Setting up SublimeCodeIntel plugin to work with Rails/Ruby on Windows - ruby-on-rails

I have spent the last 30 minutes trying to find examples on how to configure SublimeCodeIntel plugin on Sublime Text 2 to work with Rails / Ruby on windows. And even if it is stated in the documentation that it does support Rails, there is no example of the configuration.
From what I've read so far, getting Rubygems to work with this plugin is not possible, but rails should work. Has anybody successfully set up this plugin and if so, can you please help or share your configuration with me?

I would say most people either use VS Code these days for Go To Definition in Ruby Navigate to Ruby function definition in VS Code
Or RubyMine


The system cannot find the path specified for rails

Hey guys so I am new to everything including computers I don't know squat, nothing! I am recently trying to take ruby on rails on I have ran into many problems with using ruby and downloading rails I have followed allot of helpful tips which have helped but I cannot seem to get out of this loop for 6 hrs already.
I am using ruby 2.2.4 ,rails on the other hand I don't know how to use it and when I check
rails -v
this pops up
the system cannot find the path specified
I am using windows 10 by the way. So can someone please help in detail and hoping you have the patience to work with someone who knows nothing. Thanks in advance.
I assume that you need to install ruby and rails on your windows 10 machine.
You can use rails installer for installing ruby and all other stuff related to ruby and rails using a single installation.

Rubytest issues with windows 7

Just started messing with sublime text 2 / ruby and I can't get rubytest working for whatever reason. I used the following link to get started (
Essentially none of the shortcuts work to activate anything and I followed all the instructions along with a few suggesting here.
Any thoughts ?
I had this issue when I was starting to work with Ruby, for me it was an easy fix I just had to add ruby to my Windows PATH. Have you tried that?

Where is best place to post a Ruby on Rails Installer?

I've figured out a really simple way to install Ruby on Rails with all the latest modules on Windows & created two installers for it. One with WAMP and one without that.
With that it takes only about 5 minutes to install Ruby and Rails + WAMP. As opposed to the hours that it might take to load and compile all the modules.
I'd like to share this with as many people as possible because I think more people could learn this great language and framework, if the installation of it wasn't such a hassle!
What would be the best place where I could upload these installers and where people who look for such thing would find it?
Host your project on github, and update/inform the ROR wiki about it, which would help others know about your installations and use them

Jasper Reports in Ruby on Rails

I have assigned to use jasperserver reports in a rails application.
There is a plugin for jasperserver to use in Ruby application.
I want to know whether this plugin can use in my rails 3 version of application.
I've checked in .But it shows "no result found".
I'l be please if u people gave me any help link.
According to the wiki, the author recommends you install it as a gem & not as a plugin. They go on to give an example of how to use the gem in a rails project on this wiki page.
I haven't used this, but your compatibility issues probably won't be with rails. Maybe the ruby version or soap4r version - but there don't seem to be any rails dependencies here.
You maybe use this simple ruby script for this =>

Rails Deployment on Win32 Best Practices: Lighty + Sgci

I've received some really great guidance from users of this site, and I'm thinking some advanced Rails people could assist me in resolving the following problem.
I'm attempting to deploy a simple Rails application on a win32 server.
I've been carefully working through these instructions (see for win32 Rails application deployment.
I started from a more-or-less clean windows install, then downloaded and installed
Zed's SCGI Rails Runner
Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools
Ruby/DBI ADO package
After that, I've done the following:
I've commented out the line in the SCGI gem (which actually was causing trouble.)
I created the directory structure as suggested, with folders for logs.
I modified the scgi.yaml file and the Lighty config files to reflect my environmental settings.
After this, I wrote the batch scripts to start up Lighty and the SGCI process. They appear to run correctly. However, inside app-errors.log the following lines appear:
2009-05-15 16:48:06: (mod_scgi.c.2645) fcgi: got a FDEVENT_ERR. Don't know why.
2009-05-15 16:48:06: (mod_scgi.c.2469) emergency exit: scgi: connection-fd: 7 fcgi-fd: 8
Finally, when I navigate to http://localhost:xxxx/ I just see a blank page. Update: I just realized the blank page only appeared to be. Viewing the source revealed the following issue:
2C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:573:in `load'":C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:612:in `recv_request'":C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:911:in `recv_request'"?C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:1530:in `init_with_client'"<C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:1542:in `setup_message'"6C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:1494:in `perform'"8C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:1589:in `main_loop'"3C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:1585:in `loop'"8C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:1585:in `main_loop'"4C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:1581:in `start'"8C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:1581:in `main_loop'"2C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:1430:in `run'"4C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:1427:in `start'"2C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:1427:in `run'"9C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:1347:in `initialize'"2C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:1627:in `new'"<C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:1627:in `start_service'"MC:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/scgi_rails-0.4.3/lib/scgi.rb:402:in `run'"HC:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/scgi_rails-0.4.3/bin/scgi_service:61"*C:/Ruby/bin/scgi_service:19:in `load'" C:/Ruby/bin/scgi_service:19: mesg" too large packet
Note that 'ruby script/server' runs just fine, but the page then can't be seen externally.
Any ideas? Please let me know if anything jumps out at you.
I wrote the chapter for this in 'Deploying Rails Applications'.
Basically, you want mongrel, mongrel_service, and apache 2.2 with mod_proxy_balancer for windows.
You install 2 or more instances of your app with Mongrel running on separate ports. You set the services to autostart.
Then you set up apache to balance to them.
This is all outlined in the book, and I have some older articles on my website too - if you search for "deloying rails on windows" you'll find some pretty out of date stuff. The apache+mongrel way is the best way for Windows right now, and if you need additional help, feel free to let me know. I'd be glad to help.
