SVProgressHUD iOS8 Replace circle with animation - ios

My Developer is using SVProgressHUD to show loading screen. Is it possible to replace the circle with image animation (a sequence of images)

Using Ashish's suggestion of GifHUD is fine but you could use the UIImageView's animationImagesAPI. You should be able to just set the images and the duration to get the effect you are looking for. Doing so would reduce your 3rd party dependencies from 2 to 0 which is always a win in my book.

This is a question to ask "your developer", not a question to ask the community. Modifying the 3rd party library or implementing custom functionality like this is always possible, but if it should/could be done is dependent on many circumstances.
To directly answer your question, you can just replace the centered animation with a UIImageView and load a series of images into it and start animating it. This is not a difficult task at all. Implementing this into the current library means complications with future maintenance alongside possible other issues.


iOS: How to code a Tool Tip when user hovers over a UIView

I would like to have a tool tip show up over a set of UIImageView when a user hovers over it. I don't see see any methods to leverage that do this in the UIImageView class.
How can I accomplish this?
Tool tip support is not directly available in iOS at this time. But you can accomplish the same effect with a couple of approaches:
Using an existing tool tip framework
There are open source solutions available that solve the problem, which you can pull into your own project and use and save a lot of time, as long as you ensure the license is compatible with Apple's policies (many of them are, but require that you credit the author somewhere in your project source). You could study their code to learn the technique. For example there is AmPopTip project on github
Here's a corresponding YouTube video:
Here is a similar question (there may be more):
Is it possible to show a tooltip in an iOS app?
Trying to code it yourself
You'd probably use a long press gesture, see Apple's Gesture Recognizers documentation and perform some kind of Hit Test to determine when the finger was over UIView subview (in this case UIImageView) and then time the entry of it, and how long it was held in that view without moving out or lifted.
At that point you'd want to overlay a UITextView or a class that contained one but drew a custom border around it, containing with the tool tip by either adding it as a subview over the top or near where the finger was placed, or make it the pop up as a separate UIViewController.

iOS custom Time Picker l

I want to create time picker in iOS like following image
Please suggest me any available framework or way to achieve this type of timer in iOS.
In this image when user click on red circle and drag to the number what he want to set.
For example In given image currently it is 12 i.e 12:00AM if I dragged to 4 then Time should be 04:00 AM
I was also in need of exactly same component so i created one.
Please check the below link...
Here's Link 2 Component
I have given provision of theme in my project, for you requirement you need to set isDarkTheme to TRUE.
Hope this is as per expectations....
Feel free to vote if you like my answer/Project.
Simple and pretty standard stuff can be done with little core graphics or UIDynamics for animation, present controller as model view
Maybe you were looking for this one - ESTimePicker. It is under BSD license, so you can use it in commercial projects...

Build a "grouping" animation like Apple's iPad mail app

How can I do this "grouping" animation like Apple mail or the Gmail iPad app?
Does this need to be hard coded, and completely done with the animation framework, or does Apple expose an API for this to be done. I checked the developer docs, and I don't see anything like this. But Gmail was able to exactly replicate Apple's animation, and that's why I am curious to know if it can be done in an easier way.
I am 95% sure Apple does not have a UIStackOfPaperViewController or anything like that. You would have to code this up yourself.
Conceptually, it isn't too complicated: a background view with a texture, and each subview tilted at a random angle and a drop shadow beneath. You could do the drop shadow by drawing a gradient in a view around the "real" view. Core Animation's default behaviors would probably do the right thing, e.g. if you create the page view off screen and then set the final location, it will fly onto the stack pretty much how you would like it.
If you don't need support for releases earlier than iOS 6, there's probably good stuff in the Collection View Controller to make this easier.
Hopefully that's enough information to get you started, but your question is really broad. It's difficult to answer "How do I do X?" if you don't specify your starting point, or answer "How can I do this in an easier way?" if you don't specify what you think the hard way is first.

iOS: Can the UIImagePickerController Default UI be modified?

I am working with a small camera app for a client and I have now finished all functionality of it. In the standard camera controls i need to modify one thing , the cancel button should say gallery instead.
But unless i am missing something i will need to remove the overlay by setting showsCameraControls to NO and then building my entire overlayView from scratch.
I have found this solution but I am afraid to go this route due to the warning in the beginning of the post.
So is there any valid way of doing simple small modifications to the existing camera overlay control UI or do you have to build it from scratch if you need to change one tiiiiiiny thing?
Unfortunately, having been in this situation I can safely say you need to build the controls from scratch. You really only have two options: create your own camera overlay, or use the default one.
Now, you could use the techniques described in the link you cite, and iterate through the various subviews and modify them 'blind'. The rather large danger with this is every time Apple change the internal structure of the image picker it could potentially break your solution. So I'd definitely stay clear of it.

Make page flip animation on iPhone (like magazine)

What would be the best approach to make one page flip like a real magazine? Like I put the finger in the corner of the screen then flip the page, as in this video.
Is it a sequence of images? All images are in one View or Imageview? Or there is another way to do it using the some stuff of the SDK? Does this effect exist, or would I have to write it?
This would fix your magazine problem...
If it was me i'd try to use the API that someone has provided, save yourself some trouble:
CodeFlakes PaperTouch API
That's just a sequence of images as the backgrounds, and the "text" scales horizontally narrower.
For detail implementation you need to ask the original developer.
UIPageViewController is a new class in iOS 5 that you might be interested in if you don't have to support older iOS versions.
(before someone warns me about NDA, note that this class was announced publicly on one of wwdc keynote slides, I'm just giving a link to docs which can only be accessed by iOS Developer Program members)
