Make page flip animation on iPhone (like magazine) - ios

What would be the best approach to make one page flip like a real magazine? Like I put the finger in the corner of the screen then flip the page, as in this video.
Is it a sequence of images? All images are in one View or Imageview? Or there is another way to do it using the some stuff of the SDK? Does this effect exist, or would I have to write it?

This would fix your magazine problem...

If it was me i'd try to use the API that someone has provided, save yourself some trouble:
CodeFlakes PaperTouch API

That's just a sequence of images as the backgrounds, and the "text" scales horizontally narrower.
For detail implementation you need to ask the original developer.

UIPageViewController is a new class in iOS 5 that you might be interested in if you don't have to support older iOS versions.
(before someone warns me about NDA, note that this class was announced publicly on one of wwdc keynote slides, I'm just giving a link to docs which can only be accessed by iOS Developer Program members)


SVProgressHUD iOS8 Replace circle with animation

My Developer is using SVProgressHUD to show loading screen. Is it possible to replace the circle with image animation (a sequence of images)
Using Ashish's suggestion of GifHUD is fine but you could use the UIImageView's animationImagesAPI. You should be able to just set the images and the duration to get the effect you are looking for. Doing so would reduce your 3rd party dependencies from 2 to 0 which is always a win in my book.
This is a question to ask "your developer", not a question to ask the community. Modifying the 3rd party library or implementing custom functionality like this is always possible, but if it should/could be done is dependent on many circumstances.
To directly answer your question, you can just replace the centered animation with a UIImageView and load a series of images into it and start animating it. This is not a difficult task at all. Implementing this into the current library means complications with future maintenance alongside possible other issues.

iOS8 - Crop and Straighten image as built in photos tool

In my app, i want users to click a photo, then i want to allow them to edit it for crop/rotate/straighten. Can i use built-in photos app for that? or is there any open-source/api to have similar view controller.
I know it's a possible duplicate of Is there a view controller for image crop and rotate works like iOS 8 but i found no answer here as well.Please let me know if it's possible?
Unfortunately, no.
UIImagePickerViewController allowEditing property, when set to YES, provides you a very simple cropping UI, but it doesn't support advanced rotation as iOS Photo app.
So you'll have to make it yourself.
The github projects in the question you linked might be a good starting point for that. (here's another one)
Good luck !
I wrote one in Swift, you can continue to develop based on this: QCropper

How to make Custom GIF Keyboard in ios

I have one doubt that how exactly GIF images loaded into Custom keyboard and user can send it. I am new in iOS so want some link which i can refer and will be helpful for me.
Read Apple docs for this, especially this one is a good strating point
You can set any UIView as the view for the keyboard layout, so an UIImageView is suitable for your purpose. The real difficulty in custom keyboarding is the management of events. As you are new to iOS dev, I would like to encourage you to try much simpler things first.

iOS iTunes Album Cover type (or similar) Image Display

Is there any tutorials that show how to make a Image display similar to the Album Art diaply in iTunes? Or anything similar. I followed code posted here, but I just cannot seem to get it working in the new XCode. Opening his project works fine, but using it in my own, the UIImageView renders the images beyond it's borders, making them appear over each other.
Any help would be appreciated.
I assume you're talking about CoverFlow?
I wrote a free, very easy to use CoverFlow library. It's modelled on the way that UITableView works, so if you can use that, you can use this. You can get it from here:

Augmented reality API for IPAD specifically

i'm looking for an AR API (possibly free) or SDK that may be used on IPAD.
I've tried Wikitude so far, but it's not adapted for IPAD for the moment, and most of the well known API seems to be only made for iPhone..
Any clue on this one?
Any chance that this API offer the possibility to add the AR view as a subview (for example as an element of a tab bar..:))
Thanks a lot
Why are you going for 3rd party library? You can apply AR using local library. On your ViewController make 2 UIView. The one in the back implement Camera View on it. And the one on the front implement whatever you want to show on the live preview of camera. Then if you want to capture the screen just simply take a screenshot and it'll be saved.
