for installation, and I get this:
ruby on rails official website??
It does not have a clear, I mean, well documentation for beginner to follow the steps? Or, thats all for the installation? How to start the webserver, where to store ruby files etc, ... how do I get started???
Any advise, or links or tutorials for a total ruby beginner to get started?
This is their official guide:
You need to install xcode first though to avoid some errors. This is because some of the headers in the default ruby install on macs is incomplete without it.
Well you need GCC, which used to be with XCode only but over at ye olde GitHub, it's been packaged as a standalone. Next up you can follow either this tutorial by Katz or Dan Benjamin's guide on HiveLogic.
Keep in mind the state of the art in Ruby and Rails is fast moving so the guides might not take you all the way there. The most crucial parts are getting RVM installed properly and working and getting everything on the right version. It's not too tricky to work through, and there's probably no undocumented issues in the process now.

Problem to run Sphinx on Ruby on Rails 2.3.2

Yesterday I was trying to install Sphinx for full-text search on Windows 7. So, I followed their website's installation steps.
Once I installed its windows service, I ran the indexer and then the test search against my app database and it worked great.
Then, I wanted to make it work on Ruby on Rails 2.3.2, so I downloaded and installed the thinking-sphinx plugin. I followed these steps, creating the sphinx.conf file at the config directory of my app, and then I ran the rake thinking-sphinx:indexer and it worked great. After that, when I wanted to start it, as it's explained in that guide, it didn't just keep saying "thinking-sphinx:start", and it didn't either stop or start.
What am I doing wrong?
Well, it seems that without starting it using rake it works's maybe because the Sphinx service is already started, so you don't need to start it also with the rake from ruby.
I've got another doubt now...I'm from Argentina and we use accents to write in some words...for example "acción", which means "action" in english. I tried searching that word without the accent(people don't ussually write accents on searches) and it didn't bring any results, but if I search it with the accent, it will bring results.
How can I fix that?
