iOS custom Time Picker l - ios

I want to create time picker in iOS like following image
Please suggest me any available framework or way to achieve this type of timer in iOS.
In this image when user click on red circle and drag to the number what he want to set.
For example In given image currently it is 12 i.e 12:00AM if I dragged to 4 then Time should be 04:00 AM

I was also in need of exactly same component so i created one.
Please check the below link...
Here's Link 2 Component
I have given provision of theme in my project, for you requirement you need to set isDarkTheme to TRUE.
Hope this is as per expectations....
Feel free to vote if you like my answer/Project.

Simple and pretty standard stuff can be done with little core graphics or UIDynamics for animation, present controller as model view

Maybe you were looking for this one - ESTimePicker. It is under BSD license, so you can use it in commercial projects...


SVProgressHUD iOS8 Replace circle with animation

My Developer is using SVProgressHUD to show loading screen. Is it possible to replace the circle with image animation (a sequence of images)
Using Ashish's suggestion of GifHUD is fine but you could use the UIImageView's animationImagesAPI. You should be able to just set the images and the duration to get the effect you are looking for. Doing so would reduce your 3rd party dependencies from 2 to 0 which is always a win in my book.
This is a question to ask "your developer", not a question to ask the community. Modifying the 3rd party library or implementing custom functionality like this is always possible, but if it should/could be done is dependent on many circumstances.
To directly answer your question, you can just replace the centered animation with a UIImageView and load a series of images into it and start animating it. This is not a difficult task at all. Implementing this into the current library means complications with future maintenance alongside possible other issues.

Xamarin Forms iOS - PickerView with Multi Row Selection

I am using Picker for displaying the items,I want to select multiple rows in picker, is there any way to achieve this in Xamarin Forms shared code or through rendering? any suggestion or idea would be much appreciated.
I don't would use Picker for multilselection.
You can do this with a ListView (100% XF-Code).
I have posted some code some time ago in the XF-forum:
If you have to show the "Multiselect-ListView" from a ScrollView, you may also be interested to use the PopUp-Control (XLabs):
And finally, if you want to install the XLabs-NuGet, a further posting to XLabs may help you (search for "How to install, setup and use XLabs" in the XF-forum).
As i don't have more than 10 rep-points here, I am not able to post more then two links :-)
Hope this helps...
No there isn't.
The Picker Class, has SelectedIndex property, but no SelectedItems collection. Also, the native control under the hood on iOS doesn't support selecting multiple rows and I don't think the Android or Windows one do either.
You could create use a Custom Renderer if there was a native control you wanted to use. But, it would probably be easier to use a ListView control and add some events and style it to look and behave like you want.

Is there ready solution or I need custom UIView?

I'm developing time manager for iOS and need to create something like on picture below. This is list of tasks for week.
Green box represents which day (monday, sunday, etc...)
Black box represents single task
Blue box represents button to add new task
As I understand I need to create custom UIView to implement this design, am I right? Maybe there is ready library which I can to use?
Thank you in advance.
You only need to add some UIImageview and UIButtons over UIView.
I've not really looked at the collections view stuff in iOS 6 yet, but I would think that might be a good match. ( I think that it's existence is not NDA, but further details would be).
I don't think there is anything to directly support this kind of layout in iOS 5, maybe you could use 6 UITableViews for the central section.
Go for custom. That is best!
Meanwhile have a look here, if you can find something helpful. There are some custom controls with the source code too for cocoa.

Make page flip animation on iPhone (like magazine)

What would be the best approach to make one page flip like a real magazine? Like I put the finger in the corner of the screen then flip the page, as in this video.
Is it a sequence of images? All images are in one View or Imageview? Or there is another way to do it using the some stuff of the SDK? Does this effect exist, or would I have to write it?
This would fix your magazine problem...
If it was me i'd try to use the API that someone has provided, save yourself some trouble:
CodeFlakes PaperTouch API
That's just a sequence of images as the backgrounds, and the "text" scales horizontally narrower.
For detail implementation you need to ask the original developer.
UIPageViewController is a new class in iOS 5 that you might be interested in if you don't have to support older iOS versions.
(before someone warns me about NDA, note that this class was announced publicly on one of wwdc keynote slides, I'm just giving a link to docs which can only be accessed by iOS Developer Program members)

iPhone OS Utility App - Flipside View and Main View communication

I am currently working on an iPhone 2.1 application. I am new to Objective C, coming from a Java background.
My application has as a base the Utility Application template available in Xcode with the iPhone SDK. Currently I have some controls, such as an UISlider and text box, in the FlipsideView. The UISlider already has a method which is being called when the value changes, using targets and selectors. However, I would also like to be able to read, from the MainView, the current (or last) value of the UISlider and textbox.
Keep in mind I am new to development on a Mac, and would appreciate any guidance as to where I should look up such information, be it through the use of delegates or perhaps I am missing something obvious in the structure of the template.
I am taking a look at the structure and have some more details: The UISlider is being created in FlipsideView.m. I noticed that the Done button is created from RootViewController.m and probably I should move the UISlider code over there. I may incorrectly be using the View to keep code that would be more appropiate in a Controller.
Ultimately you should be updating some underlying object with the values from the controller. In general, the slider belongs in the view layer - it's a display element. The action that adjusting the slider produces, however, is a component of the controller and it should fire back into your model to update a value. I highly recommend drawing boxes on a sheet of paper and trying to produce a clean a separation as possible for your application's layers - doing so in this case would produce two views for each "side" of the utility which would, via a controller, relate to a model. Then, the act of moving the slider would "instantly" update the model on the back. The Cocoa Fundamental video on the iPhone developer site demonstrates this to great effect.
I'm in exactly the same situation: first iphone app, new to mac programming, creating a utility, sliders on the flipside.
By following the example and the free tutorial here ( I determined that the sliders and other controls should be declared on the flipsideviewcontroller. (Which leave the view pretty empty - I guess the use of the Nib resource file for the UI leaves the ...View.m class pretty much redundant?)
Wisequark's answer is a bit to general to help me though.
In terms of specifics:
- I can't find that video is there a link?
- Could we see some code showing the Controller-Model code?
- How do I persist the values set on the slider without having to build UI to go in the system settings?
(BTW is an Answer the right place to add to the question?)
