Navigation Tab Bar Controller to UIView Controller? - ios

I am using tab bar controller and i want to push uiview controller over tab bar controller. but i don't know how we push UIView controller over Tab Bar Controller. Thanks

You need to embed a navigation controller in your tab bar controller screen where you want the push set up to work

If I'm reading your question right, you want to push a view controller over another view controller which is currently displaying tabs.
In this case, I believe you would need a UINavigationController as your root view controller. Inside this navigation controller, you would initially push a UITabController with it's associated view controllers per tab. When it's time to push another view controller over the tab controller, create an instance of the view controller to push and use the following code:
[self.navigationController pushViewController:newViewController animated:YES];
This will push the new view controller over the existing TabController that is currently being displayed.

The question is little vague Hence I will add the two way to push to another view controller we use in common.
From navigation controller : You just need to create an UIButton in the navigation controller and then control + drag the button to another view controller to create a push feature to another screen in storyboard.
From Tab view Controller : Similarly, control key + drag the tab bar item in the tab bar controller to another UIView controller in the story board. Then chose 'show' option to create a push to another UIview controller screen.
Hope this helps.
Tab Bar controller is different and Navigation Bar controller is different.
And as Pittmaster says, your navigation view controller should be root view controller.


How do I create a "back" button on a View Controller that was initiated from a UITab Bar?

How do I create a "back" button on a View Controller that was initiated from a UITab Bar?
I am initiating the View Controller form the UI Tab Controller. How do I add a back button?
The short answer is "don't". Apples HIG (Human Interface Guidelines) say that when you use a tab bar controller, it should be the top-level navigational control of your app.
You could have one of the tabs contain a navigation controller, and that child view controller could have a navigation bar that includes a back button, but you should not have the tab bar controller be a child of a navigation controller.
If you wanted to violate Apples HIG and make the root level view controller be a navigation controller that contained a tab bar controller you could do that but it would make for a confusing interface. You'd make the root view controller of your app a navigation controller. Then one of the view controllers you pushed onto that navigation controller would be a tab bar controller. When you pressed the back button the navigation controller would pop that navigation controller off the stack and leave you with whatever view controller was under the tab bar controller.

Navigation bar is empty, created from storyboard

This is my story board:
Whenever I jump to a view controller embedded in navigation controller, the navigation bar is shown but empty, why?
The sequence I created it is:
connect buttons with destination view controllers
embed destination view controllers in navigation view controller
And the segue I use is present modally - cross dissolve.
The First root controllers of a navigation controller won't have any Back button attached to its navigation bar. You should add an additional View Controller next to any root View Controller of Navigation Controller with Push Segue ( or Show Segue for newer IOS ) to navigate between them.
I tested different segue transition methods with test projects, the answer I got is: if you are transitioning by presenting it modally, you don't get the back button, you only get it by push.

Segue-ing to Embedded view controller

I have have a view controller that is embedded in a UINavigationController and I want to segue to another view controller that is also embedded in a different UINavigationController. If I try to use a push segue, I get an error saying that I can't push a UINavigationController. However, I don't think using a modal segue is appropriate. How should I go about this?
How should I go about this?
You should use a single navigation controller.
the problem is that I want different bar button items for each view controller and they won't change
Each view controller can set up the bar buttons however it likes. Take a look at UINavigationItem. Each view controller has a navigation item, and the navigation item has various properties such as leftBarButtonItems and rightBarButtonItems that you can use to set the buttons.

Model View Controller segue not showing UINavigationBar

I am trying to setup a Model View Controller to have a Navigation Bar just in the storyboard.
I have setup a segue from one view controller to another and marked it as Model.
I have changed the Model VC to have Top Bar : Translucent Navigation Bar.
I call the segue by name with the following:
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"testModel" sender:self];
When the model view controller shows up there is no Navigation Bar. Am I missing something that should make this show.
The Model View Controller is not actually in a Navigation Controller stack and shouldn't be as there is no movement other than dismiss from this Model View Controller. I am just trying to use the Navigation Bar to show a title for the model VC.
When you changed your view controller to "Top Bar : Translucent Navigation Bar.", that is under "Simulated Metrics". Changing that value tells Xcode that the view controller will have a navigation bar, it does not actually create a navigation bar. I suggest you either
Embed your view controller in a navigation controller (there is no rule that says you have to push anything from your navigation controller, and you might decide to add features in the future)
Use a toolbar instead of a navigation bar
Just use a label if all you want is a title on your view controller.

Navigation bar from tab bar controller hides child's nav bar

I am confused with behavior, I have Tab Bar Controller ( I enter on this controller from simple view controller which is embedded in navigation controller). I am confused why is that navigation bar from tab is covered up child navigation bar.
When I start app and I enter at Browse Controller I cannot see Browse title, neither nav bar items which I added programmatically. Can somebody give me clue what is wrong ( I am new to this, I connect with push segue from tab to browse).
Your problem appears to be the same as the one I addressed here:
Push segue from a view controller controlled by UITabBarController
What's happening is that your first NavigationController is creating a Navigation stack. Then you push-segue a TabViewController. That is added to the Nav stack, along with each of it's contained view controllers. However, when you PUSH SEGUE from one of those view controllers to some other view controller, the original navigation controller's stack is the one you are pushing on to. This is not contained inside the tab view controller, so the pushed view controller has no relationship with that tab view controller, just the original navigation controller stack. Therefore the tabs are not present.
The answer is to embed each of the tab controller's view controllers in a new navigation controller, and push on from those. The original navigation controller is just messing things up here...
